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Everything posted by BevoAbyss

  1. Sad? Why? Hell, they already own the Supreme Court for decades. They got Roe overturned, a Reagan era dream. Bush's "faith based" policies are now all MAGA. Another Trump win and they get to implement their Christian 2025 Gilead wet dream. And don't forget the tax cuts for billionaires. (as they crash the economy). Looks like a lot of Reagan era to me.
  2. Nah ... Trump was racist and fascist in 2016 and 2020. Just because you didn't see it, does not mean Trump was not a fascist. All that was needed was to truly open your eyes and mind and know some history. -- People in my artsy-intellectual circles were saying he was fascist -- Mussolini style -- during the 2016 campaign. I was saying it in 2016. Almost no one believed us. -- 99.99999% of American were in denial. Hell, even today, the vast overwhelming majority of Americans, media, and pundits are in denial. "Trump is a fascist" is not said in the polite worlds of legacy, mainstream media, corporate boardrooms, art museum cocktail parties, church socials, and so on. -- In 2016, the American Exceptionalism myth blinded everyone, still does for most. The Apprentice Show was a BS smoke screen "You're Fired!!" was code for "Fuck You! I am a dictator." -- in 2020, Trump was leading a mass death campaign -- via Covid -- and no one was saying it is fascist. But it was. Don't forget, the early deaths were in heavily populated urban Democratic areas. Since 2016, Trump has been continually acting like a fascist dictator... mostly baby steps beginning in 2016. Well, let's see no one is stopping me, so let's ramp it up into 2020 and beyond. No one has stopped him yet, so he's dialed up to full-on Fascist, 100% all the time. -- Musk was watching all this and said, why not, I will publicly be the fascist I am on the inside. Bottom line: Trump is a fascist, was a fascist, and will always be a fascist -- by any dictionary definition. The larger problem is why so much of America refused to believe what is right before their eyes. And now it might be too late.
  3. Jane Goodall is absolute greatness! Top 5 of the most important scientists of past 100 years. That Jane Goodall editorial about apes/humans was filmed 56 years ago. It was called Planet of the Apes. One of the most profound and prophetic sci-fi films of all time.
  4. About Republicans voting for Harris. Anecdotal, but interesting story: Last night, I got a call from a friend in Baltimore for a business trip last and visiting family over the weekend. He told me the following: Was in a cafe/coffeehouse near his hotel. Two 65-ish men sat down at the table next to him. They were "Republicans for Harris." -- They did canvassing for Harris among Republicans in PA. Optimistic about what they saw. -- Had "Republicans for Harris" signs in car window. Said that 90% of driver responses were positive, though they said 5-6 Trumper-MAGAs were pissed and shot them the finger and yelled at them. -- They told my friend that they expect 10-11% of Republicans to vote for Harris nationwide. So, here is my question, followed by a comment. Question: If Harris gets 10% of Republicans, how does she not win in a landslide? Are the polls not considering the "R for Harris" voters? Comments: That also means 90% of Republican voters are voting for a Christian fascist dictatorship. Come on Surly Republicans and conservatives, tell me how this is going away after Trump? I'll answer. It is not going away. -- The Republican Party is a Christian Fascist party. They want to end secular democracy. END OF STORY.
  5. If Kamala wins, I sure as hell ain't partying at lame ass Chili's. I imagine Brinker Corp is run by a bunch of Trump-loving MBA pricks. Probably lots of SMU grads. Win or lose, I am going to an immigrant-owned Mexican restaurant and chow on some great food, washed down with tequila.
  6. So Joe Rogan endorsed Trump. Just another Musk-loving Bro Fascist. I'm glad Kamala blew him off. Fuck that fascist.
  7. Spot on. Only they have been telling us for 532 years, since the genocide began in 1492. It's only a surprise to those who have had Christianity literally baked into their consciousness from birth by Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, neighbors, the local church, free pass from media, and so on. They are completely brainwashed, but have no idea, because of the religious environment all around them.
  8. If that Selzer Iowa poll is correct, then it's clear to me: It's not that male pollsters can't see a clear winner. It is that they don't understand most women... especially about Roe. In other words, typical men.
  9. History says, yeah, they are real Christians. Violence and death are a feature, not a bug of "fake" Christians. The "peace" you enjoy now is the anomaly--after 400 years of "freedom seeking" Christians and their capitalist brethren from Europe waging a genocidal war across North, Central, South America and wiping all opposition to Christian capitalist empire. -- Killing tens of millions of indigenous peoples, literally 96% died from 1492-1900. History shows that when Christians (and most religions of the world) have total power, they kill and kill and kill. To purify, to cleanse, to subjugate "sinners" in the name of God, Bible, and a BS concept of "freedom." Colonize, conquer, and convert those left alive. And tell them they are living in "freedom," all the time. How many brown people of a different religion died from W's (a "good Christian" prez) post-9/11 War in Iraq and Afghanistan in name of "freedom"? 4-5 million. Not only mass death, but W authorized a torture regime. Unchecked, MAGA will do the same. Mass deportation will only be the beginning. The only reason any of the endless Surly religious apologists are Christians is because all those supposed "good" Christian ancestors waged a genocide and seized continents y'all live on.
  10. Okay. So you say they are "stupid" but not racist. Then how about enablers of racist mass deportation. Is that better? Sorry, but times up for excuses and apologia. Democracy, however imperfect, is at stake. For the record, my brother and I hardly ever talk or text (except when UT is stomping OU) anymore. -- That's because's he's Houston Oil & Gas MAGA bro and I'm not. Says his vote for Trump is all about O&G for America. BS. This makes me very sad. -- But, I refuse to normalize or sanction those views from any friends/family ... when they look away and ignore the sheer destruction of democracy by Trump-MAGA.. -- In 2016, maybe. Not anymore. I simply do not allow MAGA-GQP-Trump supporters in my life ... for the same reason I do not allow Nazis or skinhead punkers. I am sad about the situation with my brother, but I am overall happier because I am doing the right thing -- to stay sane in an insane world. As I posted a couple of days ago:
  11. These are thoughts of the "Undecideds" .... "I can't decide how to justify my vote for Trump 'cause I know he's is a lying piece of shit ..... and Kamala seems smart and capable .... but deep down I feel I can't trust any woman of color president... don't want browns swarming into America and taking jobs... don't want gays walking around grooming my kid... don't want to sacrifice jobs to protect the environment... don't want socialized health-care... and want to do what my preacher says it right by the Bible... Guess I gotta vote Trump. Even though Kamala is smart and talented and seems nice." 99% of the "Undecideds" are full-of-crap BS artists and doublethinking fascist enablers. It's absurd that the media can't see this and then treats them like some kind of super-intellectuals about the election.
  12. I get where you are coming from. But, "self-interest" goes beyond economics, money, and $$$. For MAGA and Fundagelicals, it is in their religious self-interest to have the government shove the Bible down everyone's throat, to outlaw abortion, to stop vaxxing, ban books, etc. Bottom line, MAGA is voting their "self-interest" -- their religious self-interest. And they are ready to shove it down the collective throat of America. Even if it crashes the economy.
  13. I second that take. Great memories from Paris. Had a paid summer gig in London in early 1990s, back when I was young and pretty. Spent most every weekend (Friday-Sunday) taking train into Paris, staying at B&B, and just wandering into cafes, coffeehouses, bars, art galleries. Amazingly, a surprising amount of French chicks loved talking/drinking/partying with a dude from Texas! Especially a dude who wore black cowboy boots, kinda skinny jeans, and had actually read Jean-Paul Sartre. Viva la France!
  14. This is a classic example of doublethink. Orwell's brilliant insight: Believing that two opposite propositions are both true at the same time, or claiming a surface issue is true ... to mask what you know is the deeper issue of truth.) Says 90% of MAGA it is not about racism, then lists tons of racist examples. Consider last two paragraphs. -- Mentions Army person in Iraq. Ignores that War in Iraq was racist and religious war. -- Vote Hard R to handle the Hispanics (obviously through deportation, though not mentioned) -- The entire gated community armed to the teeth is premised in racism. Dude: Think deeper and more clearly. It's good for ya. MAGA supporters are full-on racists.
  15. This for all the Bush-loving conservatives in here, especially the Texans: I have a question for you in the aftermath of Trump proposing a firing squad for Liz Cheney -- the daughter of his VP? Where is W on this? What isn't he denouncing Trump, right now. What's he waiting on? Where's your Texas hero? Just wondering...
  16. Trump basically called for Liz Cheney's assassination. How can anyone on this board not realize that the holy New York Times enables fascism, and has been for decades during the rise of Tea Party and MAGA? The NYT "brave" endorsements mean next to nothing when this propaganda and news-spinning is happening 24/7/365.
  17. I got news for ya: Your friends are fascists. It's 100% obvious. Why are you friends with them?
  18. I got some news for ya: At this point, there is a better explanation other than clicks and eyeballs. I'm betting there are lot of MAGA-friendly people working in the media who don't mind Trump winning. That means they are fascists or fascist enablers.
  19. I got some news for ya: Your "partners" are fascists. A vote for Trump-MAGA is a vote for fascism. That voter is a fascist! End of Story. I'm sorry, but time's up for offering excuses and apologia for friends, families, and co-workers.
  20. Hey privileged internet tough guy dude .... go tell that to all the women and minorities who will be utterly oppressed by Trump-MAGA Christian fascist regime. Hell, some of us make a living in public settings, speak out, and the fear is real of a MAGA regime. Careers can be destroyed. This country is in big fucking trouble. That ain't defeatist. That's a fucking fact. Nikki Haley ain't saving the day. MAGA and the fascists ain't going away. Even if you are not impacted by the MAGA regime. Mass deportation might well crash the economy, slashed health care will kill 1000s or more.... women are fleeing for their lives.....but you ain't no defeatist baby.
  21. With Trump, it's never not been this. World Wrestling Federation is his starter base. He used to attend the big matches and walk in like a bad ass celeb gangsta. There's a very old video about this somewhere in YouTube. The spectacle, the posing, the preening, the heckling, the evil villains, and hero wrestlers, the fact that every wrestler breaks the rules, gang up on single wrestler, etc. That's Trump. The idiocy of all that perfectly symbolizes MAGA.... who are then exploited by the billionaires and Bible thumpers.
  22. That Dog Comic video is just one of millions of examples of our public education and news media systems -- however flawed -- being utterly overwhelmed by the mass idiocy produced by decades of TV, social media, creationism, Hollywood sci-fi ... and virtually no real science or astronomy. Just had lunch today with 35 y/o female long-time friend (no pics) with college degree from solid university (yet only had to take one science class) ... successful art/design consulting business ... dang good looking ... and hates Trump. Yet, she now believes her crazy old uncle in New Mexico who supposedly "worked at Los Alamos" ... who produces videos that claim that ETs have sent "biological drones" to Earth and some crashed at Roswell and elsewhere. These drones are now arriving in "Reptilian forms." She's also wondering if the moon is a giant surveillance satellite operated by advanced ETs. I'm not joking!!! i'm a life-long single never married dude. Thus, I traffic in crowds that often have lots of singles (artsy-fartsy art, design, fashionista world). I have heard the craziest crap, and much of it from liberal chicks and dudes... most of whom I presume vote D... but can't be certain. Let me tell ya... It's nuts galore out here.
  23. Yeah, he would. The only difference now is now he can state it loudly, proudly, out in the open. He took communion on the moon after all ... a complete insult to the science and technology that got Armstrong and Aldrin to the moon. It's all doublethink. He was most likely a Nixon supporter. F him.
  24. So ole Buzz is a fascist, after all. Just like Elon, who he praises in the Tweet. Fuck Buzz, Elon, and any one else involved with NASA for supporting Trump.
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