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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Royalfan5

  1. 3 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    They can wear what they want to wear. Despite lunatics claiming the contrary, MAGA wear isn’t hate speech. 


    Sure they can wear what they want to wear, just like they can deal with people not giving them the benefit of the the doubt in regards to being racist assholes. Plenty of other folks have to deal with not getting to the benefit of the doubt for much flimsier reasons. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Asithappens said:


    Why would you even think that? 

    I mean really, this is just a very bad method of argument, imo, saying "oh, so b/c you think this about the dems then you must feel the same about all the similar stuff the GOP has done). 

    Um, no. Look at the bills, the content, the purpose, who was presenting them, the party in power, what needs to be changed, who can change them, what needs/should be done to increase the odds of making those changes. 

    I kind of blame the increase in law school graduates and the whole "thinking like a internet lawyer) thing. It leads to a lot of weak critical thinking. 

    I don't want to see AOC marginalized b/c of her idealism and inexperience. She's in the House now. Time for her to get to work. 

    And your evidence that she isn't working is that she is introducing bills, and generally doing her job while people notice her? 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    This Mattis thing is interesting. I have one friend who has remained loyal to Trump through everything. It’s actually caused an immense strain on our friendship. The other night he finally said something slightly negative about Trump. He wants so badly to side with Mattis, and I can see his insides raging. It’s quite enjoyable. By the end of the conversation, he couldn’t back up a single one of his talking points anymore. Maybe it just takes one chink in the armor...

    Ceausescu thought he still had it rolling until late December 89, and found out real fast people turned once the cracks appear.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Well, sure, this ad says they are Angus, but let's be real:  they probably were horse.  At this point, who really knows?



    To be Certified Angus you just need some Angus influence and to be Black hided. You get paid better premiums if the kill your cattle as Kosher.

  5. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    East Coast too. Especially Manhattan. And not just the well-known money laundering luxury apartments. There is also a ridiculous amount of foreign money in new Manhattan commercial real estate. Same with Flushing Queens which has graduated from poor Chinatown to a booming wealthy Chinatown. 

    Had no idea China was buying Syngenta.  They may pull off what we were afraid Japan was trying to do in the 80s.  In the end, Japan was just trying to sell us a different rug. China is trying to buy the rug we are already sitting on. 

    Russia isn't a real player. They have individuals that look after their own individual self interest, but that ends up being an "American" way of doing things. At most, they fall in our Cheerios and ruin breakfast. 

    Syngenta is bought. It also should be noted that they were Swiss, and Bayer bought Monsanto. So the only big American player left in Ag stuff on the chemical seed end is Corteva which was spun out of Dow/DuPont. 

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