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  1. "White Trash Tebow" pretty much sums up the entire Scattebo concept and discourse. With the new 12-team playoffs, there will be many more players like this to come. -- Punk ass players who are good to very good, not great, playing for newbie playoff teams. -- Newbie teams (ASU) playing bluebloods (UT) all claiming "We belong!" ... "We played'em tough"... "We got respect!" .... blah blah blah. Just like March Madness, a newbie playoff team will upset a blueblood and dudes like Scattebo will be all over TV ... until they lose and will be forgotten nationally. Scattebo won't even be a footnote to the 2024-25 playoff saga. Just another dude who had his 15 minutes of fame in a losing game.
  2. Who is a "Blueblood" in college football is a time-dependent concept -- dependent on long stretches of title-winning, winning seasons, bowl winning, big-game winning, high ranking in polls, some Heisman winners, etc. -- In other words, long stretches of generally kicking ass and winning titles, awards, etc. -- Quit winning titles and kicking ass for a couple of decades, teams lose blueblood status. -- Thus, Army, Yale, and Minnesota were once "bluebloods." Obviously, no longer. Of course, teams can win enough to become bluebloods.... but also lose it. -- Nebraska under Devaney and Osborne became a top-shelf blueblood. But, given the past 20 years, they are fading fast. Another 10 like the past 20 and they will no longer be bluebloods. They already may not be a blueblood. -- Miami, Florida, FSU all looked like sure-fire new blueboods in the 1980s-1990s, when they kicked ass. But they are fringe bluebloods, at least FSU and Florida might be. Miami, nope. Texas was good before 1957 ... but not a national "blueblood" until DKR showed up and kicked ass for 20 years -- winning 3 national titles -- ruling the SWC -- winning multiple EPIC FUCKING GAMES ... as in some of the very biggest games of an ENTIRE DECADE! -- deploying revolutionary offense that changed the game -- etc. Despite having some shitty coaches (McWilliams, Strong, and to an extent Herman-Mackovic) since DKR.... Akers, Mack, and now Sark have won enough big games (etc) to keep UT's status as a blueblood intact. -- For that, we Longhorns should be thankful. TLDR: Bottom line, bluebloods are not eternal. They rise and fall over time, just like nations and corporations.
  3. Excellent list of top pass plays, but there is one that most all older Longhorns forget (or younger ones don't know about). The Street to Speyrer pass that I inserted in your list. Speyrer makes diving catch as Street threw ball only where it could be caught and not be tipped by Domer DB. Cotton Bowl win secures the 1969 national title against ALL doubters. Lose this game and Arky win is lessened by a huge factor. Hell, ND would claim a national title, too. Along with Penn State. To be total legend, ya gotta win titles!
  4. Spot on. 100%! No doubt, USC was the rock star team in LA. I have several friends and cousins in the Southern California area: Some are USC fans, some are UCLA fans. I had phone calls with some from both camps before the Texas-USC game. Most agreed that Reggie Bush could have a big game. But all were all wondering just what the hell VY was going to dial up! ESPN was hyping Trojans as possible best ever college team, but UCLA cousins said there was under-the-radar murmuring in So Cal football world about whether USC could stop ... or even slow down VY-Texas offense. -- Trojan cousins admitted they were very fearful of VY factor. Like no other player they faced in the 34-game win streak. They saw what he did in the Rose Bowl the year prior. They saw that 45-13 wipeout of OU (who USC wiped out the year before) and the 70-3 demolition of Colorado in Big 12 title game. So did Pete Carroll and the Trojan defense. Frankly, it seemed like there was some fear (not cowardice) and panic by USC during last two Texas drives. Especially after that 4th down stop by Texas. Fear and panic like: "Oh Shit!!! ... Here comes fucking Vince Young" !?!?!??! The rest is history. "4th and 5. National Championship on the line....He's going for the corner ...."
  5. 100% Spot on. The most hyped game ... by far. Everyone knew Texas and USC were head-and-shoulders-and-torsos above all the other teams. No other teams even close. Plus, something that will never be duplicated is the combined winning streaks of USC and Texas. USA was riding a 34-game streak, while Texas had won 19 straight. A combined 53-game streak! Plus, an entire season of sheer on-field electricity from VY and Reggie Bush, two of the most electric players of all-time. Plus, California and Texas, the two most populous states. Mythologies and stereotypes: Hollywood vs Big Oil, etc. Big-time celebs galore. Guaranteed a massive audience for the title game. That audience size may never be duplicated, for all the reasons above. And what's most amazing ... the game not only lived up to the hype. It FAR exceeded it. Perhaps the greatest college game of all time.
  6. So? I am not defending Willis. If the "legal system" is so great and methodical... then it should have produced someone .... who knows what the fuck they are doing to prosecute Trump for Jan. 6 and try to steal votes in Georgia. Apparently, the system is so fucked up with idiots (Willis), incompetents (Garland, et al), and slow pokes (Jack Smith), that it cannot function properly to safeguard democracy -- WHEN TRUMP IS RECORDED TRYING TO STEAL VOTES. The legal system and the people in it must be fucked up ... since a fascist insurrectionist-election stealer-state secrets stealer is about to take office. Yeah, the 29% of adults who voted for Trump are too blame, too. But Trump should have been on the ballot. He should have been in been in jail. The legal system and the people in it failed.
  7. Wrong. 29% of US adults voted for Trump. Nowhere near "most." According to Wikipedia, Trump got 49.9% of the popular vote. Close, but not a majority there either. Kamala got 48.4% It was a very close race. If a football score was 49-48, it would be called a close game. It is those idiot world red maps... or an antiquated electoral college system .. that give the illusion of a wipeout. They voted for a fascist and fascist party. If they don't realize that, they are, indeed, buffoons. 100% fucking buffoons! And the rest of us are getting fucked ... in one way or another because of it.
  8. No worries! Twice Horn will soon arrive to tell us the US legal system is still working fine ... it just moves slowly ... because of all the rules and procedures in place ... to see that justice is served.
  9. This is Trump's America. When the star QB posts this, then fuck the star QB and his NIL millions. And if the MegaStar Backup QB is a Trumper, then F him, too. How different is this than Aggy? None. Don't make any excuses for Star QBs. Time's up for excuses. If Star QBs do not understand voting for Trump is voting for fascism, misogyny, (etc.), then our university can only be failing in its educational mission. Add on Abbott and Rogan (et al) on the sidelines ... and joining the SEC-confederacy conference ... and wondering how many UT players and UT fans in the stadium are MAGA.... wondering about CDC and other leaders at UT .... makes me wonder why I should give a shit about Longhorns football. Sure, beat OU and Aggy and F the SEC ... but I barely tune in, have not watched a game, just check out the highlights. Feels like my interest is heading toward zero. That's Trump's America.
  10. The CEOS of America ain't doing jackshit against Trump's policies. Not a damn fucking thing of consequence. If they were, they would have already done it before the election. Let the leopards feast in boardrooms across America. Leopards in CEO bedrooms, too, for that matter. Gotta be some dildos of consequences for billionaires and their concubines.
  11. Fetterman is just another faux "authentic" bro. Thinks dressing in hoodie, or sweats, or t-shirt with band/team logo, or baggy shorts down to their calves ... somehow ... makes them more real and authentic and an overall badass butt kicker. It's all laughable .... but it is also part of the decline in manners and rise of vulgarity in civil society. Now, I would never get caught in button down with slacks and coat. Never. Button down, dockers, navy blue jacket = Code for boring dad, corporate clone, and/or possible fascist sympathizer in today's world. I have a black suit in my closet, but I mostly wear my 501s, leather jackets, and funky boots. But then I hang out in artsy-fartsy world. Lulz!
  12. Trump's America will feature empowered fanatical Christians ... all across the land of the free. Massive power, unchecked, with unhinged hate ... all across the home of the brave. Like all fanatical regimes in history (including communists), when fanatical Christians have unchecked political power, they unleash unhinged hate and killing. They are already finding people to hate, to kill in America. Who? The sinners. The infidels. The outsiders. The people not like them. People to hate, such as women who abort or miscarry. Why? To purify, to cleanse, to hurt, to humiliate, to impose Biblical rule through fear and domination. They will kill because they believe their (unseen, fact-free) Creator has their back for eternity. As the article says, life is "created in God's image" is their rationale for executing women who don't carry a fetus to term. And If Christian political power is not stopped, they will kill plenty more. After all, this is the land of the free and home of the brave! ---------- And I'm sure the endless supply of Surly Christian apologists will say I'm wrong. That these are fake Christians, that true Christians don't kill, that these are misguided but still "good people," etc. Or cite some BS verse from the Bible. Go tell that to 400 years of dead Native Americans. Or others slaughtered across the planet in the name of God. Lulz. https://truthout.org/articles/sc-gop-reintroduces-bill-to-punish-people-getting-abortions-with-death-penalty/
  13. The goal is not efficiency, in and of itself. The ultimate goal is to shut down voting by mail -- in the name of efficiency.
  14. Ironic that Heisman winner Roger Staubach (photo above) became a total legend in Dallas. After all, he got his "Captain America" butt kicked all over the Cotton Bowl by DKR and the badass UT defense. 28-6. Total rout (Navy TD came in garbage time late in 4Q). 1963 National Champs!
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