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Longhorn Al

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Everything posted by Longhorn Al

  1. To expound on that... What I mean is when you cut calories, your body adjusts. Let's say your maintenance level is 2400 calories a day. You cut back to 1700. You lose weight. Eventually, weight loss slows. Your body is adjusting. It realizes it's only going to get 1700 calories, so it slows things down so it can maintain at that level. It becomes your new set point if you stick with it long enough. You then get discouraged at not losing. You either give up or cut more. If you give up and go back to eating 2400 a day with your metabolism now at 1700, you'll gain over a pound a week. That's when the evil yo-yo really gets ugly. I've done this many times. That's how people gain back what they lost plus some. It's how I just kept getting bigger. Fasting is supposed to preserve your metabolism. It can ramp up even higher at times, and drop down a little bit as well. But not as drastically as calorie restriction. But you're right that it will take monumental discipline by me as time goes on. Will I cave and start binge eating? Will I get to my goal and just start eating like I did to get me to 400 lbs? That's something I'll have to work on, but I have months before I'm anywhere close to my goal and that's with being very aggressive. I will have to incorporate the things you mention. Finding the right foods, and going to IF/OMAD, etc. As for being a sprint vs. marathon, I don't buy into the thinking that we should lose 1 lb a week and lose slowly. I started at 400 lbs. The less time I can spend morbidly obese, the better. I need to cure my insulin resistance before I get Type II diabetes. I want to lose it as fast as I can so I can get on with the rest of my life. If I had a wife and family, I may be more likely to take it slow. I don't have those luxuries. I want to lose this while I'm still under 40. BTW, made it back to the gym last night. Back is feeling much better. Got some treadmill in and some full body lifts. 15 minutes in the sauna. Lost 1.8. Feeling good.
  2. There's nothing wrong with losing as fast as you can. There's plenty of time to transition back to IF or 48s. Also, I'm not yo-yoing currently. I have in the past when trying to cut calories. That's what slows metabolism. Fasting doesn't.
  3. Maybe I'll do a San Marcos vs. Hays County vs. Kent Black's taste test.
  4. Has anybody tried San Marcos BBQ? My cousin swears by their sausage, but I'm wondering if he's thinking of Hays County which used to be on Hunter Rd. I haven't been to either place despite living in Kyle.
  5. That's a big house for such a small Dick.
  6. And their onion rings are insanely good.
  7. I'll throw another out there... Hays City Store
  8. I'll take the same with bacon, and onion rings or curly fries.
  9. By the way, the scale started reacting the last 2 days. Down 3.2 in that time and 37.6 for the year.
  10. It's definitely NOT recommended for lean people like yourself. Y'all just don't have the fat reserves, and it can be dangerous. If your body doesn't have fat, then it will start cannibalizing your lean tissue, and that can be bad news. Not just muscle, but the heart can be affected. But the body will burn fat first if it's there. There are a lot of people that go 1, 2, 3 weeks. Some even 40+ days. They've all got lots of weight to lose. The record fast with no food was over 365 days. He was a really big guy in the UK, and was in the hospital with an electrolyte IV. He didn't die. He lost a ton of weight and got healthier. Personally, a week is pushing it. I typically start to get persistent indigestion around Day 6. I haven't experienced that yet on this particular fast, but my Day 6 has just started. But hunger is not a reason why I break at 7 days. It actually gets easier the longer I go w/r/t hunger. I'm less hungry at 6 days than I am at 2 days.
  11. In 2018, one of our shaggy/surly members ate once every 7-10 days for a few months. I'm sure he'll chime in eventually. There's plenty of science backing up fasting. You can do the legwork. I've already done mine, and continue to do so. Is it extreme? To some people. Especially some skinny dude like Helobious. I'm not skinny. I'm extremely fat. I can fast without any problems whatsoever. I haven't eaten since Friday and I'm not even hungry. I'll break my fast with BBQ and it won't even phase me. I don't get refeeding syndrome. I might have to run to the bathroom a couple hours after the meal, but even that is rarer and rarer.
  12. If y'all would prefer a real MD, check out Paul Mason. He's a good listen, as well.
  13. Do your own research. Look up Dr. Fung re: fasting. I'm fine. Fasting is not bad for you. Eating and snacking all the time is.
  14. I hadn't seen this video before just now, but he dumbs it down pretty well.
  15. I don't buy into the cholesterol/LDL hype. It's natural. We need it. Never take statins. Cut carbs and sugar. https://cholesterolcode.com/
  16. So, last Friday I lost the 1.6 I had gained over the previous 3 days. Then I ate 2 meals on Friday and gained 4.0 by Saturday when I woke up. I've been fasting for 100 hours and have only lost 3 of those 4 lbs I gained from the food. I'm drinking more water. Trying to get 2L a day. I'm peeing more. But the scale is still slow to react. I'm shrinking, though. I've lost 3 or 4 inches on my waist since Jan 1 according to my belt. I just really want to see the scale feedback. I'm calling my plan for this month, Feasting Fridays in February. I will only eat on Fridays this month. I will also cut carbs during those meals unlike last Friday. This week's meal will be zoodles with alfredo sauce and extra cheese with chicken (I'll shred an HEB rotisserie chicken). I'll add some HEB bacon-wrapped jalapenos that will be topped with some cheddar.
  17. Don't fall for the LDL myth. It's not bad. Cholesterol technically can clog arteries, but only because inflammation has caused damage. Sugar and carbs are a couple of the contributors to inflammation. Blaming cholesterol for clogged arteries is like blaming firemen for a house on fire. Check out Feldman's Cholesterol Code: https://cholesterolcode.com/ He also has a good twitter: https://twitter.com/DaveKeto
  18. What a lucky ass shot.
  19. Lampasas & LBJ should be fun in 4AD1.
  20. From The ATX on ssp re: Railyard towers:
  21. It ain't happening. I've gained 1.4 the last 3 days. .2, .4 and .8 today. I haven't eaten anything. I'm retaining fluid like crazy, I guess. My legs aren't swollen and I don't feel bloated, but that water just isn't shedding. I'm eating tomorrow. The gains may keep coming before I get that big drop again. Or maybe eating will trigger that whoosh like it does for some people.
  22. Gained 2 lbs on my Saturday Kreuz refeed. Lost 1.4 of that today. I'm down 35.0 this month. Just 5.0 away from my goal of 40 in January. I have till Friday.
  23. 33.4 Didn't think I'd lose this much in 23 days. My new goal for January is 40 lbs. And I want to lose another 25 in February. Back around Thanksgiving, I promised a 10 year old that I would lose her weight by the next time I saw her. She's roughly 65 lbs, so I'm on pace. Will see her March 6.
  24. By the 2nd paragraph, I thought the twist was going to be she was actually laying in a coffin...dead of obesity. I'm morbid. I'm breaking my fast today. It'll be around 121 hours by the time I eat. Haven't lost as much this fast. Must be retaining water. Down 26.2 lbs for the year.
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