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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. AI/Chatgpt isn't going to write the next Mad Men or Breaking Bad, but could it write the next King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond and Adam Sandler movie? Probably.
  2. The guy is a Nepo Baby. Dang, I hate that the Suns won this one.
  3. This is on YoutTube TV right now This is on youtube tv right now
  4. I wonder if AD heard the criticism. But like the most favorited comment on a youtube video I read last night said: "AD's on/off switch should be scientifically studied" and so we will get a Triple-Single from him on Monday.
  5. Just wanted to say, you hate to see the suns avoid the sweep
  6. You had Ohtani go 0-4 and couldn't win. This is a bad, bad loss. You can't lose games like this and think you are going anywhere.
  7. Every time this thread is bumped I am hoping it’s Macanudo telling us about his dream offer!
  8. To be honest, his overbite grosses me out.
  9. That’s one of the things people are talking about with the writers strike. Not so much Ted Lasso, but other shows that have a big break or hiatus between them and how they lose momentum and lose viewers and never recover.
  10. I’m in that boat. And just an anecdotal observation, but S1, Ted Lasso was all anyone talked about from a water cooler talk perspective. It was great great but also very trendy and word of mouth was buzzy. I never hear anyone of those same people talking about S3 these days. I don’t know if the perfect storm and time in the sun is over or if people just soured on S2 or what, but I’ve noticed the fall out of the zeitgeist. I guess the real test will be how many Emmy nods S3 gets?
  11. Wigs have come a long way.
  12. Are we sure of this in the same way that the Glass Onion guy was a pretty clear parody?
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65465386? Here's Stephen Colbert v. AI Colbert on Biden's re-election announcement. The real Stephen Colbert: "Of course, we know President Biden's real opponent is the ravages of time. If he wins a second term, he will be 86 when he leaves office and voters feel, to put it delicately, that is way too [expletive] old… But what matters is that Biden is young at heart… it's all his other organs we have to worry about." AI Colbert: "Big news today, folks! President Biden has announced that he will be running for re-election. That's right, the man who once said he didn't want to run for president because of his age is now saying, 'Age is just a number, and so is 78!' "Now, I know some of you might be concerned about President Biden's age. In a recent poll, 50% of Americans said they were worried about his age, and the other 50% were Joe Biden. But let's be real, folks, Biden's age is not a big deal. He's got the energy of a 30-year-old, and the memory of a... well, I forget what I was going to say."
  14. For the zoom writing rooms, apparently, it's not great:
  15. This Star Wars Day, let’s take comfort that our current banking crisis is nowhere near as bleak as the one the Galactic financial sector faced following the Empire’s collapse. Setting the scene: At the end of Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi, the Galactic banking system was on the brink of failure. A $419 quintillion government project, the second Death Star, had just been destroyed by the Rebel Alliance, and the Galactic economy was set to enter a deep, deep depression. How to avoid catastrophe? Well, you had the usual suspects pushing bitcoin, but the only real solution was a massive bailout to save distressed banks. In a 2015 paper, Zachary Feinstein, an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis, attempted to calculate how much the Rebel Alliance would have to spend on a bank bailout. What he found: Estimating that the Intergalactic Banking Clan contained 17,501 systemically important banks that were too big to fail, and that the Galactic economy’s annual Gross Galactic Product (GGP, similar to GDP) was $4.6 sextillion, Feinstein calculated that a rescue package would need to be at least 15% of GGP in order to prevent “catastrophic economic collapse.” That amounts to a $690 quintillion bailout. Makes the $20 billion the FDIC spent rescuing SVB depositors look pretty cheap
  16. Okay. Let's see? I don't think it's determined one way or another, right?
  17. I think one of the problems, as others have hit on, is the longer run time. This episode was an hour long dang near. At the 25 minute mark I remember looking how much time had passed because the episode was still stuck in first gear. Worse than first gear. The first 25 minutes could have been completely cut.
  18. Did this guy ever end up going viral/massive/blowing up? It's pretty good, not that great or special (to me) and I clearly don't love it as much as you do. A modern Dirty South Rydaz to me (minor dallas rapper for a minor rap scene)
  19. Coincidental because before opening this thread, this is the song I was listening to:
  20. May the 4th be with you! I'm watching some Star Wars to celebrate. I don't like sand, it's coarse and gets everywhere!
  21. Great article on some of the underbelly: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/notes-on-hollywood/why-are-tv-writers-so-miserable?
  22. I mean, Derka is mostly right in this one thread that I am in that he is also in. I'm sorry if we are supposed to be blindly against anything he says, but he's kinda right so I will every so often pos rep posts I agree with and/or think are funny. Why is that such an ordeal? This episode was trash. It was probably the worst episode of all 3 seasons. That's my opinion, at least.
  23. To be fair, House of Cards was stolen from South Korea and derivative and not novel, right? Mad Men though, yes sir!
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