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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. Impressive numbers: The otherwordly journey of struggling Italian American plumbers from Brooklyn just smashed through $1 billion at the global box office. The Super Mario Bros. Movie hit the milestone yesterday, 26 days after its release. It’s in rare company: The film, from Illumination and Universal, is the fifth movie since the Covid pandemic began to hit the threshold and the 10th animated movie ever to gross $1 billion.
  2. I remember buying my son Polo Sport for his first day of middle school, because that's what I had and all the popular dumb tweens did back in my day, and I was looked at like I was insane by him and his mom. Had to take it back, was still $40. But just holding that bottle brought back memories.
  3. Strike Day! Any predictions? What are the writers’ gripes? They argue that Hollywood’s pivot to streaming worsened their working conditions and made it hard to earn a middle-class income as a writer. Here’s why… Shorter series: In the previous TV era, shows like How I Met Your Mother reliably churned out seasons with 20+ episodes. Now, streamers are prioritizing seasons with eight-to-12 episodes. Residuals: Historically, if you had a writing credit on a TV show and that show was aired as a rerun, you’d earn a royalty payment known as a residual. Streaming has disrupted that income stream. Mini rooms: In the streaming age, writers often work in “mini rooms” where they crank out scripts at low wages for shows that may or may not be made. So, there’s a lot of frustration. Last month, 97.85% of eligible members of the Writers Guild of America, which represents most of the working writers in Hollywood, voted to authorize a strike if an agreement with major studios wasn’t reached. That’s the most support for a work stoppage in the union’s history. What happens if they strike? Studios have been stockpiling scripts ahead of the May 1 deadline, so scripted TV shows would continue for awhile. But late-night shows and other topical programs like SNL could be impacted almost immediately. During the last strike, which lasted 100 days from 2007–2008, Conan O’Brien filled the airtime by seeing how long he could spin his wedding ring. More importantly, it cost the LA economy over $2 billion, according to the Milken Institute.
  4. I’ve said my piece and even where I would like to respectfully respond, the snowflake heathens who will neg a post telling someone the time to someone who asked it, makes it not worth the effort anymore on these types of threads. Other than that, not sure what your quote is saying and what it is you want from me to respond or why you think I’m scared in defense of my beliefs and POV.
  5. Just speaking for myself and absolutely not in a condescending way, others hostility or contempt and derision for my spiritual belief doesn’t affect my faith walk. I don’t even get mad or upset; I just feel a bit sad for them, but know ultimately I cannot give anyone eyes to see and ears to hear. And it’s ironic because in my experience the more snowflakey sensitive bunch are the agitated anti-theists. Exhibit A is this thread where if I am even a little bit outside of the mainstream thought of this thread (even willful horn was catching strays for having a spiritual life) and I forget to couch my language with softer implied words such as “in my belief” and “in my experience” you upset people just by sharing your beliefs and entering the discussion for which this thread was created for.
  6. I should have prefaced it with, “I believe…” and then laid out the premise, instead of just launching into the premise. I thought it was implied and understood. And I stand by the comment that anti-theists won’t like hearing the surge in faith among todays youth. When I say anti-theist I mean those who are outwardly hostile to faith and faith followers and are visibly and audibly aggrieved and make it known their contempt. Not just atheists or others who have respectful disagreements on matters of faith and philosophies.
  7. For some reason I've been listening Super Gremlin (Kodak Black) on repeat this week, just feeling like it for some reason.
  8. I don't doubt it, i don't doubt it. We should all remember, De gustibus non est disputandum. It's one thing to be critical and critique against your own framework and values, but that's really where it should stop when it comes to creative arts. We shouldn't be denigrating each other or calling each other names because we enjoy (or enjoy less or don't enjoy at all) a particular thing.
  9. That’s pretty much the long and the short of it. And some people just want to sit back with a beer after a long day and turn their minds off and be entertained, and that’s fine too and entertainment can be that for some, but others don’t have the idleness and time and don’t want to waste any on average art, and that’s fine too. I’m more of a sunk cost fallacy guy so I’m gonna watch this baby until the end— there are 5 episodes left and there have been more episodes in S3 that were better than all of S2, so they’ve earned my pot-commitment even if it’s a shadow of S1.
  10. That's how they began; they rarely do trick shot episodes now. They are a general/variety youtube show at this point, but it's good, clean and usually athletic/active fun, so tweens are big on them and they are a safe youtube show to watch for the youngin's.
  11. Right next to the Patel Bros. grocery store, of course.
  12. Do you people really not know who Dude Perfect is? Do y'all not have or have had young kids? Dude Perfect is awesome.
  13. 4 game skid, no longer sole possession of 1st in the AL West... Boy my talking massive crap for 3 weeks has really not aged well and my friends in groupchats in other geos aren't gonna go easy on me, are they?
  14. Just sharing what I believe, man. It’s really amazing the hostility of some of you, and it’s really sad to me.
  15. Just looked it up: The show premiered on September 30, 1991. It was taped in Chicago, Illinois from 1991 to 2009 and in Stamford, Connecticut, from 2009 to 2018. @UpperWestside you are young
  16. I thought Jerry Springer was in Chicago.
  17. @Bozo_CasanovaMaybe this is yet another example of a legacy automaker trying to get the dead money off their books with those guys who turn a few screws yet cost a ton in pay and benefits (implied by starting the buy-outs at 15 year seniority) a la trying to correct a bad deal:
  18. I'll take your word on all that, I don't know your friends or what is going on with all that, as I don't care and am not the target demo.
  19. Ultimate reality is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; 3 Gods yet 1 God. Everything that you and I know waterfalls from this community of Gods in the Godhead loving one another, dancing like 3 particles in an infinite dance where they have for all time glorified and loved one another, before our creation. Think about what I just said now and try to process it. We will never fully understand it, the nature of the Triune God. If you were going to simply invent a story for a religion-- you wouldn't have chosen this framework. You'd figure something else that's easier to sell.
  20. I read an interesting article from WSJ that gives hope that the next generation (the young adults and youth of today) will be MORE spiritual/religious than we have now. Which makes sense to me and passes the eyeball test with my lived experiences. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-surprising-surge-of-faith-among-young-people-424220bd Anti-theists aren't gonna like it.
  21. Model 3's are all over the highschool parking lots of my kids school now, which shows they've gone mainstream. That, and most people I see driving them are of Indian/Asian descent, so they must still be saying something in those communities of West Plano and Katy.
  22. Disney has TKO'd DeSantis POTUS hopes.
  23. That all sounds super reasonable to me and so what I'm hearing is maybe this situation isn't long for the world, as all bad deals wont. This jibes with his sense that a) it's a gravy train and b) he feels guilty about it (but not *that* guilty as he enjoys the paychecks) and c) it's not going to last forever All this to say, I am a huge champion and fan and proponent of the American middle class. I love them, as they are me. I want to maximize the middle class and the opportunities therein. I just bend towards the white collar middle class/middle management versus the blue collar, though in reality, they are the same. Turning a screw driver 100 times is really no different than copy and pasting from a spreadsheet 100 times, right?
  24. Agreed. I'm talking about the point past the mutual beneficial line on the bell curve when the employee is clearly optimizing at the expense of the company, shareholders, the customers, etc. When you have someone turning a screwdriver (Peterbilt example) 60-100 times a day and making $250k+ all-in with benefits, etc. There is barely even salvage value at that point. It would be like continuing to pay Zeke Elliot until he wants to retire and he just runs the ball 15 times for 20 yards every game but you are paying a premium.
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