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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. 2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Granted WWII was an "unambiguous" war.  But every able-bodied man under 40, and a lot over and a lot of disabled, was looking for a way to serve their country.

    Trump would have been trying to make a buck.

    Hell, my Grandma enlisted in the Navy as a nurse the first day she legally could after jumping on train from Nebraska to New York, catching a Yankees game then hitting enlistment office.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    There’s a reason why trump is freaking out about all this. He’s media savvy if anything and he knows how damaging this is.

    Its all over Facebook like nothing else. Maybe it don’t matter but it has the opportunity. 

    Now if we could get something pro-choice out of him too, I think you get his support to a Vichy sized rump

  3. 16 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I feel like people that say things like this are out of touch with their own mortality. Football is already a dangerous game. Everyone playing it knows that. Playing football doesn't make covid any more dangerous. It might put vulnerable populations in greater risk of catching the disease, but the players will either get covid or they won't regardless of whether or not they are playing football.

    At some point you can either choose to keep living in fear or get back along with your life. People in London didn't quit going to work because the Luftwaffe was bombing them every night. 

    They also went to the underground when the Luftwaffe was overhead too. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I was surprised that we were going to allow 25K fans.

    Nothing has changed with COVID since Monday.  It was bad then, and it's bad now.  I do think it makes us look kind of like the Big 10 to reverse course.  Anyone with a pulse knew that they were going to get a ton of flak for allowing 25K into the game given Iowa's COVID situation.  So if public backlash was going to make you take a different stance, why even trot that out?  

    I think there are still too many people that think we are going to wake up one day and things are suddenly going to be resolved, and toss out wishful thinking approaches that crumble under stress instead of trying to sort out a process to move forward. I'm sure ISU won't be the last to bail on fans either. 

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  5. 33 minutes ago, mdmost said:


    Can't say I'm shocked by this giving the virus spread in Iowa currently. Also, I really wonder what the reception will be of lifeless games will be once the initial novelty wears off, granted it won't be much different for some teams. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    You laugh now but this fucker is going to be a Congressman or maybe even a Senator in the next ten years.  If he's an absolute moron then what does that make your dumbass?

    Are you trying to say that the American people don't regularly elect absolute morons?

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  7. 52 minutes ago, staboner said:

    Metaxas? why are some of these radical right wing nut jobs ruining my greek heritage goddammit. fuck me. 

    I need a drinky poo


    Isn’t Metaxas already a name fairly closely associated with dictatorships, especially in Greece already? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I'd like to note the lead lawyer on this is likely using this to bring awareness to him running for Gov in 2022, because that's generally the kind of people that want to be governor of a state this days.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, elguapo said:

    So because the cops say he had a knife he deserved to get shot in the back 7 times?

    He had a knife in his vehicle. Fuck I probably got two at least in mine right now. 

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  10. https://omaha.com/news/state-and-regional/125-bison-escape-from-nebraska-feedlot-resulting-in-4-car-crashes-and-unusual-roundup/article_73972611-d7c2-5e37-b1e2-8a1939d7c59f.html#tracking-source=home-top-story-1

    It’s probably going to take awhile to get all these taken care of since they respect no fence or person. A neighbor when I was young raised buffalo for awhile. He was trying to treat and injured one once and it chases him while he was on a 3 wheeler until the animal collapsed and died 

  11. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    not that i know of, but he has plenty of toilet-related stories.


    2 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    George Brett like KC Royals George Brett? He's a Trumper?

    George Brett is super tight with Rush Limbaugh dating back to Limbaugh’s time as a Royals employee. I’ll let you do the rest of the math.

  12. 25 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    yeah, so clamoring about 'pedophile rings' and child sex trafficking has suddenly seemed to dominate the feed for a couple of my friends in recent weeks...what's going on there? is it just Maxwell fallout, or has something else happened recently in the news?

    i mean, it's pretty much the most awful thing you could imagine...but i'm trying to gage if there's really suddenly some horrific uptick in what's happening...or if this is pizzagate stuff just resurfacing...🤨 

    and...WHY do i keep seeing vague sinister references to Tom Hanks??

    Because it's easy to scream about horrible things, and try to pin everything evil on people you don't like rather the accepting the reality that if a kids getting molested it's probably by somebody you know and trust, and probably ignored red flags about. It's a lot easier to believe that the big bad world is scary, and that your little bubble isn't, even if your little bubble is probably filled with fucked upness that you've just become accustomed too.  

  13. 5 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    Taking Nebraska back would be akin to taking back your psycho ex girlfriend that left 9 years ago in search of some new dick, and talked mad shit on her way out the door. Now upon learning that the cocks aren't always girthier on the other side, she's back talking about the good times . Except those intervening years have been hard, and she's now packing an extra 50lbs and a meth habit. Yeah......taking her back seems like a GREAT idea. She absolutely won't be the same psycho she was 9 years ago. She's changed, lulz.

    Gained 50lb and has a meth habit, seems like it'd have to be one or the other. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Ted Dantzler said:

    Being a Kstate fan I agree with this 100%. They beat up on Kstate and the other Big8 schools (minus OU) for 60+ years, just pummeling our faces in while smiling about what great fans they are. When Kstate finally started beating NU consistently (5-2 from 98-04) they couldn't take it and fired Solich which started their downward spiral to where they are now. Then they left us and their 100+ year history with the Big8 schools to prove they were still relevant. 

    I would have loved nothing more than to have spent the last 10 years jumping up and down on their dying corpse as corn kernels shot from their mouth like BB's. 

    I want them back in the Big12 for that reason alone, to kick them while they are down until there is no more leather left on my shoes. 

    So I've more or less converted to being a K-State fan by being about to marry into it. It's amazing how much more fun it's been than having to deal with Nebraska fans and assorted bullshit, and MHK is a pretty easy drive. 

  15. 40 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Football or no, I think this is the end of Nebraska in the Big 10.  It was a mistake for both parties.

    The people in my office here in Lincoln did not see the humor in me pointing out that this was Tom Osborne's fuck up in the first place. 

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  16. 3 minutes ago, J.R. Juniors Junior Jr. said:

    Still can't believe Frost is that bad at corn after what he did in Orlando.  He had the worst coaching effect in FBS last year, -4 games!


    Well his dad couldn't win the second smallest 11-man class in the state with Scott Frost at QB so maybe it runs in the family. 

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