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Longhorn Al

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Everything posted by Longhorn Al

  1. They didn't really call it tonight, either. Lampasas was just a much better team with superior talent and athleticism. The defense tackled very well tonight. LH only got a couple of long runs. LH ended up with 3 first half turnovers and 5 failed 4th downs (4 on their side of the 50) for the game. The Badgers were bigger, stronger and faster. Multiple times defenders picked up LH runners and slammed them to the ground. Another fell as he was tackling and ended up taking the runner down with 1 arm and a handful of jersey. If the Lampasas defense continues to improve, they could make a lot of noise in the playoffs. That offense is potent.
  2. Are you sure Weslaco isn't the top team in the RGV this year? Beat Vela and have only 1 loss.
  3. You shut your whore mouth!
  4. My granny was born in 1908 in Driftwood. She always made her burgers with mustard AND mayo (or Miracle Whip). She was more Texan than anyone on this thread.
  5. Well......it's gonna happen soon!
  6. Does Jack Allen's or Hyde Park have decent fried chicken? I haven't had it at either spot.
  7. Chester Hunt's Icehouse could also be on the chopping block. Austin is going to imminent domain their entire parking lot so they can extend Rundberg. That really sucks because it has become the Mecca of 42 in Texas. Moreso than even the Dixie Chicken.
  8. I just found 34 coupons from last year. Cha-ching!
  9. Anyone tried the Big Red Chicken Bread at Smokey John's BBQ yet? I'm trying to locate some different options on the map. I'm interested in the burnt ends, boudin egg roll, Big Red bread, deep fried potato salad, and arroz con leche from last year (anyone try that?). And Fletcher's, of course.
  10. 30? Seriously? Out.
  11. I could be late to the party, but I saw some site prep going on at a lot south of Manchaca/Slaughter. Next to Moontower. I looked it up, and found out a new Top Notch Hamburgers is going to be built in that area. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=2ahUKEwj-47jVv4vlAhXBMd8KHS3fA9sQFjAFegQIABAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fabc.austintexas.gov%2Fattachment%2FattachmentDownload.jsp%3Fp%3DrhL9yeJHMmUCynYV0gpaHYQlUeakbjOS5oWueW5EJIq7inE%2BsPiJJR3CO38Fn9WPo5kPrLtpNNSmiU5PgPTHMTEfSPUT39thK3MU%2BoI%2FTytf93tYO1ZUwvJ9va5MLCeq&usg=AOvVaw3gi9J-ZHPGKr-1498cxhwj https://abc.austintexas.gov/web/permit/public-search-other?p_p_id=SmartPortletJSR286_WAR_smartlets_INSTANCE_chpyJJVwH9kC&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=1#port_public-search-other-database This couldn't have happened during my time growing up in that area??
  12. My arteries are ready.
  13. Remind me, when do the concessions start serving on game day? I know the gates to the Fair open at 7am. The site says vendors and exhibits open at 10am, but that can't be right on TX/OU weekend. But I can't remember what time exactly. Want to tell a friend who was asking.
  14. I'm definitely hitting up Fernie's. They always have great stuff. Will be getting a Fletchers or two. Then over to Fernie's for that burnt ends burrito and one of their fried grilled cheeses, which has become another tradition for me. I usually grab some of those fried Wisconsin cheese curds at the stand just inside the International archway. I don't usually seek out the sweet stuff. But I might be tempted to try that Big Red bread. I better not eat at all this week in preparation.
  15. I just saw that breakfast burger today online. If I get it, I'm getting it double meat, double cheese and add japs.
  16. I haven't looked at an issue of SI in years. It wouldn't affect me at all if they disappeared completely.
  17. Through 5 games, 2AD1 San Saba is outscoring opponents 60.4 - 1.8.
  18. Lampasas - 48 La Vernia - 28
  19. I just finished the Bill Burr special. It wasn't that funny. I just didn't laugh all that hard at any of his jokes. I love a lot of his older bits and was looking forward to this. Chappelle's was far and away funnier. The hardest laugh I got from Bill was the airbag joke.
  20. First 2 Lampasas games: 129 points scored 1,334 yards (704 rush / 630 pass) Next 2 games were losses last year. Badgers get both at home. Lorena & La Vernia
  21. Lampasas - 63 Joshua - 14 Whitehead 14/20 336 yds 5 TD 1 INT, 7 rush 55 yds 1 TD Jerome 14 rush 104 yds 2 TD Porter 4 rec 180 yds 3 TD 63 points and didn't get Everts into the end zone.
  22. Bowie vs Pville @ Burger tonight, 7:30. Bowie is going to have growing pains this year. We'll see what they can be by year's end.
  23. BTW, that 6'6 320 sophomore is Caden Thrift. Pretty sure he's Curtis Thrift's son.
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