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Scuba Saba

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Everything posted by Scuba Saba

  1. Aggy strikes again. 10 Texas A&M Corps cadets face $1M lawsuit from fellow cadet over 'degrading' hazing allegations https://houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/education/article/texas-am-hazing-lawsuit-cadets-18550232.php?utm_campaign=CMS Sharing Tools (Premium)&utm_source=share-by-email&utm_medium=email Some of the cadets took a photo smiling next to him and shared the picture with every...
  2. Cryler Murray, Arizona is doomed.
  3. MM is not holding up his end of the board. Does not run and does not play defense when there is an offensive turnover. Make all the speculative excuses you want but the objective facts are what they are. The college game today requires a dual threat QB and we don't have one playing now.
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