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Everything posted by Incredulity

  1. East side over on the West side
  2. signed up for the annual disappointment.
  3. A bank would only recalculate if you wanted a payoff amount. Dozens of websites will also provide an amortization schedule for free. https://www.amortization-calc.com/mortgage-calculator/. Have the lease spell out the charges for late payments/fees. Those costs wouldn't be added to the loan amount, they would be expenses and could be charged the statutory late interest rate if they are not paid.
  4. wife pics not showing up. Please reload.
  5. Wouldn’t it actually be the opposite of that? Businesses that sell things for X then buy them back for 5X are usually not around very long.
  6. First death https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-05/mexico-death-tied-to-bird-flu-strain-never-before-seen-in-people?embedded-checkout=true
  7. Ivermectin and Fauci being or not being the anti-Christ aside. The FOIA avoidance shenanigans should be a seriously big scandal. It probably won't.
  8. Yes! We scabbed together a gokart and quickly learned that mechanical engineering has limits and should be careful considered when gearing ratios and engine rpm specs are concerned. It was fun while it lasted, but another example of, what the fuck were we thinking? Lol
  9. Also, no idea they were made by AMF who also produced yachts, bowling alley equipment and…wait for it… nuclear reactors. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Machine_and_Foundry
  10. Thats a damn shame. Sounds like you had lots of potential in the realm of stupid boyhood bike stuff. I still have parallel scars the length of my right shin from the aluminum bike pedals with the huge traction stubs that I got when the stock pedals finally failed. We had all just seen Hotdog the Movie. Snow was nowhere to be found so we spent a week recreating “chinese downhill” on our bikes. Got knocked off balance and that pedal ran the entire length of my shin leaving 2 nearly identical slashes. Another kid broke his arm before the parents caught on to our hijinx and put a stop to it
  11. I can still hear the low grumble that thing put out. click, click, click….doesn’t cut it
  12. My younger brother got one of these second hand. His was sized for a young kid(not sure if they all were) so it was pretty cherry when he got it. We tore it to shit. He was crushed when the rev noisemaker finally died.
  13. It’s really going to hurt when some air comes out of this thing. thats not a bash on nvidia or AI. But this run is silly. And no I’m not stepping in front of this bus
  14. Your legs and spinal column are the correct answer for shock absorber for 70’s and 80’s BMX riding.
  15. I showed up about 45 min after my buddy had gotten the inspiration to surf his bike down a paved street shirtless. first time I had seen legit road rash. All down the side of his face, shoulder and back.
  16. amazed we didn't lose anyone. Distinct anti-safety culture. YGIFS posted "Mongoose" above which reminded me of someone showing up with a mongoose fully padded. That lasted till about lunch when the heckling got the best of him. There were no helmets, pads, any of that shit. Show up with that and you were mocked mercilessly. quite the time to be a kid.
  17. CSB warning. We pretty much all had Huffy's or whatever brand Sears or Kmart sold. Probably, 25 or 30 pounds of goddamn steel. In later years kids showed up with magazine fantasy bikes like Redlines and Diamondbacks. We had a long steep downhill that transitioned to about a 4 foot high dirt ramp. Absolutely perfect set up, EXCEPT you had the quickly turn after landing or you went into a ravine with all sorts of brambles and weeds. New kid shows up when I was about 10 running some bullshit about his BMX pedigree and a shiny new Redline or something. Fucker nose dived the landing and skidded right into the ravine. He never lived that down, moved away at some point in high school.
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