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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. Like with anything else creative, different audiences consume for different reasons and with different expectations and different ways to bring pleasure or joy. You are luck you are so low brow. Just kidding by the way, to each their own. I would just comment that the lack of buzz and conversation around S2 and S3 is relevant and an indication that most people have moved on from it being a really interesting and novel concept with interesting things to say, to another beautifully shot and polished rom-com/sitcom that doesn't challenge or excite anyone, in any camp. I don't think anyone but the easily entertained find this to be a great result after S1. But how many shows actually go throughout their run at a very high level? Not many. And those shows we deem as classics.
  2. I like your post and whole-heartedly agree from an idealistic and values-driven place. I was commenting on the realities of share-holder (or late stage, as the zoomers call it) capitalism. And regardless, getting to a place where you are turning a screw driver 100 times a day for a wage that a doctor makes, is both awesome and horrible, depending on which side of the business you are sitting on.
  3. Jerry Springer was must watch TV for middle school/early teen years much in the same way WWF Raw is War was. It's a weird vocation to be the lowest of low brow purveyor of smut and trash TV, but I guess we all have to pay the bills, and who am I to judge the man? You never hear much about the guy's personal life, but I wonder if he cringed off-screen at the crap situations and people he had to deal with on a day in and day out basis.
  4. It’s reading like Microsoft will pay the $3bn breakup fee and walk away; a big loss for everyone and an over-rotation for regulators.
  5. It’s a White Savior Trope but replace white with American, as Ted will explain what’s wrong with their incumbent football culture which of course Rupert embodies in the epic showdown at the end when Rupert wins on the pitch, but loses in what is really meaningful in life (gag)
  6. A few notes: I too expected a spit in the mirror (which always grossed me out btw) and when he didn't, I think we were supposed to feel that Nate has overcome that gross period of insecurity that drove him to ugliness, and that he's growing and softening, etc. 100% agree on the Keely and Rebecca, nobody cares, with 5 episodes left need to focus on the team and Ted's looming decision to quit while on top (or behind). I feel like the Zaza storyline was half-baked in hindsight. It almost feels like what would happen to a character who got in trouble and had to be written out of the show, just didn't much add up to the abrupt way he quit (he had just given a strong motivational team speech) and it's like he never was on the team a few episodes later. Trent Crimm fan-boi'ing at the end was really out of character from what we've seen for 3 seasons now. That was weird direction. BUT, big prediction because I can always smell tropes and formula writing a mile away: I think the groundswell of the fans showing up to the practice is going to be important and the 4th bullet point. The 4th bullet point is going to be "community" or something like that and Ted planted the seed with his democratization of the team in the best line of the season, "It's their team, we are just borrowing it for a bit". Eventually the practices are going to be overrun with fans and it will be a festival like event and, though they won't have won on the field, they will have won the hearts of the locals and Mae's pub will be full of people despite the mediocrity, and Ted will have been the American White Savior teaching them this lesson before leaving back to America
  7. As a comparison to Elon running Tesla as a modern tech company versus a legacy/union auto company: I have a friend retiring this year after 29 years at Toyota. A mutual who works at GM said, "just wait until your 30th year and they have to buy you out" to which the response was, "Toyota isn't unionized like that, so it doesn't matter." Musk running Tesla like a modern tech company (anti-union, capitalistic/meritocratic) means there isn't a ton of bloat to carry on the balance sheet, I guess, which helps. Even my Toyota friend gets healthcare for life in retirement, among other pension/retirement benefits. I have another friend who works at Peterbilt who is in a union and gets paid more than most people posting on this thread after 25 years, and he acknowledges he's overpaid as he turns about 12 screws, on anywhere from 60-70 units a day. It's kind of a grift, it seems.
  8. Starts and stop with this one for me:
  9. And you will neg rep any post I make. Even if I said Longhorn_Fan68 is not a fat potato in real life, that gets your neg rep. Neg Rep 2024! You are a very smart and discerning person and voter, wise in all your affairs in life, no doubt. For Brutus is an honorable man, and you are a smart man.
  10. Even with the fall, bump and then fall of Tesla's stock, they are still at 2.6x market cap of Toyota. It's unsustainable as the brand, pricing, and margins get eroded and competition catches up.
  11. The whole of my point is that if Tesla's goal is to become a mid-market brand and commodity vehicle and compete and be the new Toyota Camry, then their stock price is not going to be justified. The company's valuation and financial foundation it's been living on the last 10 years will not stand. Good for them if that's what they want to become and I won't judge and congrats on just now getting a model 3 and I'm sorry for any offense.
  12. As a brand. What part of this are you not understanding? Especially when real luxury brands are going to be (if they haven't already) introducing their EV's.
  13. And before you say that brand and appearances/image and luxury don't matter, we live in a world where the richest man in the world is so because he found a way to convince billions of people that a brown bag with an L and V on it was a must have if you want to be considered valuable and pretty and unique.
  14. Okay, great. So you are saying "Mission Accomplished"? I'm saying that, regardless of what was cooked up by the CMO in the board room, up until about probably 2 or 3 years ago, Tesla as a brand and vehicle was unquestionably a luxury brand with an air of exclusivity that said something about the early adopter/early majority to the world. It gave a quick shorthand of what this person was about or valued (e.g. sustainability, tech-savvy, hip and fashionable, upper middle class or higher, etc.). It has since been on a rapid decline to where we see it now as a lower priced, questionably designed/produced vehicle for late majority and laggards, if you will again harken back to your business education on the stages of Diffusion of Adoption Theory. So, yay! Tesla as a brand has become as aspirational and cool and as desirable as a premium packaged Toyota Camry! That DEFINITELY justifies the market cap and value versus automobile peers!
  15. I didn't have Slut Shaming on the Celery Man's Personality bingo card.
  16. Someone read the Time article the other day titled "How Biden cleared the field for a run in 2024": https://time.com/6274345/biden-2024-re-election-democratic-primary/ In early January, President Joe Biden called a cabinet meeting in the West Wing of the White House. Over the holidays, a wave of flight cancellations by Southwest Airlines had left thousands of Americans stranded at airports for days. The face of the government response on cable news had been Biden’s Transportation Secretary and one-time rival for the Democratic nomination, Pete Buttigieg, who had been one of the administration’s most visible talking heads for months. Multiple clips of Buttigieg holding his own against combative anchors had gone viral. When Biden saw Buttigieg, the President flashed his unnaturally white teeth. “Hey, TV,” Biden tossed at Buttigieg, say two people familiar with the meeting. It was a targeted jibe. Officials in the room saw it as a good-natured reminder to Buttigieg that, while it was his job to be out in front of a bad news cycle, he was representing Biden, not himself. The subtle moment spoke volumes about how Biden has managed to clear the field within his own party for a re-election bid that many in his party never wanted. As Biden entered the White House in 2021, insiders predicted he would hold the Oval Office for one term and then step aside. A year ago, the conventional wisdom was that Biden might run again, but that he would have to fend off serious challengers in a contested primary, including possibly figures from within his own cabinet. That thinking has completely fallen apart. Despite a recent poll showing most voters don’t want the oldest President in American history to run for another term, none of the party’s most credible candidates are taking any steps toward a run. The two most prominent Democrats vying for President thus far—Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—are not seen by party insiders as serious threats to Biden’s glide path to the nomination. That thinking has completely fallen apart. Despite a recent poll showing most voters don’t want the oldest President in American history to run for another term, none of the party’s most credible candidates are taking any steps toward a run. The two most prominent Democrats vying for President thus far—Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—are not seen by party insiders as serious threats to Biden’s glide path to the nomination. “There isn’t an opening” for a Democratic challenger, says a Biden aide who tracks his polling closely. “You’re not going to challenge somebody that you can’t beat,” adds another Biden adviser. Across the country, the Democratic Party’s biggest stars have conceded that point.
  17. Can you share a link to back that up? It flies contrary to what I've seen and read.
  18. From the AP: This marries with what everyone on this thread is saying (except the guy who said he voted against Trump last time but will be voting for Biden). What's interesting to watch is how the younger, upstart, fire-in-the-belly guys like Mayor Pete are going to operate. Do they clear the path and wait for their turn or do they throw their hat in the ring? https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-poll-2024-white-house-economy-873663f6e3cbca8f2dae2f018c8be9d3
  19. Been feeling grimy today, maybe due to the weather, but listening to a lot of early drill music. Still blows my mind that a 16 year old created/legitimized a category of music with what are considered the father of drill and classics:
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