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Scuba Saba

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Everything posted by Scuba Saba

  1. Can we get a aggy BB roller coaster?
  2. Our BB field must be bigger and better than aggy.
  3. That plus several beers and you are sitting on a lethal weapon.
  4. Well I know you and that is some fertilizer
  5. Whoever did that was a real fool. The scary thing is that he, and it is likely a he, is out there with us or more likely a limited area in Brazos, County.
  6. Well said. Hope we are both right and he stays for a long time.
  7. Actually it used a very serious topic in a confused manner. How adding in men looking at women's breasts added anything was pathetic. 50% or so of the population does that and so what. Nothing to do with cancer.
  8. Yep, but I and tell the difference in good and bad lyrics and music. HH and Crap does not even rise to the level of bad. It is pandering at its cynical worst.
  9. Wrongo. But the identity of the accusers would be helpful so we can learn their history and predilections. Also all I have read was one said his penis touched her hand. So if he was turning over and she was holding a towel covering his private area and the touch occurred, well? First time that ever happened to you lady? Spot of something that may have been seminal fluid on the message board. Next question, were you using lotion and could it have been the lotion? He acted inappropriately. There is consensual and non consensual. Everything between the foul poles is in fair play. Getting back to inappropriate, what does that mean? You may have seen but I have not seen what the accusers consider to be inappropriate. Well he broke wind and it smelled terrible. And so it goes. Y'all should move to Salem and get some heavy stones.
  10. We may be missing the bigger picture. SMU may be doing a Baylor on us. Realize its limitation and focus on a limited number of sports. FB, Basketball and BBL. Baylor did that to very good success as did TCU. While I might slash my wrists if CDC went to SMU. We know what he can do. But UT is a much bigger stage.
  11. That would be sad and a reason to get diapers.
  12. Amen. The Boob's commercial while dealing with a beyond serious matter, was a good example. Putting the Ta Ta's so out there and not expecting some looking, which the Ta Ta bearer's expect, was a little too much finger wagging.
  13. Nope, time for the Stones etc. Highly recommended.
  14. Agreed, but the foundation of the AS moment is TBD. Get it TBD?
  15. Don't you get it, you don't know if any of what you say happened did in fact occur. You do understand the pitfalls of assume.
  16. It's hard to categorize you, dumb, stupid or ignorant. Probably a basterdized mix of all of the above. You had a chance if you had stopped at don't know since that is the entire universe of your knowledge about Tucker.
  17. Please take me back to the 60's 70's etc. and rock and roll. Still popular and will be forever. HH and Crap a passing impaction.
  18. I don't know but was there as much team churn during Brady's run as we are seeing now. If different then that may be a significant factor.
  19. Rap isn't called spitting without reason. Look at the lyrics and melody.
  20. Have you ever read the lyrics to that abomination. I would say something about the melody but there was not one to be found. Ranged from maybe C to D in range.
  21. Well to all the Tucker haters on this thread it sure did not seem that his teammates have the same sentiments toward him as most of y'all do. Good for them.
  22. Still better than Corona. But then Corona is not beer.
  23. We are congruent about atm.
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