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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Going on a run for a bit builds your folk hero status for manifesto publication a bit more, and embarrasses the cops.
  2. I hope that if I'm ever murdered, I hope its in a way like this that brings so many people so much joy.
  3. So everyone in my office from me came back sick, with multiple covid cases. Thanksgiving was doing work.
  4. The onions were from a front range company which would likely have access to manure that needed placed from the big dairies or feedlots out that way. While organic has to use manure, regular will use it too because it's good fertilizer. Generally there is a window you are supposed to abide by. (I think it's 75 days, but I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head)
  5. If you are buying organic vegetable they basically have to have to rely more on manure as fertilizer, so you'll get higher e coli potential.
  6. Does the Askenazi bit still count if your ancestors tried out being Lutheran in an attempt to fit in better?
  7. I'd also posit that too much visual porn is consumed. Need to read some erotic stories to give folks a chance to leave something to the imagination, as well as illustrating that talking is a key component to going out and fucking.
  8. At least for me the collapse of the local news aspect is what finally got me go shove off. Used to be I could find updates of random Nebraska/Kansas 6 and 8 man updates easily, but that went away this year. Otherwise most of the folks I found interesting/useful I replaced in aggregate with other sources, and after that I decided it was bad for me to spend my time gawking at assholes saying stupid shit in bad faith.
  9. I just want to know how fast we get a nuclear Poland after NATO folds
  10. On the last note, I'll say that I was really luck that when my dad died when I was 6 months old, I had two grandfathers and a whole slew of Uncles that took it upon themselves to set mostly good examples.
  11. Going off the young guys in my office, the first step for them to having success with women would be to interested in spending time with one or talking about their interests. I'm surprised how high of a hurdle that is these days.
  12. I’m not sure having a milk shake instead of drugs was the right call
  13. Doesn’t Georgia have an absurd amount of counties though?
  14. I finally abandoned Twitter for the most part 3 weeks ago. (Still post some work stuff as I actually significant following for my livestock info) Being here more and a couple other places has proven far superior that it wasn’t even that hard to quit.
  15. I took a walk to try to relax after voting and I think something very bad happened at a neighbors house as there was 5 LPD cruisers sitting out front. So that mitigated the walk a bit
  16. My line report, moved quick but got in just at the right time. Majority women 40-70, and then guys that look like Independent Senate Candidate Dan Osborn. (Caught the BNSF rail yard that is next to my neighborhood switching shifts)
  17. Time for me to get in line at the Fireman's Social Hall and do my best to flip NE-1.
  18. Look I don't have the stuffed dinosaur I steal from my wife at night for emotional support.
  19. George Norris was really the only guy that pulled off peoples populism in Nebraska in a big way. Of course it’s a hell of resume
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