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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. On the livestock front, fresh beef prices continue to slide, and now are only about 30% ahead of normal, while packers are about back to 97% of normal capacity. Fresh pork is back to near normal seasonally, with about 93% capacity running now. I had one of my pork clients tell me he is finally shipping iso weans that were backed up three weeks, and that he wouldn't need to put any future hogs down. 

    • Like 5
  2. 1 minute ago, EMAWesome said:

    What good came from the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympics?  It changed nothing in the world geopolitically.  All it did was deprive a group of athletes who trained for four years of their opportunity to compete in an event they had their hearts set on competing in.  Same with the U.S.S.R. boycott in 1984.  They changed nothing.   All the sham of the end of the gold medal basketball game in 1972 did was leave a bad taste in the mouths of the American players.  It did nothing to help world peace.  Do I even have to mention Black Monday in Munich?  No mixture of sports and politics has ever helped either sports or politics.

    Good thing Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier wasn't political at all, or Jack Johnson becoming heavyweight champion of the world, then being hounded for it. If you want to bring up the Olympics, what do you the motives of Baron de Courbertin were with the attempts to restart the games? You don't think politics played a major part in that?

  3. Just now, EMAWesome said:

    Time and place for everything.  You don't fart in church.  Politics and sports don't mix.  He was welcome to kneel down in front of San Francisco City Hall anytime he wanted to.  Plus he wasn't kneeling on a football field, he was kneeling on a football field during the playing of the national anthem.  Again, you don't fart in church and you don't scratch your ass when the choir is singing.

    Tell me why exactly politics and sports don't mix, when they've been mixing as long as both have existed. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    way to go out on a limb there Ben 🙄

    I'm glad he could bounce back to being a civility scold so quickly after embarrassing himself with a high school graduation speech a couple weeks ago. 

  5. So apparently the Omaha police and protesters stuck a deal to disperse at curfew time, so we will find out shortly if it sticks. The bar owner/shooter has had his lease terminated and is being evicted. Also as a side note the Omaha World Herald report on site has been doing a great job with pictures and video coverage, and in normal times he’s the high school sports/recruiting guy for the paper.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Maybe so.  I thought most beanbag guns looked like pump action shotguns.

    Generally speaking riot shotgun are Mossberg pump actions. I've got riot rounds for mine, and they're pretty easy to get. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Yep. Old Market owners being told to board up and get out. Businesses around 72 and Dodge being told the same. At least 7 armored vehicles downtown.

    If it jumps off at 72nd and Dodge, I hope they move away from the Children's Hospital. 

  8. It sounds like they've more or less ordered an evacuation of downtown Omaha ahead of the press conference on the non-charges at 1:30. It seems to me if you have to evacuate everyone before your press conference, you know you are about to fuck up big time. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Back to the bar owner murdering James Scurlock in Omaha: press conference today at 1:30; consistent rumors from folks working in the courthouse is they will not press charges. Tonight is going to be bad.  

    Don't think they'll wait until tonight if that's the case. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, CowboyFred said:

    "violent criminal history" = 2005 charge of possession with intent from houston / 2004 charge of poss < 1g (Houston) / failure to produce a DL (minnesota). L. O-fucking. L.


    *after only a quick 2 minute search on Lexis*

    Just think about how many people our dumbshit war on drugs/use of traffic infractions to provide local revenue drag into the system for no good fucking reason. 

  11. I will say talking to my farming clients today is a good reminder how casually racist a lot of the folks are. Granted none of the people saying racist stuffed surprised me in the least, but still. It's kind of amazing that people whose closet actual interactions with any urban minority is cheering them on for the college football team of their choice are able to know so much about their experiences and how they should be reacting to things. 

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Let me ask you this question.  When the people doing the looting return home are they thinking  "What happened to George Floyd isn't right" or are they thinking "I got a new TV"?

    Why do some people worry about stuff so much more than they worry about people? 

    • Like 5
  13. 6 minutes ago, Pancho said:


    Omaha went to a curfew and called up the guard today, and a limiting crowds to 25 people. Last I knew Gardner was still in police custody, and that’s where he needs to stay. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

    I really hope this riot stuff going on right now doesn’t help trump in the election.

    I think it’s harder to campaign on stopping shit when it all happened on your watch. Ship running around is on the captain, no matter whose hand was on the wheel at the time 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    apparently, all the Minnesota fucktard politicians just spent this morning making shit up.  Kudos to them though walking it back now that the media ran with their narrative all day.


    The fog of war is a saying for a reason 

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