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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. I think we are starting to see a swing back to coaches quitting earlier and going into adminstration like they used to do in the 70's and 80's on a more frequent basis. All the guys that have been HC's since their 30's are probably getting good and sick of this shit, and don't need the money 

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  2. 59 minutes ago, Jebus said:

    except that 17 & 18 year olds that have never lived away from home don't have any experience or life skills for dealing with a sudden influx of $100k.  You can say all you want about how their parents should have taught them better or prepared them better for "real life", but I'd be willing to bet that plenty of people on surly or anywhere else would willingly admit that they would have fucked themselves up pretty good if someone had said come up to them their first day of college and said "here's $100k, have fun".

    My point is not that the players should not have any responsibility, it's that the organizations, coaches, etc. that all go on and on about "molding young men" and "educating people that wouldn't normally be able to go to college" and the purity of student athletics shouldn't just say "hey guys, you're adults, figure all this shit out on your own, this is not our problem."



    I enjoy all the handwring about kids getting a sudden influx of cash and what they might do with it, yet the same collegiate system doesn’t seem to worry what kids might do if we loaned them a big chunk of cash instead. 

  3. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    To quote the oft overlook line from "The Program"

    when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment? 

    Doesn't mean those 80,000 people showing up to watch are doing the school any good. Is there a good fucking reason to expect a bunch of state owned entities to be in the entertainment business? At some point, wouldn't it make sense to let schools be schools, and the sports entertainment business be the sports entertainment business. 

  4. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    As for T9, I get that money from 3rd party endorser won't apply...now.  BUT, do we not envision that being challenged in court?  

    Or say a school can't directly pay it's players, but players can receive payments for endorsements and their likeness...... that's not "fair" to the track and field or swimmers who don't have video games to benefit from. Or the female BBall or softball players who can't even fill a stadium much less get endorsements or games made.  

    I think this system will result in a widening of the gap between the haves and have-nots. This resulting lack of parity will cause 2nd tier programs to fold up shop. The result will be disastrous to women's athletics and non-revenue sports.

    Well at a certain point, you probably have to ask how athletic departments are serving the interests of providing educational and research opportunities for students. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

    I've lived my whole adult life reading Jimmy C was the worst president not named Andrew Johnson (and now DJ Trump).

    Is the power of time so strong that, reasonably removed from short term thoughts and memories, the warts and grit of legacies and reputations are sanded down to a nice smooth sheen so that we now have people who love GWB because he hangs out with Ellen and tickles Michelle Obama at funerals and Jimmy Carter is now a great president?

    Or are we so brutal and stupid in the moment and present, completely lacking awareness, so that those topical opinions can never be trusted but for the passing of time?

    At that this point, who gives a shit how good of a President he was? He clearly among  the best of a class in being a damn good human being.

    • Like 7
  6. 9 hours ago, RPM said:

    Hmm, story linked says he was inside causing a disturbance, went out to the truck, rammed the CFA then got out with some sort of weapon. A BNSF Agent (Railroad Cop) shot him outside the building. It was the first line in the story. Where does the drive thru confrontation and the LPD cruiser story come from?

    Earlier updates before the full press conference 

  7. 3 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    he's a wizard, no question.  but did you read the articles.  more specifically, did you read his "coaching" to his qbs.  not sure what the secret sauce is but it's clearly not conveyed in his words.

    qb: coach, what did i do wrong in throwing that interception.

    leach: you threw an interception. don't throw interceptions.

    qb: ok, gotcha.


    I bet Shawn Watson would have drilled deeply down into the mistakes the QB made, and made adjustments in his exquisitely detailed playbook. 

  8. Just now, Al_4_ISU said:

    Fuck, that's worthy of a road trip.

    The 6 pack off sale in a half cut 12er is a standard issue around these parts as well.  A half case cut into a 12er is a thing too.

    I actually got carded one of the last times I was in there. First time in my life, I wanted to pull the do you know who I am card, but I was more surprised that they were carding anyone now I didn't get it out. There's also one wall propped up by a rail road tie because it's been hit twice by different 12 years driving to town to get food to take about out to the field during harvest. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Shoxthemonkey said:

    Yep. I'm one of them. My great Grandfather founded Bethel College in Newton.

    Do you know why you always go fishing with a pair of Mennonites? If you take just one, he'll drink all your beer.


    My future father in law is from Newton, and his Mom was the Black sheep of a Mennonite family from Hillsboro, she apparently had very strong opinions about how they were doing things, and even changed her first name out of spite. 

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