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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. Bandwagon revenue still spends, though, right?
  2. Because if non-alums like a school’s team it demonstrates popularity and acceptance across large swaths of ages, locations, incomes, and backgrounds. Then you have to think through why your school’s team doesn’t really have that.
  3. That fumble, while still a fumble, was pulled loose and didn’t just drop on the ground from pretty average hits.
  4. Maybe my daughter could get a chance to grill him and when he said that she could say, “I don’t know… I’m 24 and you haven’t even played in one in my lifetime.”
  5. A lot of people give a fuck about many aspects of Texas football. I can tell by the two exclamation points that you’re super excited for a win, but talking about other things doesn’t really affect that.
  6. Maybe his idea that people on the payroll can’t tell him when he’s full of shit has contributed to the situation in which he finds himself.
  7. I was thinking Tony Montana or… or…
  8. I’m guessing T-Bob is the guy who chased me away about 30 seconds in.
  9. I don’t think I could survive Texas beating A&M in the regular season, beating them in the SEC championship game, and then knocking them out of the playoffs on the way to a national championship. I’m willing to risk it, though.
  10. Maybe it just seems complicated when someone drips out the reasons one at a time as each previous one makes less sense.
  11. Ah. I thought you said it was because of the four seconds. I guess now it was to stop play. I wonder what it will be next.
  12. Yeah, exactly. THAT is why you have the 12 guys, not to get them to call the penalty. I mean, ideally in that situation you want the stop and no penalty. There’s no scenario in which you want to make an effort to get the penalty seen. You’re gambling that the extra guy prevents a play longer than the penalty yardage.
  13. ROFL. The four seconds come off the clock whether they call the penalty or not.
  14. Why would he want them to call it?
  15. So you don’t look like a dumbass. “Could” doing a lot of work in a scenario with a vanishingly small chance to reoccur. When either way is not a great look, I’d opt for the one that didn’t make me look like a dumbass. Which is what it looks like Lanning chose, as well.
  16. Whether this is true or not, lesser includeds will be part of his judicial welcome basket.
  17. Like the first game next season? JFC, what a simpleton.
  18. I think it’s much more likely that he’s just trying to pass it off as a plan and not a fuckup.
  19. More or less, what sets Texas apart is they have guys who treat every play like it might be the play. Loves Bolden’s effort and the recovery. Loves Wingo getting up to block on the long TD run. If Ewers shows up with his head on straight against Georgia, it might just go pretty well. Texas probably left 21 points on the field. OU has an upper tier defense and even apart from eventually moving the ball up and down on it, there were gash plays to be made that weren’t. And some hesitations — probably overthinking not creating turnovers — that would have made things smoother. The plays were there to be worse than 49-0 and OU probably doesn’t score without camping out for a quarter in Texas’ end. This was maybe a C game on offense and Texas won by 31. Looking for Ewers to wreck shop on Saturday.
  20. Yeah, being able potentially to abuse the market because you’re the only source and there’s no competition on fees is a separate issue. Maintaining artificially low prices in the face of high demand — whether it’s tickets, game consoles, or whether — is the biggest chunk of why scalpers even exist.
  21. First come, first served is the biggest part of why there are scalpers in the first place. There’s no reason why dynamic pricing should be limited to the secondary market. Fixed pricing is why it’s such a pain in the ass to get so many things with high demand because it utterly ignores demand.
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