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Longhorn Al

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Everything posted by Longhorn Al

  1. Big tornado reported in the Richland Springs area earlier. http://www.kxan.com/news/local/hill-country/live-large-tornado-reported-on-the-ground-in-san-saba-county/1199859539
  2. Hill Country is getting it right now. Great light show.
  3. Maternal: Grandma (sounds like Grammaw) and Grandpa (Grampaw) Paternal: Granny and Grand Dad (although never met him) Austin, TX born and raised and so is my family going back generations.
  4. Not positive I dig that latest Ghost song. It's got a catchy beat. It's ok. I wish they get harder instead of softer (that's what she said).
  5. Brat should have known better. He even posted in this one.
  6. Stupid pics aren't showing in the OP. I'll fix it later.
  7. The courthouse lot tower looks like a worse version of Block 71. Ugh. https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2018/05/18/first-look-new-downtown-office-tower-could-rise-37.html?ana=e_mc_prem&s=newsletter&ed=2018-05-18&u=0GFzdSSEAa%2FFqoatuXZXIg07c0bb75&t=1526651938&j=81663831
  8. Updated the original post to include many of the towers under construction. I'll add proposed ones later.
  9. http://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/area-under-ben-white-blvd-will-be-transformed-into-transit-center/1185252793 Area under Ben White between Manchaca and Pack Saddle Pass to be a transit hub with 200 park and ride spaces.
  10. Happens to me every time. I always break my fast on a day I don't have something important going on or I'm traveling.
  11. Awesome! Thanks. We'll have to get together. Start the Shaggy IH Club.
  12. I know a girl who models/advertises for this stuff on instagram. Maybe I'll try it out.
  13. Reddit is starting another Keto Challenge tomorrow. Goes for 6 weeks. Join the google group and track your weight on a google spreadsheet.
  14. I bought 3 flavors. Most of them are still sitting in the fridge. Not a huge fan.
  15. For me, it's easy after the 24 hr mark.
  16. So, I'm 50 hours into a 72-hour fast. I drank 66oz of MiO water and PowerAde Zero on Monday, and 100oz on Tuesday. I'm aiming for another 100oz today. I'm still on the verge of leg cramps while I lay in bed before I fall asleep. I need to supplement some salt/light salt. Tuesday weigh-in showed I lost the 4 lbs I had gained during the previous 18 days. Today's weigh-in shows another 2.2 lbs lost. That's 61.5 total lost since 1/10. I'm going to try and break this fast without causing a bathroom emergency this time. The last couple of times have not been kind to the toilet. Will pick up some broth tonight. Breaking it tomorrow around 3pm.
  17. Just drink PowerAde Zero...no calories.
  18. It's in 3 different places right now due to lack of storage. But my parents are building a barndominium as we speak, and will have the room to house the Scout. That way I can get it all in one place and work on it. The last thing that stumped my progress was a bent shackle mount on the frame. I need it cut off and a new one welded on. I don't own a welder and have never learned how to weld (something I'd like to learn). The guy building the barndominium said his guys would do it whenever we want. That's one problem fixed.
  19. Finally found a video where Berg states a little more clearly how much you can decrease your protein while doing OMAD: I'll try 10oz of fatty meat + greens and other fats for my one meal. Aiming for 1500-1600 calories. Alfredo sauce over broccoli, here I come.
  20. If I use my goal weight: 220 .7g per lb would be: 154g protein a day If I only eat OMAD, I saw I could get away with .36g per lb, or 79g. That's 15oz of 85/15 ground beef or 12oz of chicken breast in one sitting. I can do that, but I'm sure I'll read someone else saying you shouldn't eat that much protein in one meal. Then I'll contemplate decreasing protein further, and people will claim that wouldn't be enough protein.
  21. This is where Keto becomes a pain in the ass. Other sources say to never use percentages for your macros, but use absolute grams. Find your protein goal and hit it daily. Eat under 20-25g of carbs. Eat fat for satiety because it's not a goal. Then others will say to make sure it's a 75/20/5 ratio or something similar. You can't hit 75/20/5 and still hit your protein goal. You'd gain weight. I've also read that the ratio approach is more for people maintaining Keto for their lifestyle or health, not to lose weight. I have no idea what to believe anymore. It's a mess.
  22. What I've read is that gluconeogenesis is an process that only occurs for needs, not so much when you have excess protein. And excess protein for me would be a ton. My middle ground is 142 grams.
  23. I've gained 4 lbs. Still not eating carbs. Kind of frustrating.
  24. Oh yeah, Butterfinger Blizzard is where it's at. Heath and M&M are good, too.
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