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Longhorn Al

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Everything posted by Longhorn Al

  1. Go ahead and keep doing it their way. Obviously must work. The vet QB is a place holder, not the franchise QB. You develop a mid-round QB. But wasting 1st rounder after 1st rounder on a reach at QB and sticking him behind a shitty OL will result in what we've seen in Cleveland.
  2. The Browns are so stupid. Draft a badass OL and stick a vet QB behind them. Quit drafting undersized/shitty QBs every year.
  3. OMAD = 1 poop per day for me.
  4. Lost another .8 overnight.
  5. I'm looking at staying on it long term if I can build the will power. There's no reason not to. Our bodies don't need carbs. Why do our bodies store fat, but store very little glycogen? I believe we're built to burn fat, not sugar. But everyone is different, and Keto is not the only way to lose weight and keep it off. I know my body and I know sugar has a big effect on my insulin resistance, thyroid function, and other things.
  6. I've never had the Keto flu. I've never had any broth since I've been on the diet. I'll have Powerade Zero from time to time, but moreso because I want water with some flavor, not because I'm craving electrolytes. I haven't had any cramps while on Keto. I take supplements very sporadically.
  7. I was exclusively a stomach sleeper before CPAP. Now I'm a back sleeper, and sometimes side. When I was suffering from apnea, I'd have the worst nightmares when sleeping on my back. Those full-body paralysis events during the night, terrified. I'm sure it was me waking up from not breathing, but my body not responding quickly enough. Whatever. Nightmares all the same. I would have to sleep on my stomach to avoid that, and to breathe. I haven't slept on my stomach in almost 7 years. No need. Many nights I go to sleep and wake up in the same position. Lately, I've been doing a little more side sleeping, so I might need some adjusting to my machine or something. 7 years of CPAP = not a single nightmare in that time, which means I'm able to breathe.
  8. I've had CPAP since about 2011. Just the nose pillows. It has really been a miracle. My snoring had gotten really bad. I was having the worst acid reflux. One time I woke up in a hotel with stomach acid in my sinuses. That pain is ridiculous. Did a sleep study and got my CPAP. I've never gone back or even had my machine's memory looked at. I probably should have, but whatever. It works. I'm losing weight right now, so I'm putting off another study till I lose another 100 lbs. Then I'll get a new machine. I'd like to get 2 masks. A nose only one for every day use, and a full face for when I have a cold and can't breathe through my nose. My snoring is gone, obviously. Haven't had acid reflux ever again. I still get heartburn (not as much when I'm eating low carb), but it never results in acid reflux anymore. I'm not groggy when I wake up. I don't get tired during the day. I don't fall asleep while driving or sitting at work in front of a computer. My memory has improved. It's worth it.
  9. I hadn't lost a pound in 2+ weeks after my last 3-day fast. Actually gained 1. Since Saturday, I've slipped back into OMAD, and have lost 6 pounds. Whoosh! 55 lbs total since January 10.
  10. My new endo seemed ok with Keto. He didn't bat an eye when I said that's what I've been doing this year. What's throwing him for a loop are my blood test results. He says my lipids are amazing for my size and age. Said he expects to see those levels with someone on a max dose of statins. He said I must have some great genes re: cholesterol. He was also shocked at my A1C, which was 5.1. My TSH also surprised him. Here are my TSH results history: 7/29/14 - 3.48 6/29/16 - 4.74 9/29/16 - 5.41 2/02/17 - 4.76 4/27/17 - 4.71 4/09/18 - 2.27 I quit taking any thyroid meds over a year ago. Scrip ran out and I didn't have a doctor to go to at the time. He asked what my dosage has been. When I told him I haven't taken anything in a year, and all I've changed is cutting out sugar/carbs, he was dumbfounded. I was on 50 mcg of Levothyroxine a year ago. In 3 months, I get more tests done. I'm asking for a full battery of thyroid tests after reading that TSH isn't the be-all-end-all test. I'm asking for Free T4, Total T3, Free T3, Reverse T3, SHBG, and thyroid antibodies.
  11. Not necessarily true. I've had Low T for a long time. My E is usually in the normal range. Bitch tits my whole life. Of course, I've been obese my whole life, too. I've done T replacement before for short periods, but I won't do that again anytime soon. I haven't had the opportunity to try for kids yet, so I'm avoiding it till I'm older. I'm back on Clomid as of this week. Was on it a few years ago and had good results.
  12. Awesome. I'll be there in a month or two.
  13. I'm getting an average of about 18.7 with my Silverado since buying it. That's highway and city. And that's with the 5.3 with the V4 eco crap.
  14. Not sure how to feel about this. LZ definitely adds the balls to this mashup. But basically hearing Whole Lotta Love without that solo leaves me feeling empty inside.
  15. The new Ghost song is growing on me. Not a huge fan of the new ballet dancing Pope. His mask creeps me out more than the previous ones. Looks like Clark Gable had an acid bath. The song has a nice groove to it. Nothing beats the first album for me still.
  16. I was going through my old Photobucket and came across these from 2008 or so. I remember posting this on shaggy. It was when people were taking photos of guns with steaks and stuff.
  17. My catback system is on the way. Should be here this weekend or early next week. Dual real exit, Super 44 flowmaster muffler.
  18. They say Lebron agreed off camera to address it. If so, I don't really see a problem with it.
  19. Terrible news. I could see him hanging it up.
  20. http://stelmomarket.com/assets/uploads/STELMO_Leasing_Brochure.pdf Page 3 has the layout of the entire project. The market is right in the middle.
  21. https://abc.austintexas.gov/web/permit/public-search-other?t_detail=1&t_selected_folderrsn=11840439&t_selected_propertyrsn=219230 https://abc.austintexas.gov/attachment/attachmentDownload.jsp?p=cNjkKPpMg%2BzSuyz6ZnUhiu%2ByrCj4S5bVelYpN5t1VEA7sD8boLNR6g%3D%3D These are saying it'll be an underground parking garage with some floors above ground containing 62 residential and commercial condo units.
  22. https://communityimpact.com/austin/southwest-austin/business/2018/04/13/first-tenants-announced-for-saint-elmo-public-market-mignette-texas-hill-country-olive-oil-company-salt-and-time/
  23. Got about 38 hours into my 72-hr fast, but I'm breaking it. I got sick...chest cold. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat.
  24. I had my lipids checked after 2 weeks on Keto, then again after 13 weeks on Keto. Results: Previous results in parentheses. Total Cholesterol - 106 mg (123 mg) HDL - 35 mg (36 mg) LDL - 52 mg (64 mg) Trig - 96 mg (155 mg) VLDL - 19 mg (N/A) Non-HDL - 71 mg (87 mg) Total:HDL ratio - 3.03 (3.42) LDL:HDL ratio - 1.49 (1.78) My A1C was 5.1.
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