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Certifiably Surly
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2465 Surly 10%

About Royalfan5

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  1. feels like if you get a bad jobs number tomorrow that will be the catalyst for the next leg down.
  2. Just want to point out that if you are getting yelled at out in Oakley Kansas, where the last Democrat that was voted for President locally was FDR’s first term, and Carter was the last to crack 40%, and the last to exceed 21% was Dukakis in a bad drought year, shits going to get bad.
  3. Maybe we get Gravity's Rainbow 2 out of this.
  4. To be that intact it hasn’t to be fairly low speed roll-over right?
  5. We continue to run 8-10% lower on beef packing runs vs. the prior year last week. Seasonal demand weakness is offsetting on boxed beef for now, but we could see it get real stupid as spring demand picks up.
  6. Of course if we run off enough labor, the smaller cattle herd won't do anything for cattle prices because you'll still have capacity constraints while beef prices take off.
  7. In an ominous poultry related moment for me at work, my turkey raising client was instructing an employee to cut into the 6 dead birds they had while on the phone with me
  8. I got 10 bucks that Directional Gaza beats Aggy first time they play
  9. Sens beat some ass too.
  10. Especially the True North Brave and Free Part.
  11. Just got a message from a college buddy that works for USAID that he and all of his coworkers are locked out of their work stuff and they’ve got no communication from anyone about what is going on
  12. Not that I didn’t already think they were useless assholes but calling Lutheran Family Services and Lutheran Refugee Services criminals today really made me hate these fucking assholes
  13. Could be the right specialist just loves the Ozarks and you have to go there because they don’t travel. I’m sure people from all over get flown to Rochester MN too
  14. Seeing these kinds of threads are always weird for me as I have no memories of my dad. He was diagnosed with a rare cancer after he collapsed about a month after I was born when he was sorting hogs with my Grandpa and Uncle. Didn’t have a lot of treatment options for it in 1982, and he passed away when I was 6 months old. There are only a couple pictures of us together where he isn’t visibly ill. My family was great about telling stories about him, and I have some great pictures but it’s always very hollow. I also very much resembled him and reminded folks of him which was always very tough for me when people would tell me that. A few years ago I ran into our families longtime neighbor to the south who was slipping into dementia and I had a whole conversation with him about farming and basketball where he thought I was my dad the whole time which was a very trippy experience.
  15. The owner of DEI did die in a high speed crash too
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