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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. There is zero chance 192 is real. I'll eat my hat if y'all are right.
  2. Does anyone remember that bar on 6th street that served the huge beers and had TV's all around and would occasionally blare in super loud video clips that dovetailed perfectly to the next song, in a thematic manner? One of my favorite one of those bits was the Cliffhanger movie scene with Sly Stallone holding on to someone and watching the struggle and then right as the grip is loosened and the fingers slip.... "AND IM FREEEEEEEE, FREEEEEE FALLIN'' at a volume of 11. That's peak Tim Petty to me.
  3. At ~$47k, the automaker’s Model Y SUV — the bestselling EV of 2022 — now costs $759 less than the average US vehicle The “coach-ification” of the brand is almost complete. Good, good.
  4. It was a fascinating concept and S1 was magical and can't take that away from us. But 5 episodes left is about right and it needs to be sunset. I guess @BrickHorn never came back from S2's huge drop as I'd like to hear her input.
  5. Yes, yes, yes. yes.
  6. I have an old G.I. Joe, the last one in a 3-pack that was bought at an Eckerd's Pharmacy, next to the M.E. Moses, that my kids play with. Must be 35 years old at this point.
  7. For as provocatively MAGA as some of you people appear to think I am, you'd be surprised at how neo-liberal I am in real life. When I'm around really ignorant MAGA people which is fairly often, I push back and find myself defending some liberal ideas and deriding conspiracy theories and ignorance, and defending Biden especially. It sounds something like, "I didn't vote for the guy, but I'm pleasantly surprised with him and think he's done a heck of a job."
  8. ugh I can't stand PHX. Why can't the Clippers be good. Oh well.
  9. Agree with the bolded. And I've almost forgot he was a Sixer. That was a blip in my brain.
  10. I mean, this is the best time we've ever lived in. Getting better all the time despite bitching about things. Corona time was still wonderful for my family and me, despite missing friends and other activities. Maybe it’s a him problem, and not the world around him?
  11. HamsterHookah


    My first thought as well. Quad Squad high five!
  12. You'll get no disagreement from me. Outside of the whole Monica Lewinsky affair, he was the perfect president.
  13. Twitter is backing out of a prior agreement, made before Elon Musk's tenure, which committed $20 million to smaller VCs. The social media giant, historically known for supporting venture capital firms, recently shifted its focus towards backing underrepresented founders. However, under Musk's leadership, these VCs will no longer receive the previously committed $20 million in funding from Twitter. VC heads backed by Twitter received a note in January, indicating that the team previously managing their accounts had been disbanded following Musk's takeover. Musk's team have reached out to some VCs, but Twitter no longer intends to fulfill outstanding financial commitments and expects the firms to secure their own funding.
  14. Do you realize that you could pick out the problems from every year or decade? The premise was that today America is in better shape than it's ever been and I don't think that is accurate. From a sociological (we all hate each other, mostly), political (again, we all hate each other and our democracy is in bad shape), or psychological (we kill each other and have kids dying in schools literally every other day with mental health issues that are more out of control than typhoid or polio ever posed). But there is some privilege in my thinking the '20 and '50s were great-- if you are a BIPOC or LGBQ you probably don't want to be anywhere before 1988 (as Louis C.K. said). The 2010-2020 decade (pre-Covid) is better in almost every respect than today, for my money. Covid broke us.
  15. I think you are right and that Biden cruises for another 4. I think he will have to pick a strong VP this go, however, because at the age and the stress of the job, the concern has to be a natural passing while in the seat.
  16. Yep. I voted for him in 08
  17. Roaring '20's 50's postwar 2010-2020 (not sure the name of that decade) Off the top of my head.
  18. I agree he wins in a landslide, but to the bold:
  19. Homeless looking Jaimie Foxx can ball. Good for him, but better and funnier are play-in teams (Lakers & Heat) winning their series with 4-1 gentlemen sweeps. Goes to show you the regular season is broken.
  20. I got the sense from that clip shared earlier that he was more abrasive and rude to this producers than the guest. He chided them for giving him notes or guidance in his ear piece and he broke the fourth wall to gripe at them about it.
  21. HamsterHookah


    The VP of Marketing who concocted this idea and the CMO were put on leave-- the company tried to make it sound like they voluntarily took a leave of absence, but reports from WSJ make it sound like they are being quietly fired. Probably because "The boycott appears to be having some effect on business. According to Beer Business Daily, Bud Light sales fell 10.7% the week ended April 8, while shares in rival Molson Coors appear to have gotten at least a short-term lift." I can see it from both sides here from a business perspective: It's a declining brand and so you are attempting to broaden your demographics and buying personas and think you increase your total addressable market by appealing to young people, progressives, etc. who have never or rarely been your paying customers. On the other hand, you are a lifestyle brand with an entrenched and passionate core identity of lower-middle-class/poor people and your billion dollar marketing machine should have enough data and analytics to show you that this would be a horrible, horrible idea. At the end of the day to grow and transform, you have to take business risks. People rise and fall everyday in corporations taking risks, this is just a really visible one. In fact, if it weren't so visible and political, I'd argue these folks would probably get a raise and promotion for taking the risk and failing rather then being pushed out, but alas.
  22. The producer found out 10 minutes before it happened. Also Fox News stock was down 3% yesterday on the news, which is awesome and funny-- but even more so when you consider it dropped harder on this news than even the Dominion 787mm settlement news.
  23. I was an early-adopter to this Memphis team (was in Memphis at least once a week for work a ton pre-Covid and even thought of getting a small block of season tickets Ja's rookie year), but the past year or so I'm completely over them and now root against them. Completely unlikeable in attitude and behavior, IMO. Rooting for Lebron over anyone is hard to get me to do, but here we are.
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