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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. So this begs the question. How did armored medival fighters eventually die? exhaustion? eaten by a dragon?....???
  2. I’m a newer fan(kids in soccer) but I can’t think of a match with a matching stat line. Unreal.
  3. 10 min left 21 shots 11 on goal 12 corners 0 goals ridiculous
  4. There are a shit load of common good rules and regulations placed on businesses. Something like 60% of GDP is from family owned and run businesses, which by and large are not run as the soul sucking profit at all cost entities leftists and the msm love to portray.
  5. Notable, but completely unsurprising, that you didn’t pivot to the Net Income tab. Here is a visual to help you out.
  6. Many standards enforced by local regulators come from federal regulations. There are significant costs added to construction from those regulations Example: EPA standards around stormwater and discharge from municipal waste facilities have increased significantly in the last 30 years. Those costs are material to the construction of new supply for rent. Thats not to say those costs(regulations) aren’t the right thing to do, but they are real and much different than the past.
  7. Go read my post that started this exchange. No I don’t deny it. Demand got stimulated and supply got constrained at the same time. Labor shortages, caused directly by stay at home orders(globally), fucked supply.
  8. You’re right there. You can say it. Why couldn’t they handle the volume. I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t lack of cranes, trucks, docks,…etc.
  9. Yet you can’t provide a single example, then went with the old take your ball and going home schtick. Only to linger at the end of the field peeking around the bushes. Really good. Nice job.
  10. Lol. so you’re crawfishing from your claim of supply constraints being caused by stay at home orders, “not by a long shot”.
  11. What? The discussion was inflation. You and Comrade Doesn’t Know The Difference Between Revenue and Profit have repeatedly asserted its because of corporate greed.
  12. Example please Trucking capacity was limited because of lack of truck drivers. Trucks and trailers didn’t disappear.
  13. Stay at home orders are the direct cause of: 1.) factories not manufacturing or manufacturing at limited capacity due to labor availability. 2.) materials not moving because of labor availability Please share what other factors constrained supply more?
  14. Supply hadn't been as messed up since WWII. On top of constraining supply(stay at home orders) demand got goosed with multiple rounds of stimulus at all levels AND in dealing with the constrained supply/goosed demand a feedback loop was created as all along the process of making goods as manufacturers ordered more hoping to have materials to satisfy goosed demand. It was a nearly perfect inflation creation scenario.
  15. no moar yanky my wanky, donger need food
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