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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. It was offered in earnest. Although I don’t begrudge the interpretation, as we are where we are.
  2. if you can clear your mind of previous biases, hatred,….what have you. Watch the Real Time episode with Buck Sexton and Laura Coates. There is a moment when Sexton says essentially what is being said here and Coates doubles down on condescending, Sexton points that out to her and she immediately triples down on it. A great example.
  3. The road to recovery starts with recognizing you have a problem. good luck on your journey
  4. Let’s try a little thought experiment. How high in your asshole would your panties be if Trump was about to take the reigns of the, “Disinformation Governance Board”? Throat, eyeballs or hairline?
  5. Leftist Fan Fiction Storytime Thread: Come for shit that never happened, stay for the pants pissing.
  6. free flow thoughts below trying to touch on your items. And for the eleventy billionth time I’m not a Trump supporter, but am certainly right of the baseline CR occupant. I expect the TCJA gets renewed and perhaps expanded(50/50) I expect a significant decrease in regulatory state and regulation. I expect illegal immigration will be significantly decreased. More wall built I suspect the IRA gets carved up significantly I think Chips stays as is I think tariffs will be targeted, but probably with a lot of bluster I don’t have a clue if Ocare gets any attempt at replacing/repeal. At this point Ocare is what exactly…marketplace, pre-existing conditions and employer mandate. Maybe they go back to not enforcing employer mandate? No way Trump goes for abortion ban.(we obviously need to define ban here). Maybe the house will be crazy enough to waste a bunch of effort on something (is a trifecta certain at this point?) I pray the Ukraine war can be ended with maintaining Ukraine sovereignty/security. I don’t know how that could work out but don’t believe for a second it ends up with Putin getting a sweetheart deal. I’m sure if a peace was agreed to tomorrow and Putin keeps a square millimeter of Ukraine there will be non-stop Putin Puppet nonsense.
  7. Which part? Biden literally set up a ministry of disinformation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/05/18/disinformation-board-dhs-nina-jankowicz/
  8. Her being in the bottom 28% isn’t the brag you think it is
  9. We are going to find out. It’s happening
  10. marijuana being federally illegal at this point is so far beyond stupid its political malpractice. The cat is totally out of the bag...yet crickets from Washington... bizarre.
  11. Keep ringing that bell and pissing down your leg. Its actually getting to the point of comedy.
  12. Post this over in the Truce thread. It an interesting topic. End of life care. Or don't, just a suggestion.
  13. I'll tell you what has been completely laid bare as a sure fire winner for the Democratic party. Smug condescension. You all can't help yourself, its truly breath taking.
  14. I haven't said anything about Trump. I criticized Cuban, who shat all over himself for the last year or so, apparently in direct response to a petty dig from Trump about a failed television program. Then you dropped in with the holier than thou barf about critical thinking and scrutiny the left applies in ALL cases !!!!11!!1!1! Which is completely absurd given the catastrophic embarrassment left wing media and Democratic establishment just took Tuesday night. The literal personification of
  15. but, but, but, but Trump!!!
  16. maybe consider a handle change to DeepStateBadBoy420 or DeepStateFTW or DeeeepestSTATE
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