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Massive Horn

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Everything posted by Massive Horn

  1. More like a guy that pops up in the last 10 seconds of a HIV medication commercial.
  2. You must love your mother.
  3. History of slavery? As an aside, we only have four on the team by my count. We've reached NHL territory.
  4. You ever been to Florida? The only thing shittier than their defensive coordinators is their color palette.
  5. Friend's late night American flight to Vegas was cancelled last week because the pilot said he was too tired to fly. Pilot also apparently proceeded to argue with passengers at the gate for 30 minutes after announcing this. Dude got no hotel room and was told the best they could do was a flight 12 hours later.
  6. Confused him with Madsen too.
  7. Guy at 1B looks like he should be playing on the JV. Any random high school JV. He is brutal at throwing, picking, and hitting.
  8. About time. Enforce the rules. It really isn't that hard. Jansen, Gausman and Garcia (and others) have gotten away with too much bullshit. They might also want to ban whatever the fuck the Latin pitchers on the Astros had on the inside of their belts. Thought a couple of them were trying to rub one out in between batters last year.
  9. And I fucking forgot Lou Reed.
  10. Jason Molina Mark Kozelek David Berman Britt Daniel Kool Keith Jerry Cantrell Ric Ocasek Ronnie James Dio
  11. Trash cans have to stay banned for there even to be a hope it pans out.
  12. No clue how I remember this, but back the late 80's there was a radio station doing a question contest to win some Blockbuster rentals and free Subway and the question was who was the actor who had been in the biggest movie money makers in the past 5 years. No one got it right. Fucking Steve Guttenberg was the answer. Apologies if they were wrong or I was stoned.
  13. That album with Elvis Costello is just amazing. RIP.
  14. Pretty sure only Jews vote for MVP. And just wait until Infowars and The Final Call get MVP votes. That will change real quick.
  15. "And in my approach to leading I just want to do all the right things for myself, not to appease anybody.” “For me, personally, sitting in this seat today, I just know I want to be in a place where I’m celebrated, and not just tolerated, or just, you know, kind of dealt with in a way that doesn’t make me feel respected” “I left them in fourth place — I did what I was supposed to do. I took care of my teammates, was incredibly, incredibly selfless." You can deal with stupid. You can deal with crazy. Dealing with stupid and crazy? Good luck. You would have thought Cuban would have learned from Rodman. Best part of his press conference was him lamenting he didn't do enough research on the Nets front office. You would have thought he was a pro at research with his whole vaccine expertise.
  16. Massive Horn


    We clearly hang out in totally different types of bars.
  17. I was going to guess The Dollmaker or On Golden Pond.........
  18. Anyone have the link to the site that does the best metal of the year, tournament style?
  19. He is following the hallowed footsteps of a long Bengals tradition. Maybe he can start following their tradition of riding into back of speeding pickup trucks next.
  20. I still subscribe to Directv because I live in the country. Internet sucks. Order everything and my kids mooch off that. We have Netflix, Disney bundle, paramount +, and probably some other shit I forgot. I watch none of it. I just saw the first acted movie (non-documentary) I've seen in three years. Might watch one or two acted shows a year. For the most part, I watch documentaries and sports, read, listen to music and drink. I keep the subscriptions going to keep my family busy and the fuck away from me. I'm assuming I'm in the minority of their subscribers but these greedy bastards might need to properly value their products/services.
  21. Does he not own bat? Not a real Sooner.
  22. Just seeing it as an allegory about Ireland and the Irish people is really helpful. The fighting for no reason. Delusions of grandeur. The need to cut off your nose (or fingers) to spite your face. How sweet, dumb souls can come to the point of violent pointless vendettas against their friends and neighbors over stupid, worthless, pathetic shit (Jesus, God, the fucking British). It fecking great.
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