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Longhorn Al

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Everything posted by Longhorn Al

  1. I've never played this way. I think I've heard someone mention something similar to this. In tournaments, there's no forced bid. I played in Hallettsville this weekend. On Saturday, I drew another perfect hand. That's my 2nd in less than 6 months. Crazy. This time it was all of the treys. I won the bid for 84 and led the 3/6. Ha. Saturday had 73 teams. I played with the newly-famous 9 year old girl that's played State twice. It's crazy how you can actually watch her getting better with every game. She's going to be amazing after some more seasoning. She already plays backwards, knows when to throw count to set, holds the right dominoes to set opponents in an 84 bid, etc. She needs work on bidding more aggressively. Once she gets that down...watch out! We went 2-3 Friday night. Two losses were 7-6. We had a positive mark differential on the night. On Saturday, we went 2-3 in the morning with a -1 differential. Got in the championship bracket where it's best 2 of 3 each round. We were late returning from lunch and got docked our first game of Round 1. I was upset for her, but didn't let her know. She'd freeze up. We won the first game we played, then were down 6-4 in the 2nd game. She says, "it's ok we still have the 3rd game if we lose." I had to explain that we forfeited the first game, and this was do-or-die right now. That next hand, the bid came around to her and she overbids a 31 with a 32. Confidently. We win that and win the next 2 hands to take the match. That was so awesome to witness. We lost in the 2nd round in 2 games to two older, very good players from East Texas. lost the first game 8-5 because I went 84 down 6-5. Had 5 trumps, the double ace and a naked 0/6. I felt we wouldn't win the game, so I took the chance. Opponent held the 6/5 till the end. My partner held the 6/4, but it wasn't enough. We lost the 2nd game going away. Great time!
  2. I've gained a bit of weight back the last 3 days. Last Friday I was about 325. Today I'm 327.6. I broke down some at the TCU game and again Sunday night. At the game, I had a Stubb's BBQ sandwich (with bun and sauce). After the game I went to Maudie's and got 3 cheese enchiladas and ate a bunch of chips and some of those chicken flautas. Sunday night I went to HEB. I made a Keto casserole, but also had 2 Butterfinger cups (like Reese's cups) and a pint of Halo Top ice cream. I finished off the casserole Monday night. I started water fasting again Tuesday morning. I'm trying a 24 hour soft dry fast today to see how it goes. I haven't had anything to drink since 8am. I did shower & brush my teeth, thus the soft fast. On those carb days this weekend, I gained about a pound a day. Today, 24 hours into my water fast, I gained .2 - as always.
  3. Some asshole near me is so anti-Ehlinger, that he spent the 2nd half loudly cheering for him to get hurt or throw a Pick 6. He was cheering for TCU to tackle us and to score on offense. He said if we lost, we could bench Sam. He was also arguing with his buddy that the Colin Johnson TD was just a bad throw prayer that was answered, and that Texas didn't deserve to win the game. WTF is wrong with some of our fans?
  4. And there's going to be a 480' tower on that empty corner of the ZaZa block.
  5. 91 Red River - 369 ft
  6. Then it's a phenomenon that knows no bounds. Because I typically see it on twitter with kids that only listen to hip hop. Black/White/Asian, whatever.
  7. I think it's just slang from hop hop culture. That is not solely one race. That culture is made up of every race. What drives me crazy are the people who type like a text on every format. Facebook posts with all the vowels missing. Ex: "nd" = and. Hate that with a passion.
  8. AISD has the following labels on the bathroom doors at Burger Stadium: Men's Women'
  9. I broke, too. But in more of a planned break. I actually went to the store and bought ingredients for a concocted Keto casserole. Trying to fast another ~60 hours before I eat again. I'm thinking I will try to do a cycle of 60-72 hr fasts broken up by a meal. Maybe a longer one here and there.
  10. I never get constipated. There are more folks coming around to the idea that fiber is not all that necessary. I'm not just talking about Cole Robinson. I've seen it said by some other low carb doctors, but can't remember which ones at the moment. It's not scientific, but my gut always feels better when I don't eat fiber.
  11. I think psyllium husk is popular. I've seen people using it as batter now. Personally, I don't bother with fiber. If you're constipated, adding fiber will mess you up. It just adds bulk to something that won't pass. I heard it described once like adding more cars to a highway when there's a traffic jam.
  12. I drank 3 bottles of snake juice yesterday. So I was likely dehydrated and then the boost in sodium made me retain. What I've noticed while drinking the electrolytes is I actually lose all my weight on my feeding days after I break the fast.
  13. 48 hours in and I've gained weight. I hate water retention.
  14. When I did plain water, re-feeds were Hell. I'd be on the toilet multiple times after eating. Now, I'm drinking Snake Juice, or my own recipe of the same thing. That's water with pink salt, NoSalt, Epsom salt. I've started leaving out the baking soda. I add a bit of Borax, but it's not needed. If you stay up on your electrolytes, re-feeds tend to not be as severe. I can go 4 days and eat normally when I break it. The last 2 weeks, I'm breaking it basically on the day of the Texas game, so I take some liquid Imodium just in case. The food causes a bit of distress, but not nearly as bad as on just water. I'll drink a couple doses of Imodium and be good for the rest of the day. Probably not ideal, but it's worked so far. I don't get indigestion or reflux when I re-feed. And I'm not gentle on my stomach. I'll break a fast with a fatty Keto casserole (ex: tons of cheese, cream cheese, mayo, cream, chicken and sausage). No real ill effects except you'll have to run to the bathroom an hour or so later, in my experience.
  15. You're out in front. You're at least 12-15 hours ahead of me. I plan on going till Noon on Saturday before the TCU game.
  16. Guy cures his Type 2 Diabetes in a year:
  17. 26 hours into a fast after eating a boatload of Terry Black's bbq yesterday afternoon. Down to 324.4 today after organizing my closet last night for 2 hours and mowing my front lawn today. I'm down exactly 93 lbs. I can't wait for these next 7 lbs to come off in the next couple of weeks.
  18. Damnit, I just need a 12yd catch by Burton. Come on.
  19. The Otis Hotel (Autograph Collection boutique) - San Antonio & MLK - 11 floors https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2018/09/17/first-loowhite-lodging-breaks-ground-on-347-room.html
  20. Rofl, Listen to pearlandhorn. Come over to the Body Transformation thread. Go to reddit and start reading the Keto page: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/ Fasting and Keto will fix you. Diabetes is a result of your body being resistant to insulin. If your cells resist insulin's signal to open up and start taking glucose out of the blood, blood sugars go up. You can be insulin resistant for a decade or more before your blood sugars ever rise to the level of Diabetes. So what does modern medicine do for those who have too much insulin? They start shooting them up with more insulin, causing them to be even more insulin-resistant. Once that starts, it's hard to right the ship and you'll very likely start gaining weight. Cut out carbs, sugar and beer. Cut out starchy vegetables (roots - potatoes, carrots, etc.). No corn. Basically, if it's a color other than green, it probably has sugar in it. Cut out fruit. Maybe a few berries here and there. You can eat nuts, but avoid carby ones like cashews. If you really want to be strict, don't listen to people who suggest carb substitutes like "low carb" tortillas and buns. Just learn to do without. Eat fajitas without the tortillas. Eat burgers without buns. Eat steaks without potatoes or a dinner roll. Once you stay strict for 4-6 weeks, you will break that addiction and your body will actually crave fat. I never sit around dreaming of a pizza or a pie. When I get hungry, all I can think about is beef and fat, like a big ribeye. PM me if you need help or have questions.
  21. I have found everything Bernard was talking about at the beginning of the year that I thought was crazy to be correct re: fasting. A long fast is infinitely easier than eating very low calorie every day. I've done both. There's a point on a fast where you lose all hunger. Boredom is the only thing that keeps me from stopping. Well, my 7-day was ended because I couldn't get a handle on the indigestion that started on Day 6. But I'm a fatass, so fasting should be easier. At 176, you'll have a tougher time.
  22. I was going to fast today, but was forced to go to Terry Black's. I swear my arm was twisted.
  23. Had my 2nd DEXA scan at UT today. Haven't lost as much as I'd like in 3 months, but at least it's something. My next scan is January 7, almost a full year since I started Keto, and a little more than 6 months since my first DEXA scan. I wanted to track my lean mass vs. fat mass lost through the end of the year because I'm going to be incorporating more fasting, and will go back to the gym soon. 6/21/2018 9/17/2018 Total Mass 349.8 326.3 -23.5 Fat Mass 174.4 155.9 -18.5 Lean Mass 166.8 161.8 -5.0 Bone Mass 8.6 8.5 -0.1 My bone mass is 2 standard deviations higher than all other white men my age & weight in the nation. Visceral Fat N/A 5.22
  24. The responses make me want to stab things. Not a single one of these slapdicks even went to Texas.
  25. It was meeeeeeeeeee.
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