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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. The fuck are you babbling about? I said nothing disparaging about either program. For fuck sake go elsewhere to rant and piss down your leg.
  2. I’m talking about the Democratic party thinking of the previous few decades.
  3. I’m just telling you what they got out of not fixing immigration. Yes Tuesday turned #2 on it’s head.
  4. Have you never heard D’s and leftwing media spew about the certainty of Democratic victories as far as the eye can see because of “demographics”?
  5. We’ve been over this eleventy billion times. 1.) R constituents need/want labor 2.) D’s are certain they will become lifelong D voters 3.)They pay a mountain of cash into entitlement programs that they likely won’t draw on fin.
  6. He sat there smiling and waiving to the crowd. “Leaving in a rush”. My lord.
  7. What am I arguing? You made the claim Trump walks out of every adversarial interview. I posted video of an adversarial interview he didn’t walk out of. You doubled down on stupid and said he walked out even though I provided video of him most definitely not walking out. you want to provide a bunch of videos of him walking out of interviews besides the 60 min interview of 4 years ago?
  8. Uhhhh… you’re wrong. Watch the end of the video.
  9. Correlated to losing control of congress….
  10. .001 percent average 0 home runs 0RBI
  11. If there are two people in the world who deserve that kind of cunty snarkiness it’s Cuban and Trump
  12. Which isn’t the correct usage of “lame duck”. Lame Duck is the period after successor has been elected. Joe is a lame duck president
  13. Hard disagree. Romney or McCain lose. I do agree inflation was a gigantic headwind. Trump pitched everywhere and that is a significant part of the pick ups he made in demographics the professional campaigners would have said were ungettable.
  14. He has bloviated the same everything is fucked embrace nothingness ad-nauseam for half a decade at least.
  15. In the absolute most sincere usage of this overplayed meme on this site. Are you new here?
  16. Ad-hoc changes to the English language/syntax/grammer with losing your job as a consequence of error is completely Orwellian. I’m sorry but insisting on being referenced as a plural pronoun in instances where a singular is grammatically correct is fucking absurd. I’ll gladly refer to anyone who wants to be referred to he or she as they desire.
  17. I’ll take picking gnat shit out of pepper for $2000,Alex
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