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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. It’s amazing the things critters can pick up before the humans can.
  2. A while, a lot of this stuff is pretty new, and a lot can still serve Japan and Korea etc
  3. There should plenty of demand overall, the biggest issue is that the investment in logistics has been built in direction of China so, the shipping to new markets will make suboptimal use of our capacity and unless it looks like a permanent deal the cash won’t be spent to reorient it. The issue on corn is the same except replace China with Mexico.
  4. Yes. By the time, they get around to doing anything on it, the market will probably be close to fully recovered anyway.
  5. And you could find a group of farmers to do a fuck Trump video. It wouldn't be hard at all.
  6. It’s not that hard for a journalist to find people to say what they want them to say.
  7. So as someone who actually works with Family Farmers(along with backgrounding cattle myself) here and talks about grain and livestock marketing in the national media from time to time, I think a lot of the dire predictions are pretty heavily overstated. We had prices at levels that worked for most guys through June. Coming forward the world feed grain stocks are significantly tighter, and we've seen a pretty strong rally the last couple of weeks, as we build that in, along with the potential for a poor finish to the crop year, all which could pretty easily put Ag commodity values back to new highs for the year into fall. Are the tariffs great, No, but demand is still pretty strong, and if money is there to get made it will get made. We will likely see soybeans run through Vietnam or some other Asian county to dodge tariffs. (We've seen that with distillers grains in the past), along with logistics reshuffling. The biggest threat is that a prolonged trade war collapses demand, which can't be worked around.
  8. A couple weeks ago, my Uncle passed away after a 10 month battle with colon cancer. He died during the local county fair, which was his favorite thing in the world. He was a past Fair Board President, and ran the beef and sheep shows. At the premium auction, a pair of sisters donated the premiums from their steers to start a fund to send kids to 4-H campus, which led to a wave of donations from the crowd so they went from 0 to 4K spontaneously. I was blown away when I heard the story. Longer version at the link. https://mtouch.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1057771257727364&id=200767540094411&ref=m_notif&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
  9. It’s amazing how he only ever thinks in binary terms. If you are subsidizing the farms for China trade, you’re subsidizing them vs. the EU too.
  10. It thinks always good when somebody gets primaried in a single party district. In the bigger picture on far left rep probably isn’t going to amount to much in the house as far as changing much substantial unless there is a big shift. The fossils can’t hold on forever, and it’s probably not bad to have a younger crowd start working in.
  11. Nobody else wants to throw Tony Thompson out there?
  12. There’s extra hay in the Dakotas this year. I’ll have pencil freight but that maybe the way for you guys to get ahead of it.
  13. Too much grass burned up early this year and we can only kill so many cows at a time. If I could find some space I’d go buy a bunch of cull cows put some cheap weight on them and dump them in six weeks
  14. I’ve got buyer I use that works Central NE barns and then I take them where I can get the best bang for my buck on gain. For now that’s going north. Also do the hedging for a number of farms and feeders in NE, KS, SD, IA, CO, and MN
  15. I got a tentative spot for my steers on the Sheridan Co. August video sale with Superior Livestock for September delivery
  16. It’s almost like if you go around doing shit that erodes your personal goodwill on a regular basis eventually people are more than happy to hang your ass out to dry.
  17. I’m still impressed he hasn’t drunkenly wrapped his Z28 around a telephone pole though.
  18. Well, on the Continent they only call it breakfast.
  19. I'd just just like to point out at the height of the Cold War we were selling a fuck load of wheat to the USSR.
  20. Off 50% from record levels in the middle of world wide drought in 2012. Now back to late Bush era levels, while Brazil sells soybeans 1.60 higher than ours because of the tariffs. And the done poorly for the last 15 years is complete bullshit, give the massive incomes in 10,11,12, and decent years after that.
  21. The Bulgarian President is saying Trump was talking about wanting NATO countries to spend 4% of GDP on defense spending now.
  22. Bullshit. Dorothy Lynch salad dressing completes the trinity.
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