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Everything posted by HamsterHookah

  1. I think a better line of demarcation would be top 15 pick. Generally you don't see QB's in the back half of the first round become elite. Aaron Rodgers is the exception not the rule.
  2. I echo this. Post-tragedy it's heartening to see a) expedient "justice" in the firing and criminal charges of the cops and b) non-violent protests and community gatherings being held peacefully and c) general lack of civil unrest for the sake of civil unrest Dare I say that progress-- however slow or incremental-- is being made? Arguing over whether progress is happening fast enough is a better argument than it not happening at all, I guess.
  3. You should be eating egg whites anyways with your past medical history, right? C'mon now, popop.
  4. My kids keep my somewhat hip/cool to the culture compared to my peers, but I generally embarrass them by being uncool.
  5. This thread never ceases to make me feel better about cutting a tuition check every semester for a theological private school every time I start to think "is it really worth it for a poor man like me and times are hard?". Some of you people's parenting philosophies are insane to me (and mine, insane to you I'm sure) which just makes me love the freedom to choose on things like education all the more. One thing we can all agree on is the freedom to point at the other and think "Bless that person's children's heart".
  6. I could see the argument if you are arguing for sustainability, but on general principle of housing supply, it's a net positive.
  7. If you needed any further proof that Waffle House is a cherished institution and should be protected at all costs, they are eating the costs of the price of eggs and not passing on to the consumer.
  8. I'm very interested to see Exxon's year end earnings this week. Will it be in the same stratosphere of Chevron and what does it portend for midstreams and downstreams as they plan next years capital expenditure, etc.
  9. I misspoke-- 1 out of 3 years since the Bengals made the Super Bowl. They got robbed by refs this year.
  10. I disagree and think you can reflect back on...checks notes... 27 years of data points to make the case that drafting an above average QB in the late rounds is not the way to win big games and win big games often. In fact, you could argue that the worst thing that has happened to the Cowboys is falling into the lull and trap of "wow we are lucky" with late round "hits" with Romo and Dak-- both fine QB's but not elite, Super Bowl winning QB's early enough (rookie contract) and not great enough when you have to allocate a ton of resources to them (second contract) from the rest of the team. Look at the Bengals. I was consulting for 5/3rd bank back in 2018-2019 and I remember opening up a meeting in downtown Cincinnati with the old tired joke: "Man, it's so dangerous here downtown. I had 2 tickets to the Bengals game this weekend on my dashboard and when I came back to my car the window was broken....and on the dash someone had left two more!" har har har (I know, don't judge-- it's chicken noodle soup for the corporate soul). The Bengals were so bad that people were complaining about nepo baby Mike Brown and how the Brown's should be forced to sell the team for robbing fans and tanking. Well they get Joe Burrow and in 3 seasons since the 2-14 year they have been to two Super Bowls. With the same coach who started 0-11 and went 2-14 in 2019. And the list goes on with the teams that understand you have to suck a couple of years to set yourself up for a sustained run with an elite QB on the cheap. Or you can be the Cowboys and let Great be the enemy of Good and spend 27 or 28 years trying to get past the wildcard round with any semblance of consistency.
  11. I heard some advanced statistics a few weeks ago that showed this was actually something people believed because of his past glaring issues, but this year McCarthy was actually one of the better coaches at clock management. I'll try to find the link.
  12. I read today actually that Kellen and Nuss weren't forced upon McCarthy, but that McCarthy didn't want to fix what ain't broken with Dak. I don't know how accurate or how much of that is damage control...
  13. And what, praytell, do you drive again Mr. Judgy McJudgerson. Any answer other than a hearse is a disappointment to the image of you I have in my head.
  14. On the other hand, this is now the third of the three legged tenant that All Americans can agree upon: - LiveNation/TicketMaster is evil - Chrissy Teagan (sp?) is the worst And now - Velma is horrible I feel like you could run an election campaign on those three issues and win 98%
  15. Olivia Heller How America’s pickups are changing The Ford F-150 has been America’s bestselling car for 41 years. Last year, an F-Series Truck was sold every 49 seconds, and pickups accounted for the top three bestselling cars nationwide. Interestingly — despite stunts like this one, where an F-150 tows a double-decker freight train filled with 42 other F-150s — data shows a third of pickup owners rarely or never use their truck for hauling, while two-thirds rarely or never use it for towing, per Axios. Instead, 87% of pickup owners frequently use their truck for shopping, and 70% say they do so for pleasure driving. To accommodate for this, today’s F-150s are 63% cab and 37% bed, a near-total opposite from early generations’ 36% cab, 64% bed design. So what? Since 1990, the average mass of US vehicles has increased 25%. Pickups are already a safety concern, with twice the pedestrian strike fatality rate as smaller vehicles. They’re getting heavier, too, as the industry electrifies them with enormous batteries. Ford’s F-150 Lightning, for instance, at ~6.5k pounds, weighs 35% more than its gasoline twin.
  16. Helobiois reminds me of the Curb episode of the pig parker “I’m sure you’ll have a great day— at everyone else’s expense”.
  17. Why did you respond like this? Is this a troll video and not the real thing?
  18. What are the resources at play and typically on the table from the Dem party to try and have good candidates play nice on timetables together? Can you legally offer any goodies or head coach-in-waiting type deals to keep a Schiff from running against a Porter? Anything at disposal that is more than just promises and has teeth? What has the party done in the past it anything?
  19. You are wishcasting that a politician will put their personal ambitions and careers second to the general political party’s best interest?
  20. Georgie: Evidence of the old glazzies. Nothing up their sleeves. No magic, little Alex. A job for two, who are now of job age. The police.
  21. Jerry is a lot of things and most of them negative, but you can't deny he's a fantastic salesman.
  22. I love it! One thing to think about before you taunt and rub your enemies nose in it is make sure it's not gonna bite you in the butt. I don't know how the legality or ethics of it works, but could he be in trouble for choosing a lower offer based on subjective things (race, color, creed, who is best friends) within real estate transactions? Or is that just with banks and realtors and not sellers?
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