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Doc Daneeka

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Everything posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. I don’t mean to point to you, in particular, since it’s a certain mass poster of tweets that really beats it into the dirt, but I’m kind of tired and sunburned and I just saw it there. I probably should’ve waited for another one of his posts. My bad. Also, I’m pretty dehydrated. On the plus side, and as an apology, I present you with a view from the OU end of the stadium.
  2. Always. They’re so bad it’s barely worth it to read just to point and laugh.
  3. Whose brilliant idea was this “jawja” dumbfuckery, anyway?
  4. These dumbfucks couldn’t shut up about the grind and the gauntlet and now, despite knowing the schedule for months, now they want to whine? Texas is coming for you bitches.
  5. This is a stupid way to compare, anyway. Leaving aside the merits, of lack thereof, of the analysis, Texas’ DL doesn’t have to be better than OU’s DL. Texas’ DL needs to fare better against OU’s OL than OU’s DL does against Texas’ OL. If Texas’ OL is a 9 and OU’s DL is an 8, advantage Texas. If Texas’ DL is a 7 and OU’s OL is a 6, also advantage Texas. That doesn’t work out to, oh well, Texas has the better OL and OU has the better DL, so it’s a wash. That works out to OU getting worked.
  6. Then I guess buying 100% of NIL because they want that wouldn’t be a very good reason for doing it. Which means the question still stands.
  7. How are the poors going to prevent players from contracting with third parties and not end up in the same legal problems as now? Seems at least as trust-like as anything going on now. “Hey, player, we’ve decided that Nike, the Lamborghini dealer, nor anyone else can contract for your services.” Good luck, imo. Again, haven’t investigated it thoroughly, but I seem to recall some kind of independent clearinghouse for third party deals, which seems to indicate, well, third party deals are fine.
  8. Clearly, I haven’t thought this all the way through, but why buy exclusivity for the players’ NIL rather than buying enough to provide the floor while allowing third parties to provide the ceiling?
  9. You made me scroll back 5 pages to see what you wrote had nothing to do with what I wrote? I didn’t claim “less” is “no.” I said “less” works better with the other comparatives, “more” and “better,” than “no” does.
  10. And who wants that kind of bullshit on a thread talking about the sips’ players, anyway? Rank speculation and innuendo is a maroon tradition. Why let knowledge seep into it?
  11. In my defense, I’ve posted one of that sort. She’s wearing my shirt, not a jersey, though. I can’t bring myself to post any of the tall one… though not even the “let’s get back on topic” guys would complain about those.
  12. I’ll still have 45k+ friends there.
  13. I’m so confident, I’ll be sitting in an OU section.
  14. No doubt. Fuck PKD with a rusty shovel.
  15. Nothing I can do about other fatasses. All I can control is myself. Despite my less than respectable appearance, and distinct lack of good looks, my last chica was a phenomenally beautiful and intelligent 6’ Latina who turned every eye, male and female, when she entered the room dressed like a goddess. She did wean me off some of the burnt orange, so it’s probably lucky for me I didn’t ever wear a jersey. I have nothing against dressing well, it’s just not a priority for me.
  16. No. Nike Dri-fit or the like for t-shirts and about 10 pairs of black Under Armour shorts. Burnt orange t-shirt with a white logo when I go to games, like tomorrow. I’m not here to impress anyone but I’ll wear jeans if I need to and slacks if I really, really need to. The last time I wore the latter was probably at the GF’s work Christmas party, but she died so I won’t need to do that again this year.
  17. I have no desire to dress like a “respectable” man. I mean, if someone wants to pay for my 39” sleeve custom shirts, maybe. Or 40” inseam slacks, maybe. It’s just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with all that all the time. But, honestly, who the fuck am I trying to impress? I’ll get by with shorts and a breathable t-shirt 95% of the time. Add a sweatshirt if it gets cold. Switch to 13MWZ — at least I can find those long enough off the rack — if I need to. I’ll be fine presenting myself with three standard deviations worth of extra height and a 34” waist at my advanced fucking age. And maybe an Iron Maiden shirt if I feel like it. It’s worked out pretty damned well for me.
  18. I feel like I need to wear a jersey to counter all of those percentages except looking ridiculous. But I don’t need a jersey for that, anyway.
  19. Pre-madonnas and entitlement. This clown really has his finger on the pulse of Sarkisian’s culture and team. All the better in a thread talking about how Texas has a stacked receiver room waiting their chance for the ball to find them. It’s going to be glorious when it sinks in that Missouri is garbage.
  20. I call bullshit. Maybe peons can’t, but legends can.
  21. My impression, based on what players and coaches have said publicly, is this, with lane discipline.
  22. That’s what I figured, but deep sea fishing seems to me like it is even more random so I wanted to be sure.
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