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Everything posted by BevoAbyss
This is Trump's America. When the star QB posts this, then fuck the star QB and his NIL millions. And if the MegaStar Backup QB is a Trumper, then F him, too. How different is this than Aggy? None. Don't make any excuses for Star QBs. Time's up for excuses. If Star QBs do not understand voting for Trump is voting for fascism, misogyny, (etc.), then our university can only be failing in its educational mission. Add on Abbott and Rogan (et al) on the sidelines ... and joining the SEC-confederacy conference ... and wondering how many UT players and UT fans in the stadium are MAGA.... wondering about CDC and other leaders at UT .... makes me wonder why I should give a shit about Longhorns football. Sure, beat OU and Aggy and F the SEC ... but I barely tune in, have not watched a game, just check out the highlights. Feels like my interest is heading toward zero. That's Trump's America.
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
The CEOS of America ain't doing jackshit against Trump's policies. Not a damn fucking thing of consequence. If they were, they would have already done it before the election. Let the leopards feast in boardrooms across America. Leopards in CEO bedrooms, too, for that matter. Gotta be some dildos of consequences for billionaires and their concubines. -
Fetterman is just another faux "authentic" bro. Thinks dressing in hoodie, or sweats, or t-shirt with band/team logo, or baggy shorts down to their calves ... somehow ... makes them more real and authentic and an overall badass butt kicker. It's all laughable .... but it is also part of the decline in manners and rise of vulgarity in civil society. Now, I would never get caught in button down with slacks and coat. Never. Button down, dockers, navy blue jacket = Code for boring dad, corporate clone, and/or possible fascist sympathizer in today's world. I have a black suit in my closet, but I mostly wear my 501s, leather jackets, and funky boots. But then I hang out in artsy-fartsy world. Lulz!
Trump's America will feature empowered fanatical Christians ... all across the land of the free. Massive power, unchecked, with unhinged hate ... all across the home of the brave. Like all fanatical regimes in history (including communists), when fanatical Christians have unchecked political power, they unleash unhinged hate and killing. They are already finding people to hate, to kill in America. Who? The sinners. The infidels. The outsiders. The people not like them. People to hate, such as women who abort or miscarry. Why? To purify, to cleanse, to hurt, to humiliate, to impose Biblical rule through fear and domination. They will kill because they believe their (unseen, fact-free) Creator has their back for eternity. As the article says, life is "created in God's image" is their rationale for executing women who don't carry a fetus to term. And If Christian political power is not stopped, they will kill plenty more. After all, this is the land of the free and home of the brave! ---------- And I'm sure the endless supply of Surly Christian apologists will say I'm wrong. That these are fake Christians, that true Christians don't kill, that these are misguided but still "good people," etc. Or cite some BS verse from the Bible. Go tell that to 400 years of dead Native Americans. Or others slaughtered across the planet in the name of God. Lulz. https://truthout.org/articles/sc-gop-reintroduces-bill-to-punish-people-getting-abortions-with-death-penalty/
The goal is not efficiency, in and of itself. The ultimate goal is to shut down voting by mail -- in the name of efficiency.
Dallas Cowboys 2024 Season Thread -- Jerrah the Asshat Rides Again
BevoAbyss replied to Patrick Bateman's topic in Football
Ironic that Heisman winner Roger Staubach (photo above) became a total legend in Dallas. After all, he got his "Captain America" butt kicked all over the Cotton Bowl by DKR and the badass UT defense. 28-6. Total rout (Navy TD came in garbage time late in 4Q). 1963 National Champs! -
Lulz. More like the overwhelming majority don't have a problem. Like 98% of Republicans. If they did, Trump would have never been the candidate in the 2024 election. Trump winning to install Project 2025 is their wet dream. Republicans have been gunning for the Constitution since Reagan and Falwell said they were the God Party. And they are busy smashing down the Wall between Church and State. Right before our eyes.
I don't have the economic means to exit America. -- In the end, it may not matter. When America goes full-on fascist and theocratic, it wont matter what state you live in or which country, as the rest of America and world will be in jeopardy. I am a writer, intellectual, and artist who makes a decent living on my work. With a solid rep, including a few legit prestigious awards, albeit very obscure awards in artsy-fartsy worlds. But I am an utterly insignificant speck of dust. (Especially compared to McConaughey levels of acclaim or other alums celebrated by UT.) My career is 100% totally dependent on funding and/or patronage. -- There is no one or no entity to protect me. Few, if any, of the organizations that fund are going to stand up to Trump/MAGA. -- Hell, corporate leaders, university leaders, art world leaders are not uttering a peep. Why? Thoughtcrimes are real and they are here. The editor of Scientific America was forced out because she said the truth about Trump and MAGA: they are fascists, racists, etc. She had to publicly recant. More thoughtcrimes are coming! When the editor of the most prestigious science magazine is toast, who will protect me? No one. Not with my lengthy track record of being a philosophical critic of anti-science, MAGA, Trump, Q, fanaticism, and much more. Not rants hidden behind an avatar. Systematic critiques drawing from philosophy, history, art, technology, pop culture, etc. Showing MAGA is taking America backward into a medievalist hellscape of idiocy, misogyny, racism, state violence, and religious fanaticism. Going back to 2006. On the record. In public. With my real name! I was writing long before Project 2025 showed up. My gf is very worried I could be doxxed and harassed. So, out of sheer naked self-interest and career survival, I have scrubbed from the internet what I could scrub at various sites. . -- A dozen lengthy essays that systematically critiqued the philosophy and various cultural ramifications of Trump/MAGA/Q. -- Some essays got a few thousand reads, some in the dozens. So, nowhere near a huge following. -- I have other stuff in books and anthologies that cannot be scrubbed. My interests are science, art, philosophy, not politics. But, I know what I see with MAGA. At least I was out there. In public. Fucking trying to make a difference. And failing. TL/DR: Some days I feel like a coward. Other days I don't give a shit. Why? Because there is no one to protect me and my career. -------- I am sure the Surly MAGA bros will show up to laugh, tell me to suck it up, to pull up my bootstraps. Have at it you fascist fuckers. Some day, somehow, you or family members will feel the pain of the coming MAGA medievalism you now celebrate.
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Bill Maher has become the whiny little bitch he complains about
BevoAbyss replied to Satchel's topic in Cloak Room
And before anyone chimes in that "no one saw fascism coming after W." Full Stop. -- There were plenty who did at UT even when he became governor.... those outside of McCombs, Engineering, and the future corporate lawyers at the Law School ... and 98% of the rest of society. -- Good ole American Exceptionalism, post-9/11 patriotism, and 24/7 sane-washing from the media succeeded in marginalizing any serious resistance. But, in my artsy fartsy worlds and philosophy degreed crowd, almost everyone knew W was big trouble: -- As in fascism lite, general idiocy, and providing Christian Nationalism's seat at the table. A very BIG seat! -
Bill Maher has become the whiny little bitch he complains about
BevoAbyss replied to Satchel's topic in Cloak Room
Lulz. Yearning for the gold ole days with W. So you prefer fascism lite in America.... and a massive war criminal abroad ... destroying two countries of brown people ... and installing torture regimes approved by the majority of Americans. W paved the way for the full-on fascism of Trump. Amazing how many Surly posters are Bush lovers and can't see the clear road from W to Trump. Just fuckin' amazing. And now your hero W is an artist. Has the Dallas Museum of Art given him an exhibition, yet? So y'all can keep worshipping that Trump lite idiot. -
What is Trump's America? According to Jane Goodall, we're seeing the rise of the Planet of the Apes! FYI: Jane Goodall's utterly revolutionary research with apes makes her easily Top 5 among most important scientists of the 20th Century. Published in the Washington Post on election day 2024. ________________ By Jane Goodall November 5, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EST Jane Goodall has spent nearly 65 years studying the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a United Nations messenger of peace. If you are younger than 80, you likely have not seen war on your home soil. The rare period of relative peace and prosperity enjoyed by recent generations is similar to the time of accord that existed among the chimpanzee communities of the Gombe Stream Research Center in Tanzania when I arrived to begin my study in 1960. I saw the chimpanzees in “our” community using and making tools and greeting one another with kisses and embraces. I saw close bonds among family members, enduring friendships, infants learning through observation, and examples of true altruism. I came to believe that the chimpanzees, with whom we humans share 98.6 percent of our DNA, were so like us, but rather nicer. My awakening to the chimps’ dark side began in 1970, when one of our researchers observed a brutal attack by a group of our males on a female of a neighboring chimpanzee community. They hit and stamped on her and even seized and killed her infant. The violence was instigated by the alpha Humphrey, whom I and other researchers referred to as something of a psychopath because he had been abusive to females in his own community. In 1974, our chimp community divided in two, splitting territory that once was shared. This marked the beginning of a series of savage attacks by males of the northern, larger group, led by Humphrey, on males and adult females in the south. From 1974 to 1977, we witnessed the northern males commit what among humans would be called atrocities, including cupping and drinking the blood pouring from the nose of one victim, ripping strips of flesh from another and attempted dismembering. Particularly distressing was seeing one of the males, Rodolf, stand upright to hurl a four-pound rock at young Godi’s prostrate body, and Figan charge and hit, again and again, the mortally wounded, quivering Goliath, who had been his childhood hero. Virtually all mammals have primal, aggressive drives — mostly linked to survival. However, virtually everywhere they have been observed, the chimps — our closest animal cousins, with brains that are smaller but structurally identical to ours, and who are capable of reasoned thought, abstraction and generalization — also commit deliberate atrocities and exhibit cruelty. Our species observably shares this dark side. But because of the explosive development of human intellect, ours can be far worse than the chimpanzees’. We have devised and deployed weapons that can inflict massive-scale death and extinguish human civilization. For the survival of our species, the better aspects of our intellect have also developed sophisticated methods of controlling our aggressive behavior, and of resolving territorial and other conflicts through debate and dialogue — at the ballot box, in the halls of a congress or parliament, or around a negotiating table. Our differences have many times been resolved through cooperation, and our violent conduct constrained by the guardrails put in place with the rule of law. It has not worked in every case. But where democracy has flourished, war has receded. Living among us today are human versions of Humphrey, alphas who would unravel this progress, to rule us and send us into conflict to feed their lust for power and wealth. As the Gombe chimps formed political coalitions to support an alpha male, wealthy and powerful humans support such leaders in hopes of benefiting materially under a violent and even cruel leader. I was recently given Mary Wald’s new book, “Sowing Hate and Chaos: How Propaganda Is Used to Destroy Democracy.” In the foreword, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and President of Timor-Leste José Ramos-Horta reiterates that an end to civil discourse and dialogue sets the stage for civil conflict, and calls Wald’s book “an invaluable exposé of psychological techniques that have been used to manipulate populations into just that — an end to the argument, an end to democracy, and a violent end to rights and freedoms.” According to French neuropsychiatrist Roger Mucchielli and other psychologists mentioned in the book, purposely aggravating the primitive drives among humans, or “lighting the fires of these ‘exploitable feelings,’ can create emotional reactions deep enough to cause the person to act in ways he or she would not otherwise act. Knowing how to do this allows someone to direct another’s behavior. And it can be done without the person even knowing it is being done.” Among the techniques they describe is painting false realities around groups and populations to purposely stimulate fear of imminent destruction of one’s family and community by “others,” stimulating the same instinctual aggression that drove horrific violence in the Gombe chimps. “Sowing Hate and Chaos” cites four instances of these manipulative techniques being used to incite wars and genocides of the past century, by leaders who can only be described as psychopathic and who used the resulting chaos to rise to power. The chimps’ aggression brought death and suffering to only a few individuals; the pernicious use of mass manipulation of these primal human drives has led to the deaths of millions of people. I believe that, like our chimpanzee cousins, most people are decent and peace-loving. If we hope to ensure for following generations the peaceful existence many of us have enjoyed, we need leaders and active citizens in all levels of our societies who will stimulate the compassionate and cooperative instincts we share with other primates, who encourage us to find the best in ourselves and work together to tackle the formidable problems we face. TLDR: The original 1968 version of Planet of the Apes is proving philosophically prophetic. Anti-science idiocy, denial of evolution, violent domination, the social devolution, a future in reverse. It's happening ... fast.
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Don't overlook the First Amendment for some long-term dildos of consequences. That first line -- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion -- the Establishment Clause which multitudes of Christians ignore in their yearning for a theocracy and smashing down the wall between Church and State. -- The Christians will find out that once the State and Church start merging and the wall crumbles, all the little churches will be shut down or completely marginalized. Whilehe biggest and most powerful churches, religions, and denominations will vie to control the ONE TRUE RELIGION for Christian America. -- Just like centuries of religious warfare, religious thoughtcrimes will be invented and persecutions and torture will explode. Megachurch Christians v. Tinychurch Christians, Catholics v. Baptists, etc. History has shown that blood will flow. Religious warfare in America will prove no exception. They have no clue how the First Amendment and Establishment Clause kept the religious peace in a secular democracy. That will be gone. -
Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet
BevoAbyss replied to Coach pop a bitch's topic in Football
Points per game in the Sark era.* OFFENSE 2021: 35 points 2022: 35 points 2023: 36 points 2024: 35 points By this measure, the one that ultimately counts, Sark's offense averages 35 a game. -- Regardless of whether the QB is Casey, Hudson, or Quinn for 3 years. Zero difference or improvement across 4 years. Seems like a concern. ---------------- *Cross posted from another thread, seems like better fit. -
Official Coach Sark Thread of Dominance—haters back off
BevoAbyss replied to SimkinsMan's topic in Football
Points per game in the Sark era. OFFENSE 2021: 35 points 2022: 35 points 2023: 36 points 2024: 35 points By this measure, the one that ultimately counts, Sark's offense averages 35 a game. -- Regardless of whether the QB is Casey, Hudson, or Quinn for 3 years. Zero difference or improvement across 4 years. Seems like a concern. -------------- What has improved is the points allowed. DEFENSE 2021: 29 points (5-7 record) 2022: 26 (8-5) 2023: 19 (12-2) 2024: 11 (11-2 so far) That's fantastic improvement. The defense is why Texas won 12 games last year and has 11 this year. Not Dr. Pepper Quinn or Sark's supposedly "elite" play calling. We have a 16-0 title winning defense saddled with an 8-5 offense. -
This whole "War on Christmas" propaganda always reminds me that is likely no human on Planet Earth more arrogant, ignorant, and intolerant ... with their faith and feelings perpetually being hurt .... than the typical American Christian Bible Thumper.
Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet
BevoAbyss replied to Coach pop a bitch's topic in Football
One thing is for certain, so far. Sark ain't nowhere near elite in the Red Zone late in games with championships on the line. -- Failed with v Washington last year. -- Failed twice v Georgia, settling for FGs, when TDs were needed. -- Never even getting close to scoring TDs to win either game. There are two coaches who are both 2-0 versus Sark's "elite" play-calling: Kalen Deboer and Kirby Smart. And both are in the SEC. That could pose a problem in SEC title games. Already has. -
Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet
BevoAbyss replied to Coach pop a bitch's topic in Football
Legends and Winningest QBs in Texas History. -- Starting game records from Wikipedia. Layne's record not listed. Other old timers might be missed Full Legends | Not Pussies Street 20-0, postseason 2-0, national title 1969 VY 30-2, postseason 2-1, national title 2005 Colt 45-8, postseason 4-1 (lost MNC with injury) Legend for Nicole 44 (and those who love Sam) Sam Ehlinger 32-18, postseason 4-0. Not Legend … but did win MNC | Thus, Not Pussies Duke Carlisle 12-0, postseason 1-0 national title in 1963 Eddie Phillips 14-2, postseason 0-1, regular season UPI national title 1970 -- lost to ND 24-11 in Cotton Bowl to end 30-game streak. UT fumbled 9 times, lost 5. Not Legend | Possible Pussy Rankings Simms 26-6, postseason 1-2 including epic meltdown v Colorado. 3 INTs and 1 fumble. Ewers 25-7 postseason 1-3. including 1 red zone choke jobs in 2023 postseason playoff, 2 red zone choke jobs in 2024 SEC title game. Marty Akins 27-9, postseason 1-2 Applewhite 22-8, postseason 2-2 Others worth noting Robert Brewer 13-2 Randy McEachern 11-1 Rob Moerschell 9-0 (Akers started statue Rick McIvor in Cotton Bowl and lost to Georgia 10-9). -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Widespread government-imposed pain, anguish, cruelty, violence, barbarism, and even much death are coming to fascist America. History shows that is exactly what the cults of fascism deliver (along with the cults of communism). America will prove to be no exception. -
Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet
BevoAbyss replied to Coach pop a bitch's topic in Football
Wow. Insulting and mocking Longhorn all-time greats to prop up Dr. Pepper Quinn. Lulz. Street scared the shit out of teams because he ran one of the greatest offenses in CFB history -- and completed big-time passes as needed to win a national championship. Street was 20-0 as a starter and had more big-time game-winning moxie than Ewers could ever dream of. -
Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet
BevoAbyss replied to Coach pop a bitch's topic in Football
I'll tell you how. In two of the biggest games of the entire 1960s (Arky and Domers), James Street put the team on his back and led late 4Q TD drives, with huge 4th down conversions on perfect passes, to win fucking championships! Something only VY has been able to do since. Dr. Pepper Quinn has failed to do that three times: last year v. Washington, had two shots last night. Failed miserably, not even close. There is one football goal at The University of Texas: Win conference and national championships. Especially national championships. That's it. That's how QB greatness is measured at Texas. Regardless of decade. -
Official Coach Sark Thread of Dominance—haters back off
BevoAbyss replied to SimkinsMan's topic in Football
Spot on. Sark does not have the balls to do what DKR did in 1968. 1. Bench the all-world senior QB ("Super Bill" Bradley) who could not run the Wishbone. 2. Insert unproven backup junior QB (James Street) to see if he could run the Wishbone. -- Street could run it! Like wow! Night and day. 2-3 games in and the Wishbone was humming. -- Bradley had zero QB moxey, turns out Street had tons of it. So Royal rolled the dice.... won 30 straight games ... and two MNC ... and developed one of the great offenses of all-time. If Sark makes that change earlier in season .... with Arch's running threat and way more moxey than Ewers ... this team rolls Georgia by 2 TDS, shuts out aggy by 4-5 TDs, wins SEC in first year, etc. Arch does not have to be all-world. Just run the full fucking offense. Not a limited version. Hell, Manning is even wearing Street's number: 16. (You damn well know grandpa Archie knows that. He played in Street's era.) With this defense, Sark has blown a perfect opportunity win a title .... and echo a golden era of UT football. -
Sark is 1-3 in post-season games. The last two, Sark/Ewers could not get into the end zone with game on line. Once last year, twice tonight. Three times total! We ain't winning a title with Sark/Ewers duo. Sark ain't got the balls to do it, but he needs to roll with Arch. We have a title winning D that just needs an offense to score some TDs a few times a game.
Sark does not have the balls to do what DKR did in 1968. Bench the starting QB who could not run the wishbone. Put in the backup QB who could run it. Win 30 straight games and two MNC.
Washington playoff game all over again ... Sark and Wwers can't score a TD with game on line. Twice. Ewers not even close with the end zone passes.
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