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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. Point A: How bad of a spot do you need to be in your life that a two day notice game against FCS school is something that you will fill a hole in your lives? 

    Point B: At some point, I’d like the Nebraska fans around me to ask if Nebraska is always the school voting by themselves that maybe their the assholes. 

    Point C Blonde overall wearing Herbie Husker is the best Herbie Husker 

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:

    Family of former UNLV hoopster, and current NASCAR driver Brendan. 

    The recently built a cultural center at UNL that I can only assume is fuck you to Tom Osborn given his vocal gambling opposition 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I assume this event was at Eppley Field (OMA).  If that's the case, it is hard up against the Missouri River.  

    Council Bluffs, IA is right across the river, and it's not an insignificant town.  So yeah--you get more media coverage than one electoral vote's worth with a visit to Omaha.


    By the way--really weird thing about OMA: when you drive into downtown from the airport you actually cross into Iowa briefly.  The state line follows the old river, which over the past two centuries has straightened (leaving an oxbow lake).  So you never cross the Missouri River, but you still go into Iowa.  And the taxes must be a fuckton lower, because there are a ton of the airport hotels in that little bit of Iowa.

    Good ol’Carter Lake. Enough of a shit hole that Nebraska refused to take it when Iowa offered. It’s big claim to fame is the Gaughan family of Las Vegas game got there start running an illegal casino there since it was inaccessible to Iowa law enforcement and not in Nebraska. Still not as strange as the piece of land attached to Missouri now, accessible only from Iowa and legally part of Nebraska 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    So 2 May still be vulnerable as I said?

    Yes. Omaha has went blue before, has a fair shot again. NE-1 would have a decent shot but they gerrymandered Offut into NE-1 to counterweight Lincoln. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    I think Trump carries the whole state so wins two EC votes easily.  He carries NE-3 easily, it’s a rural shithole whose favorite son is Larry the Cable Guy.  It looks like NE-1 should also be in his corner, though closer.  So his internals must be showing NE-2 as vulnerable for him, and it’s across the river from a curious Iowa.  But that’s a long way to travel to shore up 1 EC vote.   Bold move Cotton.  

    Larry’s from NE-1, Tom Osborn is NE-3’s favorite son.

  6. A lot of times the pining for amateur politicians strikes me as the same as the glorification of college athletics, and the old desire for militias instead of standing armies. Government is important but we often either try to staff it with hobbyists or become willing to tolerate useless non-entities to outright bad actors because we lie to ourselves about its value.

  7. 7 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    So he’s railing on a Republican Senator whose re-election loss could contribute to the potential destruction of the Republican Senate majority. What’s the background story I’m missing here, besides Trump being all as fuck crazy?

    Thanks to the Nebraska Democrats being the KU football of state level political parties, he doesn’t really have to worry. The guy that won the D primary got disavowed for sexual harassment, so while he’s on the ballot the party is pushing a write in. 

  8. 16 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    The Brits have been hung up on "paedophiles" for decades now. About 20 years ago, some idiots in Wales ransacked a "paediatrician's" office because they thought a paedo was freely advertising her (yes, it was a she) services on the main street in her hometown. 

    and they still managed to let Jim Fix it for years

  9. 1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Mmmmm, love me some Hud era Paul Newman. Absolute one of a kind.

    Hud, Paul Newman, 1963 Photograph by Everett


    Oh, you mean HUD? I can't say that I see him in that role.

    Also a big part of Hud was how to deal with a contagious disease that could screw your neighbors over too.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    He back in his hospital suite. What the fuck is he doing??? Sucks for those in the same suburban as him

    Are you surprised he’s being dipshit with no god damn regard for anything but himself and his precious feelings?

  11. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Even if Trump could make it to another debate, what happens the moment he gets asked how he and his staff fucked up something as simple as masks in front of the world?

    And I don't think he goes to another debate after this fiasco, even if he recovers in time.  No way he's willing to risk being asked about that.

    Right now, he's going to be in Mack Brown mode, and he's going to try and run the clock out.

    These guys would take an intentional safety when they’re up 1 point 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Why is there so much focus on the music he uses?  Although I do like it because the bands generally get pissed and ban him from using their art to promote his hate agenda. 

    Because it hard to be so consistently tone deaf with choices on his level

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