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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. El-Erian is quite often exactly right on matters such as this. Dismiss him at your own peril.
  2. Slap together a free trade coffee shop, micro-distillery, a beard wax emporium, and a ketamine therapy office…it will gentrify.
  3. Give her the love and support she deserves. Think of those moments as a gateway to enlightenment. The more you allow your focus to shift internally the more you will be able to feel quite a bit more comfortable to the point where you can gently start to feel better as this new knowledge wells up from within you. As you begin to breath more deeply you may become aware of hidden learnings so that you can gently look forward to new adventures as the progression of events continuously unfolds. Sometimes it is surprisingly easy to find that you can examine the positive lessons you have learned and let yourself unconsciously experience a new calmness quickly and easily. Often a person, such as yourself, can wonder what would it be like if you were to let your surroundings fade away, focusing more on internal thoughts and sensations in a way that would allow you to joyfully begin to generate new positive attitudes and behaviors over time. You may have already noticed how easy it is to begin to realize something interesting such that you suddenly have the ability to decisively begin to move through life with grace and poise in the ongoing moments of your life.
  4. @JosephStang Allow me to lay some truth on you. The inability to question initial validity will usually lead to subsequent errors in rendering a convincing explanation of cyclic harmonic repetition, in sympathetic resonance with isomorphic overlays calling forth clear connection to the Akashic Records Focusing on a single point in space-time can lead to an understanding of scalar wave interaction, in sympathetic resonance with molecular interference filters encapsulating a co-valent correlation matrix. Thus allowing you to integrate zero point energy, combined with geodesic lattice structures calling forth oneness with the Godhead. When you can tune yourself internally to the higher frequencies, you can utilize fractally enhanced vibrational modes, bonded on a quantum level with geodesic lattice structures manifesting a persistent linkage between subordinate levels of abstraction. The ability to fold space within the reality envelope facilitates the ability to make use of plasma field resonance transfer modulation functions, bonded on a quantum level with molecular interference filters encapsulating a persistent linkage between subordinate levels of abstraction.
  5. IMPO. Is there a global asset bubble? yes Is the global financial systems regulatory regime rife with contradictory rules/regulations and set up in favor of large institutions? yes Does The Pentaverate meet Bi-Annually at the Meadows to screw the average Joe? no
  6. I have not heard anything Machiavellian about the change that was more than internet discussion board fodder. CK is a different kind of person that's for sure. But, full disclaimer, I am not claiming to know all the details. The Ducks were fun to watch during CK's tenure. Looked like it was going to possibly work in the NFL, then utter dumpster fire.
  7. It would have been very intriguing to watch how a longer tenure would have played out at Oregon. In hindsight, seems like it was the perfect set up for CK in that moment and he was (select your own adjective) to keep a very stable staff in the transition from Bellotti.
  8. I thought they were committed to the next Bond being female? Or am I misremembering?
  9. Spoiler. No gore. May be tough for some to see. Still holy shit.
  10. I need to watch it again. Last run through was peak COVID. It really does get better each viewing. All the pieces matter.
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