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Everything posted by BevoAbyss
Mack Brown Tarheel Football: The Orange Slice Boogaloo
BevoAbyss replied to Machinator's topic in Football
This is spot on true. My dad (RIP, UT alum, at UT in late 1950s) traveled a fair amount during DKR heyday and met alums/fans from different universities. He said they often seemed in "awe" of Royal. I recall my dad saying Royal exuded a quiet confidence ... not in-your-face swagger performances ... but a strong confidence because he knew what the fuck he was doing and was damn good at it. -- I recall reading (long before internet existed) that when Royal walked in a room full of coaches, all eyes turned to him because he was respected as not as mere innovator and winner -- but a confident man who knew how to win BIG GAMES! That reminds me something told to me back in the 1990s. I was in LA working and visiting friends. They had a pool (of course) and we were hanging out and their neighbor and her dad came over. He was mid-70s and an old PR man from Hollywood glory days. Chatting around the pool, the old man said he had been to 1000s of movie openings and cocktail parties -- where there were all kinds of big movie stars. He told us there one dude -- AND ONE DUDE ONLY -- who, by merely walking into the room full of big stars, had everyone gazing in awe at him. Female and Male. No posing or preening, just quietly walking into the room and managing to exude more confidence and masculinity than anyone there -- in a room of big-time stars! That dude was Sean Connery. Take it for what it is worth .... -
Mack Brown Tarheel Football: The Orange Slice Boogaloo
BevoAbyss replied to Machinator's topic in Football
DKR's entire "legend" rests on winning 4 big games. Granted they were 4 of the biggest games of the entire 1960s. 1964 Cotton Bowl. #1 Texas blasts Navy and Heisman winner Roger Staubach 28-6 to win MNC. Navy was still kind of a powerhouse then and Staubach was already beloved. Aftermath of JFK assassination, too, in Dallas! 1965 Orange Bowl. Texas and Tommy Nobis stuff Joe Namath at 1-yard line in late minutes to win 21-17. In the first televised bowl game at night, as massive audience tunes in. WAY larger audience than anything today. So DKR took down the Bear on the biggest of stages. 1969 Texas-Arky "Big Shootout." James Street, long 4th down pass, and key interceptions save the day in epic comeback win. Again, before a massive national audience. Only game on TV that day. All-time legendary game. 1970 Cotton Bowl: Follows up epic Arky win as Texas beats Notre Dame 21-17 to win MNC 2. James Street leads late drive to win, with 2 fourth down conversions. Keep in mind, ND was playing in their first bowl since 1920s, because of self-imposed ban to "protect amateurism." (Complete Fighting Irish BS, of course.) Again, massive TV audience because of that. That's it. 4 games. But DKR: -- Beat two of the greatest and most famous QBs of all time. -- Won the biggest game of decade: Texas-Arky with Nixon in the house. -- Beat ND and broke Catholic hearts across America. Thus, DKR is unquestioned legend and has his name on stadium. To become a legend, ya gotta win the biggest of games! And more than one! (Something Mack failed to do.) -
Mack Brown Tarheel Football: The Orange Slice Boogaloo
BevoAbyss replied to Machinator's topic in Football
I don't know Mack, never met him. But, I always assumed he was kind of an ass, jerk, and smooth-talking politician all rolled into one... like most all successful coaches. -- He won a lot of big games at Texas and fucked up some big games. Should have had 2-3 MNCs, not one. But that one title was one of the greatest college games ever played, likely the greatest. He deserves some credit for that team, even if VY was the star of the show. -- So I don't like him, I don't hate him. It is what it is. ----------------- And if Darrell Royal were coaching now, he would be utterly torched in Surly. Was the second winningest coach of entire 1960s. 108 wins, Bear Bryant had 110. DKR won three MNCs (1963, '69, '70), but let 3 others slip right through his fingers with epic (choke) losses and a tie. '61, '62, '64. 1961: Undefeated, ranked number 1. Then shut out by TCU 6-0 (team with losing record). Win out, finished at #3. 1962: Undefeated, ranked number 1. Then a tie with Rice 14-14. Final ranking #4. Did fall to LSU in meaningless Bowl Game after choking to Rice. 1964: Undefeated, ranked number 1: Lose by 1 point to Arky 14-13. Win out, stuff Bama and Namath in Orange Bowl. Finish at #5. Could easily have had a run of 4 straight titles. Followed that up with 3 straight 6-4 seasons. -- The geniuses would have crucified him in here. Then DKR did what was needed. He and Bellard fired up the Wishbone and won 30 straight games, two MNCs. Won two of the greatest college games of the decade with epic last-minute drives and 4th down conversions (Arky, ND). -- Surly love flows like a river But then lost five straight to Wishbone-powered OU, plus a tie, to close out his career. Stuck with Wishbone too long. Finished last season at 5-5-1 The haters would be all over DKR. — "Game passed him by.” — "Got lucky with Emory and Wishbone” — "James Street saved his ass too many times” ( a la VY saving Mack) — "Wrecked the place on the way out.” — "Burned down UT football program. Fuck him!” ----------------- As for DKR and his methods, go read the 1972 book Meat on the Hoof. -- My dad (RIP, UT alum and fan) gave me a used copy to read after DKR retired ... just to get another perspective on DKR and UT football then. As a kid, I was like "Wow." -- If 20% of that book is true (and I bet it is and so did my dad who was at UT in late 1950s), DKR had some deep flaws, too. And UT put his name on the football stadium. -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Dude, I know you are a well-meaning guy. We are on the same team. About Trump's prosecution: -- I never stated Trump would be prosecuted and convicted in four years, I only said it should have happened. But it was increasingly obvious it was never going to happen. So my "laughable" still stands regarding the slow moving Wheels of Justice. I agree, the electorate failed. At least enough for Trump to win ... and stave off conviction and possible jail time. But Team USA and its justice system loves to protect its presidents from "the facts" of its crimes, including obvious war crimes with massive empirical evidence. Ex: Kissinger, W, Rumsfeld, etc. The record is clear: Presidents fare all too well with their crimes (except for Nixon). About the "Fact-Based" Justice System: I agree that the justice system is mostly "fact based" ... but not for presidential crimes and no longer for religious-based laws. The "fact-based" justice system will be getting weaker and erode with the newly empowered onslaught of religion and unreason. I know you are not defending any Court opinion. But fact-based rulings are under attack, not only with Trump, but others of equal or more importance. So exactly what were the biological and scientific "facts" in Alito's opinion overturning Roe or any of the state abortion bans? None. -- Alito literally cited BS medieval texts ... packaged as a profound scholarly reading of the legal history and precedent (lulz) ... to justify shoving the Bible down the throats of women seeking reproductive care. There are zero scientific facts supporting abortion bans. ZERO. And women are dying because of it. That's the 100% empirical fact. -- It doesn't fucking matter what alleged "facts" were supposedly in the "precedents" cited by Alito. He was just making it up to justify imposing fact-free religious beliefs on women. He literally went back to PRE-scientific era to justify an UN-scientific opinion. 17th Century medievalism over 21st Century science. Going backward, not by decades, but centuries! As we have long known, "fact-based" America is under attack. W's regime embraced parts of it. And it has grown exponentially. About the new ruling ideology of America: The 2016 and 2024 elections showed the new ruling ideology of America is ANTI-fact, ILLogic, UNreason, and UNscientific. Nothing will make sense or needs to even make sense. Nothing. Court rulings, tariffs, health departments, environmental rulings, Cabinet picks, foreign policy decissions, convictions of Trump for which he faces zero penalty, etc. The list is endless. It is pointless to reason it out. Chaos will rule the day. -- Looking for fact-based logic, reason, and science in UNreason America is a complete fools errand. As with the Dobbs decIsion and lack of Trump prosecution, I predict this philosophy will continue to spread throughout America and the Court system from the Supreme Court on down through all the MAGA judges. -- For example, the Establishment Clause which separates Church and State .... so clearly stated in the first line of the First Amendment ... will come under increasing attack in Unreason America and its Christian Evangelicals. And it will fall. Bit by bit, or in one fell swoop. TL/DR. Bottom line: Chaos will be the only rule. -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
I did not say they were not "factual." -- I said they were "laughable." I did not say they were "in defense of Trump." -- But all those patient, reassuring, thoughtful well-reasoned posts were, in effect, a mirage in defense of the Wheels of Justice system. When it was becoming 100% obvious that the "Wheels of Justice" were never touching Trump. See, you studied Law (and other good stuff, I am sure) and are a smart dude and good, all-around well-meaning guy. And I studied Philosophy (including Philosophy of Law). And I learned to cut to the core of issues. And I know that all the facts, evidence, logic, and legal reasoning in the world ... will never matter when confronting a cult and culture committed to NON-facts, ANTI-evidence, ILLogic, and utter and total UNreason. Patiently playing by "the rules" fails when the other side ignores all rules ... ever faster and faster. We were facing a constitutional emergency. Drastic, decisive, lawful action was needed. Rules followed, but processes and procedures moving fast. And Biden, Garland, Smith, et al, patiently committed themselves to an epic fail. All in slow motion. Secular democracy is on its last gasp... and may well dissolve into all-out fascism and theocracy. But I am sure we can all sleep well .... knowing the good ole Wheels of Justice tried hard and played by the rules, but must always moves slowly. And now we have a cult of rulers committed to no rules and total UNREASON -- the new ruling ideology across America. And, as seen with the Supreme Court and MAGA judges, ILLOGIC and UNREASON are fast becoming the dominant legal philosophy. Leopards coming? (Maybe not for you, but coming for many. How long before Trump-MAGA go after the ACLU and other legal organizations and nonprofits that challenge the new regime?) -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
What I want to see is when the Surly Law Dogs face the Leopard? Those reassuring "wheels of justice move slowly" takes they offered were laughable. -
Religious puritans/fanatics are on the warpath across America. And they now have almost unchecked political power. Religious puritan + warparth + power = People dying. Big time. Too extreme of a take? Just ask the Native Americans. Millions died at hands of religious puritans. Just ask the million dead Covid victims because religious fanatics would not wear masks. Mass death is coming to America and Texas. Again. Big time.
Game Week Thread Game week 13, 2024, Texas at aggy
BevoAbyss replied to Wulaw Horn's topic in Football
What is it with "having Aggy friends" or "Aggy family" on this site? I just don't get it. I stay away .... FAR AWAY. The last time I talked to an Aggy ... or was even in the vicinity of a known Aggy ... was at the 606 Oyster Bar on South Street ... about around 1987 or 1988, If I recall, around the end of Ronnie Raygun presidency. (Apologies for some CR, but unavoidable) Was dating a lefty New Wave chick from Southwest Texas State, who I think I met at Inner Sanctum Records. On a summer Saturday night, we met her roommate and her "new boyfriend" (in town visiting) at the bar in 606. Place was jam-packed. Turns out, roommate's boyfriend was an Aggy "planning on joining the Corp and becoming an Air Force pilot." I knew immediately this dude had seen Top Gun like 20 times on his VHS player. While roommate and Aggy were looking at drink menu, I whispered in my date's ear: "He's a Tom Cruise Maverick wannabe." She laughed! I said, "Don't worry: not looking for any arguments. Let's just enjoy the food and drinks and split." We had barely started the first round of drinks when it was already clear the dude had a chip on his shoulder ... and was ready to argue over politics with a UT student, surely an America-hating Sip from Liberal Austin ... with sort of New Wave style. (I was kinda New Wave because I listened to Kraftwerk, Devo, Flock of Seagulls ... among other stuff. Back then, mention Kraftwerk to the right artsy chick and she was hot for you instantly.) Five minutes into the first drink, this fucker starts bragging about his patriotism and love for President Raygun. Aggy gonna show a Sip a thing or two! Since I think patriotism is mostly fucking stupid, I laughed and pointed out some of the Raygun BS and patriotism hypocrisy. His retort was "You sound like another communist." I laughed again said something to the effect of "you seem like the true believing patriot that would thrive in a communist regime with blind loyalty to the dictator." That hit the hot button, as pointing out hypocrisy aways does with these types. Quickly, he was talking about how he would "kill for his country to protect freedom?" Literally said that to us during casual convo over drinks. His girlfriend seemed aghast. My date was. I said something to the effect of, "well, since your gonna be a Top Gun killer pilot, does that mean you would napalm some villages like Apocalypse Now, carpet bomb people on other side of the planet, or just drop a few nukes on a nation for good measure"? His face turned radioactive red ... so much it was lighting up half the 606. His date said: "I think we better just leave." My date agreed and said "Let's just split. We'll cover the drinks." He glared at me and mumbled something about liberals and UT. I shrugged. So they got up and left. As for me and New Wave chick, we wandered around South Street for a bit, ate burgers at some place, went back to my apartment off Barton Springs, listened to Kraftwerk, and, well, you know the rest of the evening ... As far as I know, that is the last line I ever said to an Aggy. Eternal scoreboard! -
FINAL 2024 CFB polls/rankings - Texas #3/ #4 /#3 (CFP/AP/Coaches)
BevoAbyss replied to TKthunder2's topic in Football
My dad (UT alum, RIP) traveled for business a fair amount during DKR's 1960s heyday .... said that the overwhelming number of college grad business people he met cheered the fact that Texas beat ND for the title in 1970. ND hate is deep and widespread. Said fans/grads loved talking about Royal, Bevo, the wishbone, '69 Texas-Arky game with Nixon in stadium, UT stuffing Joe Namath at the 1-yard line in final minutes to beat Bama in 1965 Orange Bowl. -- Don't forget, that Texas-Bama Orange Bowl was the first televised bowl game at night and had a MASSIVE national audience! Far larger than anything today, by an order of magnitude. I'll say it again: Texas kicking ass is great for college football. Most fans love it far more than they hate it. -
FINAL 2024 CFB polls/rankings - Texas #3/ #4 /#3 (CFP/AP/Coaches)
BevoAbyss replied to TKthunder2's topic in Football
Regarding UT's place in college football, here's what I have seen since graduating from UT 30+ years ago. -- I have lived in (or spent time in) several cities and traveled to a great many on both coasts. Been around people from top football, tier 1 research universities. The overwhelming number college football fans love it when Texas is kicking ass. -- When fans/grads of other schools learned I am a UT grad, they unsolicitedly raved about VY and Colt, raved about the Texas-USC game, even years later. -- Or they ask "what the hell is happening at UT" during the Strong/Herman smoking craters. -- Sure, Aggy and some team fans love for Texas to be down. But that is not what I have seen overall. Most fans of other teams would rather play and beat a top shelf Texas team rather than a Strong/Herman fiasco. Bottom line, Texas kicking ass with Bevo on the sideline .... and the horns on the helmet ... it all fits the myth of Big Bad Texas.... and is good for college football. The ratings don't lie. -
The level of USA-fascist-Nazi denial in here is astronomical. That fascist dildo of consequences is gonna get y'all. With terms such as "authoritarianism," I can tell a many of y'all read and believe the liberal sacred text -- the holy New York Times. The correct terms are Christian fascist dictatorship or fascist theocracy. Y'all fail to realize that the entire existential function of the Times is keep the liberal intelligentsia in line -- to keep you in line, to narrow down the range of approved of intellectual thought, to believe in American Exceptionalism to justify American Empire. (I said this to a NYT exec who was a friend of mine and it cost a friendship -- and seats in the NYTimes corporate box for the US Open Tennis Tournament. Bummer. But I did get to see a Federer final from the box. That was very cool)
I forgot to add: Hitler and Trump: Millions of blind ass apologists and denialists, like you and many others on this board.
For those who think there are no parallels. I literally put this together in about 30 minutes while eating a sandwich for lunch. Ran out of room on the PPT slide. Feel free to add to the list.
Nietzsche saw it coming. A single sentence to summarize the fanatical religious fascist cult of Trump.
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Dude. Get a grip and learn to read and comprehend what I wrote. Increased apathy toward the football team is not "hate." MAGA is hate. -- My apathy is about hardly giving a shit because of the cognitive dissonance and doublethink required to support the team. It is becoming impossible to reconcile being a fan with the obvious UT-SEC move to a region dominated by cultural fascism. It is what it is. And Fascist Cheerleader Frank Drebin loves that! -- Now, if y'all fellow liberals want to look away and still cheer, that's your right. As for Quinn and Arch, they are supporting a fascist misogynist patriarchal anti-science political party that is demonstrably hurting women and soon will be hurting Latinos all across America, plus the LGBTQIA communities and many more to come. -- If these jocks are too dumb to know that, then it seems like a complete fucking educational failure at UT. -- I am betting that the team is filled with MAGA boys, along with the Athletic Department. The political and educational situation is no longer about reasonable discussions between Dems and Republicans. Time's up for #bothsides. This is about facing a full-on fascist regime. We are fighting for the future of any kind of sanity and democracy in America. If y'all can look the other way and want to cheer those dudes, go ahead. I'm increasingly opting out. I have zero desire to watch UT play the Gators from Ground Zero Trump World. -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Good for you. Don't go. For all y'all who cheered on the move to the SEC SEC SEC but voted for Kamala -- it seems to me the Trump victory is a dildo of consequences. After all, UT joined the SEC Confederacy, ground zero for MAGA fascism. UT made the bed with Trump-MAGA world, now we gotta lie in it. The move to the SEC was a post-BLM alignment mandated by Abbott, Eltife, etc. Hartzell and CDC are lackeys carrying the water. No surprise Quinn and Arch are Trumpers .... Quinn spewing out Jesus quotes in every post interview out front should have told ya. Arch from SEC world is the clue for him. I would not be surprised to learn that 80-90% of the Athletic Department is MAGA, from CDC on down. I don't know, but would not be surprised. My interest in UT football is falling fast to near zero. -
The single most important thing that has to change
BevoAbyss replied to RabidM's topic in Cloak Room
Not much .... across 25 years. Just a long-time writer (books, essays), artist, sometimes public intellectual .... Even been quoted a few times in the holy New York Times. But I'm not famous, just small fry compared to TED talkers, social media influencers, fascist podcasters, celeb writers, etc. Just doing my fucking best to creatively engage and enlighten people. In public arenas. Politics is not my speciality, mine is art and philosophy. But I've been warning liberals for 30 years about the dangers of Republicans+religion only to be told I am an alarmist. Time, and time again. I have failed in that goal. This nation just not believe that unchecked religious power is a problem. But, I am out in the public and trying. Not just a trash talking keyboard warrior. -
The single most important thing that has to change
BevoAbyss replied to RabidM's topic in Cloak Room
With all due respect, this is very naive. It is astounding that otherwise smart people do not realize that Trump 2 is an Extinction Event. We are finished as a secular democracy. We are literally handing the nation and rule of law over to a bunch of fascist thugs and incels, led a Mob Boss Mussolini. We are giving the nation over to a criminal dictator. And no one with power is doing a damn thing to stop it. No one! The US is in the Weimar America stage, not in every detail, but in essentials. From mass deportations to concentration camps to far worse to come. The US is a now Christian Fascist state. The apparatus for total domination is being assembled right before our eyes. The ACLU is supposedly ready with all kinds of lawsuits And I am sure the Top Shelf Surly law dogs will correct me and explain how the inexorable Wheels of Justice will still save us. -
The single most important thing that has to change
BevoAbyss replied to RabidM's topic in Cloak Room
The Biden administration ... however well-intended ... will go down in history as an abject failure for not dealing with Trump and all the January 6 actors. Merrick Garland had time to go after Google, but not the Fascist Mob Boss Mussolini of America. -- We can assume that Garland and Harris (a former "tough" prosecutor) were following orders from Biden. -- Of course, MAGA would still be around. But the FAFO would be huge. -- After all, what the hell was the purpose of the Jan 6 hearings in Summer 2022? In the end, a complete and total failure. -
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
BevoAbyss replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
There ain't no creature on the entirety of Planet Earth more smug and condescending than those Christians waltzing out of the megachurches on Sunday in Texas -- thinking they are on the fast track to eternity in their invisible God's palace. .... all the while, they make the lives of young women a nightmare and support mass deportation, Christian fascist rule, and environmental destruction. Houston underwater from global warming -- with the Big Oil skyscrapers and mighty megachurch steeples poking from the sea -- will be the ultimate dildo of consequences.- 8177 replies
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Non-partisan "Fuck the Status Quo" Thread of Dominance
BevoAbyss replied to Hank Kingsley's topic in Cloak Room
I am already hearing from friends on the East Coast ..... Trump signs are now being posted high up on utility poles in LIBERAL urban neighborhoods. -- Posted very high so signs cannot be taken down except with very tall ladder. -- The symbolism is obvious. But y'all keep on truce seeking. (Modified scene from War of the Worlds) -
Non-partisan "Fuck the Status Quo" Thread of Dominance
BevoAbyss replied to Hank Kingsley's topic in Cloak Room
This morning, I gave a guest lecture for an art class at a large university in a big city. The topic had to do with art and technology, which fit the prof's syllabus. (The date had been set since the summer). We probably should have moved it back, given the outcome of the election. But the prof thought my talk would be a nice break from all the politics. Let me tell you what I saw: I walked into a medium-sized lecture hall at 9:15am. 60-70 students. Most all the student's faces were filled with sadness, grief, distraught, and looked just flat beaten. -- Especially the female students. It was beyond grief, beyond fear ... perhaps a catatonic state of resignation of the coming HORROR. It was a SHOCKING scene. One that I will NEVER ever forget. The (untenured) prof had told me the university has a policy about being neutral on political discussions (in case I said anything). I did not want to get the prof in trouble, but I could not ignore what was before my eyes. After I got the podium and put on my remote mic, I said something to the effect of: "Hi everyone, I can tell you are deeply saddened. I feel it too. My girlfriend and I have barely slept the last two nights ... she is numb, distraught, and sometimes in tears. As we all know ... something important happened on Tuesday. "I am told that the university has a policy of being neutral in political discussions. Sorry, but that is utterly impossible. (Immediately, several women began instinctively nodding their heads in agreement. Some dudes, too.) "Now, I do not want to get your professor in trouble. Let me just say this: "I am against everything going down in this country since Tuesday night. And I mean EVERYTHING! -- (Yes, I shouted a bit .... and this seemed to break through the catatonic state. Some faces changed expression. Others sat up, etc. It was clearly something they did expect to hear ... especially from a white dude possibly around the age of their parents/uncles, etc "This is horrifying, terrifying, insane, and beyond belief. But, this era was not unforeseen. As many writers and thinkers have noted, Fight Club was a key warning 25 years ago. This danger has been building. I am sorry the news media and other institutions have failed to alert you and society to the dire danger now surrounding us. Just know I get your sadness and I am going to do my best against this world for a better future? How, in my works, I am not sure. But, we must be creative in thinking about how to save your future." (far from a perfect little speech, but it was the best I had without getting prof in trouble. The students need to know the system is insane.) I then proceeded to my talk, which went great, but Q&A was kinda subdued. Not surprising. If you had seen the faces of the students, especially the females, you would know there is: NO FUCKING TRUCE Not here, not anywhere. (No, I do not have any quick solutions, there are none. But, I am certain there no kind of intellectual-philosophical truce possible. None. You don't bargain your soul with fascists.) -
Non-partisan "Fuck the Status Quo" Thread of Dominance
BevoAbyss replied to Hank Kingsley's topic in Cloak Room
Hey, look: It's a thread where everyone can kumbaya themselves to the fact that they are living in a Christian Misogynist Fascist Nation-State. Lulz. Brisket and I (and some others) warned y'all of this. -
Oh, I agree 100%. It still makes sad that this is the all-too-real situation -- that there is so much hate directed toward each other among UT alums.
Y'all should know where I stand on these issues. I am 100% against fascism, Trump, MAGA. Always been over the edge, past brisket. But let me also say this, something I wanted to say in here for a long time: That University of Texas alums talk to each other like this makes me sad. Very sad. I deeply love everything that UT has provided me with for my education and my career. I always felt, wrongly and naively it seems, that UT alums would all share a common and friendly bond because of our great university. But religion, billionaires, propaganda, politics, legacy media, and social media have destroyed that possibility. It all makes me deeply sad. Just know this: If I am driving down the highway and I see a car with flat tire (or broken down) and that car has a Longhorn sticker, I am 100% stopping to offer help. No questions asked. And when the tired is changed or the tow truck arrives, and we part ways, I will say to that Longhorn: Hook'em.
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