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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. Rear Deltoid, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi get nothing from a push-up. Rows and pull-ups. Plus the fact he is 50lbs overweight(his estimate). That's significant load on the shoulders, repeatedly. 35 isn't old, but is sure as fuck isn't 18.
  2. The hookers wardrobe jump started puberty for many Gen Xers
  3. Fuck you. Good Christ you people are such bitchasses.
  4. get original material you hack
  5. Whatever. I haven't seen Trump's commentary on this. Fire protection water is a must have to get development approved anywhere. Of course much of this may be grandfathered in to systems that wouldn't be allowed currently. If fire protection rules were skirted its a huge scandal. thats all I said.
  6. Fuck you. Someone else posted they didn't have water in the hydrants.
  7. @B00M the fuck you neg this for? You don't think having fire protection water is a criteria for allowing development in any municipality?
  8. Well, they are all right out of central casting.
  9. Get a container that you can use for the refilling with which you can match the differential capacity. So if the stated capacity is 15oz get a container that you can match that with. Makes filling those so much cleaner than trying to stop when full as the hose will be filled when you see the differential is full.
  10. This is a MASSIVE scandal if so.
  11. Unfortunately few people are as motivated and tricky as meth'd out thieves/looters.
  12. the workaround seems doable.
  13. Probably too soon, but I can't stop thinking about how fucked any property owner is for insurance in California. This is unreal.
  14. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14255025/amp/pfizer-covid-vaccine-breast-size.html Shocking images show woman, 19, whose breasts quadrupled after taking Pfizer Covid vaccine Lemons——->lemonade
  15. Most objectionable part thus far is random yelling and stupid chants from the crowd. dead quiet would definitely be bad. Not sure how they could deal with background noise better
  16. They passed legislation to make any nonsense on certification day less likely, including objections to electors
  17. 1970's and 80's coach wear collection
  18. avatar checks out
  19. good. Fuck him.
  20. Can you describe the plan structure(whats covered) process? Is it truly a-la-carte or do you start with a base then bolt-on? Do you have to decide each medication ?
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