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Everything posted by BevoAbyss

  1. If you're the future of America, then we're all fucked. World leaders in name calling! Just like Trump, the guy you claim to oppose. Look in the mirror dude. You enable his fat ass.
  2. What a badass! Beaver gonna fight me on the church parking lot? Lulz. Across decades, I have written numerous articles and books that state my positions on a variety of topics that involve art, science, philosophy, politics, culture, and sometimes religion and beliefs. In public. With my name on it. Stuff that goes way way way beyond "atheist talking points" or stuff in Surly. And no publisher or editor or reviewer or commenter has called me a "bigot." Or a "pussy." Only you Beaver. But, then, you're an internet tough guy, I guess. "Adios" because it is pointless for me to continue. 4 decades of debating with religious believers and apologists ... many with PhDs in theology at UT and elsewhere ... not merely your local megachurch bible thumper or online poster ... and I still can't fully remember that it is utterly pointless to argue with them. Yet, I still sometimes get sucked in. My bad. There are no amount of facts or logic will convince anyone anything who believes that the Creator of a universe .... with two trillion galaxies and three sextillion stars .... stretching across 93 billion light years .... has a special behavioral plan ... just for them ... on a fraction of a tiny ball of dirt and water ... orbiting a flaming ball of hydrogen ... in a remote part of a single galaxy. I am plainly stupid for arguing at all ... with any religious person in Surly .... or on this planet ... or in this galaxy ... or in this universe. So, yes, adios.
  3. I see the apologists showed up on cue. Of course, not every Christian supports what's happening in America. But they are not running the show. But it seems the majority voted for Trump (see table below). And the Christian fanatics who voted for Trump are running the show and they are imposing a fascist theocracy. That's a fact. That's Project 2025. That Nazi Germany was overwhelmingly Christian is a fact. That does not mean every Christian supported Nazism. But it sure seems like most did. Those aren't "atheist talking points." Those are facts. Too bad y'all can't handle those facts because you were raised as Christians. Adios.
  4. Nazi Germany was an overwhelmingly Christian nation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany 54% Protestant 41% Catholic That's 95%. The chart is correct. There were throngs of racist fascist Christians who supported Hitler. Protestants the most. That's a fact of historical reality. Of course, to those who are not brainwashed and know real religious history, this is no real surprise. Now, be sure to tell everyone at Sunday School tomorrow what you learned on the internet.
  5. Troph: You're a great poster here. One of the very best. Your post makes good points. But, with all due respect, you echoed the exact party line of the "for profit journalism." The media want us to think it "Trump won on the economy" ...blah blah blah. Sure, independents played a small role. But the empirical facts are that religious people PLAYED A LARGE ROLE. They voted overwhelming for Trump and their cult leaders are installing Project 2025 ... just as they said they would. Yet, as we see throughout the media, including non-profit media, the role of religious fanatics gets a 99% free pass. The data are 100% clear (see below). It is what it is. Their goal is a fascist theocracy. Unless this threat to civilization is confronted, this nation is doomed. Most likely, it is far too late. Hell, the entire world is endangered because of these people ....
  6. Anyone here "Stand Up For Science" yesterday? I took to the streets for the science rally, with cool sign in hand. Saw a boisterous, agitated, happy-dejected crowd of about 1000 people in the metropolis where I attended the really. -- Crowd size was more than I expected, but tiny considering the million+ population of the metropolis and surrounding burbs. So, about 1 out of 1000 people attended from the area. -- Lots of funny and piognant signs. Too many to post here. -- Saw many faces that seemed depressed-dejected ... and downright angry. The speakers (local scientists and local politicians) had their lines. But other than saying "fight back" and "demand a seat at the table," there was not much of a plan. Two hours of a rally .... then it disappears. https://standupforscience2025.org But, I feel good for going. And trust me, my ongoing international art project will not ignore what is going down in America. No fucking way!
  7. Does not matter. The full-on 100% fascist takeover is underway and succeeding. The legacy & mainstream media have completely failed us and are doing next-to-nothing to stop it. Hell, they can't even call "fascism" what it is: FASCISM. The fascism has been obvious since Trump-MAGA appeared on the scene, if not much sooner. (First table is from 2023, slightly modified to include Project 2025). And many posters/law dogs repeatedly told us that the "Wheels of Justice" move slowly, but inexorably to justice. I posted the Nazi-MAGA table in 2024 and was told I was wrong. I am sure some posters will soon say it again. We have a huge percentage of this country (perhaps 80-95%) who simply do not fully grasp what is unfolding before their eyes.
  8. Spot on. My light came on when Reagan and Falwell made kissy kissy on stage in mid-1980s (1984?). I (and a few UT philosophy and artsy friends) knew that politics + religious fanaticism were a toxic brew with deadly results ... if they ever got power. The legacy and mainstream media gave them a free pass across the decades. Now they have near-total power. And they are installing a violent fascist theocracy ... while Elon, DOGE, and billionaires take the spotlight.
  9. And the Dallas Morning Christian News managed to not criticize the pastor or his religion. But the News did offer RFK as the man with vacccine insight. Insanity presented as reasonable dude. The pastor proudly stated they were anti-science and all about "religious freedom." These people do not care if other people die. THEY DO NOT CARE! And, yet, they get a 99% free pass in the media. These Christian fanatics and lunatics are bringing on the destruction of America and modern civilization. That's a fact.
  10. Anybody who thinks the Democrats -- at least with current leaders and power brokers -- are going to save this country is very mistaken. Bernie, Hakeem, AOC, Schumer? They ain't got it. The Democrats should have jumped all over Trump last night as soon as he walked in. -- Booing him LOUDLY immediately as he is walking down the aisle. -- LOUDLY interrupting his speech and calling out his lies. -- Shouting this is fascism when he discusses mass deportation. -- Heck, perhaps even some shouting of "No Seig Heil in America" "No Seig Heil" ... "No Fuhrer" ... "No Fuhrer" ANYTHING to break the silence of pretending there are still civilized rules in place. Bu, no, they sat there like obedient house pets. ------ There are no fucking rules when you are in a political war trying to save a nation and even civilization ... from an obvious fanatical Fascist Evangelical regime bent upon destroying many sciences and armed with nukes. Otherwise, don't even bother to attend the event -- a collective no show. I don't have an exact plan ... but we need someone with some balls to say "NO! We ain't surrendering to fascists" and say it LOUDLY and REPEATED in the media. They must use the term FASCIST, not mere "extremist" or "far right." And organize and lead an elected resistance of some kind. Of course, I am over the ledge and in abyss, so it is likely far too late.
  11. Spot on. Once Reagan and Falwell got on the stage together .... I and several UT friends knew big trouble was coming if the fanatics ever got total power. Now they have it .... after 40 years of the purposeful erosion of public education and purposeful growth of anti-science idiocy. ... and 40 years of a near-complete free pass from the media.
  12. Great post Francisco! How the hell could I leave off a DEVO mention? Am I not a man? Must be a spudboy! Devo saw it coming ... Big fan of Devo, especially during Ronnie Raygun era. (Still have my Devo music, but now I get most of my electronic music fix from Kraftwerk.)
  13. We are way beyond saving democracy.... that's because we are witnessing human DEvolution in real time ... led by Team USA ... streaming on screens all over the world. A 21st century crusade of idiocy and violence accelerating our species backward into the Sixth Extinction event: -- either by massive climate destruction over a few centuries -- or total nuclear annihilation in an afternoon. We are far beyond the event horizon.
  14. Well, at least the Brits get it. Pic taken in London (according to friend) Too bad the US Media and Legacy Media are busy .... denying, enabling, sanewashing, normalizing, doublethinking ...
  15. This is the nature and destiny of Trump's America. Human devolution, last stop Planet of the Apes. (Though it began with Nixon before Reagan)
  16. This seems to fit here. The Onion, of course.
  17. Looks like someone is fucking around with this cybertruck ... obviously driven by a Musk DOGE fascist fanboy.
  18. I clearly understood your post. Apparently, more than you. Sure, you made some good points about the fat, lazy, idiocy of so many Americans. Good points. But with glaring omissions. --------- You said we "all" to blame for this mess. Speak for yourself. I'm not to blame. Not at all. I am a newbie to this topic. I have been warning people for 40 years -- since Reagan and Falwell -- about the threat of Republicans + Radical Religion. And about the decline of intellectual standards across the board. I have published critiques of this regressive madness going back decades. Not hidden behind an avatar. But, in books and essays, with my name on it, in public. And, though published, the books and essays were ignored by liberals, libertarians, mainstream intelligentsia, etc. --------- If there is an "all of us" to blame, it is the Conservative Republicans who enabled this disaster from Day One with the blind worship of Reagan, the Bushes, and now Trump and letting religious fanatics take control of their party and now America. Your post mentions nothing about this.
  19. Really? It's "all us"? Seems like there is something utterly overlooked in your analysis.
  20. Not exactly a leopard eating face. But close enough. Ha Ha Tesla Driver getting towed in. I don't know, for certain, this Tesla owner voted for Trump-Musk. But, I would bet he did. And it has to be dude with a black Tesla. Fuck Tesla, fuck anyone still with a Tesla, and fuck Musk the most. Adios.
  21. Some of these cherry picking, name calling apologists for religious fanaticism ... need to skim through the Book of Revelation. There is the violent apocalyptic religion that animates Project 2025 and so many MAGA true believers.
  22. Gotta love the supposedly "liberal" theist/religious apologists in Surly. When ya ain't got any empirical argument for your God ... and ya cherry pick from the Bible ... and many of those God believers do VERY bad things to women, LGBTQIA, people of color, and more... all ya got left is to insult the atheists with "bigotry" and "Fuck Off." Nothing ever changes. No wonder why MAGA is turning this country into a Fascist Theocracy. Don't worry, one day MAGA will come for the atheists and y'all won't have to yell "Fuck off" at us. Keep it up. Your God is winning, big time.
  23. And just who were these "dipshits"? -- Atheists? Existentialists? -- Committed secularists who know Dobbs is a terrifying decision and want to maintain the wall between Church and State? Nope. 99% of these stupid dipshits (your words) were absolutely Christians and they think God and Donnie have their back? -- And when Donnie does not have their back, the leopards feast. Ha! -- They may not be even be Evangelical fanatics ... just passive Christian believers ... but they still don't a shit about abortion, women's rights, LGBTQIA, the environment or anything or anyone outside their tiny little narcissist worldview. And I have relatives in Texas who are exactly this, not Evangelical fanatics, but still voted for Donnie because he is God's best choice vs the Commie Kamala. Typical Christians, Evangelical or otherwise (and any other religious fanatics). That some Christians voted for Kamala does not change anything about these facts. It's obvious to anyone not an apologist. Unfortunately, our culture and media are filled with denialists, enablers, sanewashers everywhere.
  24. Gotta love these conservatives and (apparently) liberals saying the election outcome was determined by "anti-incumbency" .... Lulz. Ya' just can't blame the christians for anything. This election was won by the decades of unchecked religious fanaticism (especially on abortion/trans/LGBTQIA) and racism -- ie, CHRISTO-FASCISM -- Partially fueled by fascist billionaires and totally fueled by Fox News, the Evangelical churches, and the unrelenting hate, anti-science idiocy, toxic masculinity, and conspiracy theory on social media. Enough with the excuses and apologia. Fanatical religion, racism, idiocy (etc). End of story.
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