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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing and Godspeed. Post any inside baseball you get about the strike with your connections and network!
  2. How does this affect you materially, if at all? Do you have to go work in marketing for a company in LA or something until this thing settles up or are you living off savings since you can't write and make income? I'd imagine a lot of writers want to get this thing done quickly as will the studios who need to run a business, one that is just getting it's sea legs back this year from the 2 years of Covid.
  3. Mastodon no longer requires new users to choose a server, making it more accessible to users unfamiliar with decentralized platforms — like all those folks looking for a new Twitter.
  4. Been listening to Q1 earning reports this week-- all these O&G/Energy companies had great Q1's....
  5. Worst episode of S3. 4 more left? Home stretch time, gotta be gearing up for the good stuff...
  6. Great insight. Question for you: Are there any ladders in chaos for smaller time/minor writers? What about for folks looking to shop projects or get a big break?
  7. Ah okay, gotcha. I might be wrong, but I still believe the 192 was lobbed with zero intention of closing it at 192 from Mattson's end (to say nothing of the Logan boys).
  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/bud-light-maker-offers-distributors-free-beer-more-ad-spending-after-dylan-mulvaney-backlash-14efac22
  9. You think the 192 is happening and the deal is closing? Serious question: why?
  10. It's the best season of TV I've seen in a long time.
  11. Kid Rock really might be the next Donald Trump if his influence is any indication. That and Anheuser-Busch took a calculated risk that didn't work out:
  12. What is that market that has changed? Is it the lack of occupancy for in-office workers? Is it the unhoused people? Is it the petty theft laws?
  13. Índia, by being self-focused (NTTIWWT) is indirectly aiding Russia and killing Ukranians:
  14. China about to get that 5G spyware (Huawei) which has been blacklisted everywhere, in Malaysia, though.
  15. Good stuff, thanks for the education. I honestly didn't know if you could just use "scab" labor or non-guild/non-union people or how any of that works. It's so true that entertainment brings in mega dollars, so that makes sense too. However, there is substantial pressure to cut costs for the big, tech-first streamers like NFLX, Hulu, DIsney+, etc. The real losers the next few days/weeks during the strike are the James Cordon and Jimmy Fallon shows of the world, which is kinda okay in my book, personally.
  16. You just described Dave Chappelle. He's evolved from funny joke man to modern day public intellectual and ambassador for sanity through humorous form. Bill Burr, too.
  17. I think you are saying that you find her wholly extremely attractive, factoring in her personality and humor and style and what you have come to know and see of her over the years which is more than understandable and is how it happens in real life when a 5 goes to a 7 or a 7 to a 10 in our eyes, over time. If you are saying you find her to be mainstream and conventionally attractive picked out of a line up or from a headshot, then that is interesting and I would think probably not as common an opinion. Definitely not in Hollywood and let's build a franchise around this person/group of people sort of thinking. I mean, she's probably a solid 9 in the Chicago E&Y office where she manages a team of junior auditors, but in Hollywood she's gotta be like a generous 6?
  18. I could be reading into this wrong, but it really does seem to me that "writing" in Hollywood is going the way of journalism and photojournalism as standalone jobs that support a lifestyle. Few will get them. Instead they seem to be headed to more of a gig-economy type deal.
  19. To your point, I answer the ring camera from inside my home and pretend I'm not home 90% of the time. No I don't want "free" solar panels for the 99th time.
  20. It is clear: a rational, sane 3rd party. But alas, we will never be anything but a two-party state, hoisted by our own petard. edit to add: My man Yang is at least trying.
  21. The Florida board that oversees Disney’s theme parks in the state sued the media giant to try to regain control over its expansion plans. (NYT) Desantis seems cooked. I think like the poster above said, Disney is like the left guard who eats up the DT and the LB and takes them out of the play. Desantis is that defensive player being blocked out of the presidential race
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