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Everything posted by JTL2005

  1. Recently watched this on a flight, and is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the thread title
  2. Great video. Hope he deservedly takes it home!🤘
  3. So petty
  4. Not bad at all. Sounds like a very peaceful indeed
  5. My thoughts exactly
  6. So much fun! Would've been awesome to be in that room
  7. I do love me a blizzard, but I haven't had their non-desserts in years.
  8. JTL2005

    Hudson Card

    Not surprised. Best of luck Hudson. Thanks for your time here. 🤘
  9. Foods in both pics look fantastic. Bravo!
  10. Just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about that
  11. WHOOP!
  12. JTL2005

    Moody Center

    I am hoping it's rocking again tonight for the game!
  13. Ugh, I was crushed when the jalapeno cheddar biscuit was discontinued. The person in the drive thru could definitely hear the disappointment and heartbreak in my voice afterwards. Here's to hoping they bring it back.
  14. My bracket is already not looking great, but kinda fun with all of these unexpected results this year
  15. Agree, awesome all around!
  16. Great strong voice in a band full of them. Underrated the piano/keys. R.I.P. indeed.
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