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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. On the signs that they’re isn’t going to be a football season note, Nebraska laid off the guy who did all their gameday social media content and video and written features on athletes. He’s one of the best in the business and you don’t do that if you think there’s going to be games.

  2. I haven't done a livestock update for awhile, but probably should with the things going on. We are actually running cattle and hog plants ahead of a year ago pace now, but will have a short week next week. Fresh pork and beef are at the lower end of the ranges which should aid in restocking. Assuming we can keep the plants moving cattle supplies will get tighter into the 4th quarter of the year, while farrowing intentions are down sharply which could leave us pretty tight on hogs into 2021 especially if exports keep up the rebound. 

    • Like 3
  3. 31 minutes ago, Texas Jeff said:

    I was a kid during the Carter administration, but I rememberer how the Iranian hostage crisis just took over the news during an election year and whatever Carter tried, it didn't work.  Most Americans were not affected day to day, but there were yellow ribbons everywhere supporting the hostages.  Ted Koppel had a show after the local news (which became Nightline) with "Day XXX" as the headline and news of the crisis, which after a while wasn't much news at all.  At first it was Day 20 and later Day 50 but by the time it was Day 300 it sucked.  There was also economic trouble, with high inflation and high interest rates.  Times were uncertain.

    This feels to me like a worse version of those times.  Now we are all affected by the shutdown and maybe less than a month away from real sickness and maybe death.  A lot of us are out of work, or a paycheck or two away from real trouble.

    Reagan beat Carter, scared the crap out of the Iranians and the hostage crisis was over.  It was a turning point for America; after a year of gloom we had a happy day.  The economy turned around by 1983. By 1987 we were all talking about "greed is good" and Wall Street.  I'm not glorifying Reagan, he blew up the deficit and got us on track to more and more debt.  But he did scare the crap out of Iran, I remember that.

    But I think Trump is toast, using the 1980 election as a reference.  Carter tried and failed to solve his crisis and it took a change in leadership to do that.  Trump seems to not be seriously working on solving his crisis; it won't be solved by his administration.  America will want to turn the page.  Unfortunately Biden can't just scare the crap out of coronavirus.

    At least Carter was able to become one of our best ex-Presidents, I don't see that happening here. 

    • Like 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I agree that it smells. The story seemed too on the nose. And you had to assume that NASCAR has security cameras around their garage and something would be caught on tape. 

    I didn’t know that Bubba’s crew reported it. But did he confirm it? You’d think he would want to see what was there, even if almost out of disbelief. 

    Right wing people are all up in arms because it was such a questionable story from the beginning but media ran hard with it. It fit nicely with their agenda. It helped further rile up people. It’s one of their main functions now. 

    As a story it was eerily reminiscent of LeBron’s supposed incident at Brentwood California home. The one that wasn’t caught on tape, where they supposedly cleaned the evidence before even calling police iirc. 

    Maybe we stop making the one black guy have to be the lightning rod for everything. I’m sure Wallace’s team has been getting an enormous amount of shit from racist cranks already. You had fucking people flying Confederate flags about the race track like Greg Davis is running the organization, and everyone’s on edge. People got excited and carried away, but it’s not like it ended in any sort of brutality unlike a lot of interactions I could mention. But, sure let’s try and funnel all shit on to Bubba instead, regardless of who reported and how the officials handled it.  

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  5. 13 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    When I moved to Giddings for work in 1967, the beer joint across the street from the newly integrated elementary school still had separate signed entrances for “white” & “colored”.

    I can’t say I’m surprised by that. 

  6. 1 minute ago, thepop said:

    I don’t know what is more disturbing, the words that came out of the dotards mouth, or the texags and tiger dropping links.

    I feel like the way they’ve cranked up the crazy that means they can feel the tide rolling out, but that’s probably being generous 

  7. Just now, tx 3 putt said:

    Oklahoma is hard core trump territory. Should they be worried or blame it on covid ?

    If a bunch of folk that love noodling aren’t turning out, I don’t think you can blame on worries about personal safety 

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    A strip club in WIsconsin, huh? How much concrete or rebar do they need to reinforce the pole?

    Generally the rule of thumb is a silo footing needs a 100 yards of concrete, so I suppose it’d be similar to that. 

    • Like 4
  9. 21 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    When the hell did the trend of "barndominiums" start up?

    It's an overpriced structure that looks like a barn with shiplap installed.  Calling it a "barndominium" is just a ploy by developers to make you think you're living a rural/ranching lifestyle.

    It works better if you build a shouse, that way you can step out of your living room and do some welding 

  10. I'll always remember learning about Juneteenth as a non-Texan. I was 13 years old in the mid-90's, and visiting my Aunt and Uncle near Giddings, and we got brisket out of a shed that a guy my uncle worked with had made to celebrate it. It was the first brisket I had as that particular piece of barbecue culture had not made it north to the beef state yet in significant amounts. The experience left quite an impression on me. 

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  11. 45 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    I have noticed this as well about @EMAWesome.  He quick hits and then disappears.  I would honestly like to hear a clear explanation of his position.  But that shit in the OP was cryptic and nonsense. What is the issue he’s pushing back on?  I’ll just assume it was NASCAR banning the Confederate flag.  And does that mean “Dukes of Hazzard” reruns will be banned too?  Then I’d be pissed not being able to see Cathy Bach in dem daisies.

    Say what you want about the flag, but the Dukes were right about cops.

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  12. 32 minutes ago, Sii said:

    Gateway? Yikes.


    I’m a church goer but I honestly don’t get how some of these churches snd “evangelicals” have so tightly aligned themselves to that corrupt piece of shit. Of any president in my lifetime him being loved by some religious people makes the least sense of anyone


    I mean trump only uses them as well. He doesn’t give a shit about them otherwise and barely even knows what a Bible is

    My experience has been that those types only know who to scream pro-life as shibboleth to avoid grappling with anything outside the cult they've adhered themselves too.  

    • Like 1
  13. I saw a lifted early 2000’s Chevy 2500 with farm plates and justice for George Floyd soaped on to the back window the other day. I was pleasantly surprised 

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  14. 35 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    posrep for LA Confidential references, one of my top 10 movies!

    In general, James Ellroy nails the fucked upness of American law enforcement better than anybody if we are going by the source material 

    • Like 2
  15. I'll note that gasoline demand has pretty well plateaued for now at about 72% of normal, and American was celebrating that they had they best day in months at 20% of a year ago. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Tripped and fell. Also one of the forced entry drop down boxes in this pieces of shit mad lib statements. 

    Even now, the brazenness of some of the lies still shocks the hell out of me.

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