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Everything posted by BigTEAMLittleme

  1. No offense at all the last two minutes
  2. Like… Sean Miller? What if he makes it to the second weekend?
  3. Hero ball followed by terrible D. SMH.🤦
  4. No lead has been safe with his team all year
  5. Get Weaver the F into the game. Good grief.
  6. I say let’s go ahead and let him pick up that third foul
  7. His energy and will is contagious. The entire team is better when Weaver is in the game.
  8. So why do you pull Weaver when you’ve been blowing them out with him?
  9. The whole world can see he’s a difference maker. Why you wait five minutes to get him in the game is mind-boggling to me.
  10. Especially when Weaver is an option.
  11. Xavier is 50 miles from Dayton; this is a road game.
  12. … Weaver on the other hand gives EVERYTHING. Give me 5 like him. Damn. Hope he’s OK
  13. I WANT Weaver drawing those.
  14. I wish him s great future for obvious reasons, but he’s not exactly sacrificing his body in this game.
  15. For a marquee player, Tre’s defense and hustle in a big game like this is… extremely disappointing. I’m trying to be kind because we need his scoring, but it stands out.
  16. It did look like he benched Tre for a few minutes early in the half for not hustling for that out of bounds ball
  17. One thing I noticed about the women is they tended to make most of their free throws 🫤
  18. He can never be accused of not hustling his ass off.
  19. Even if they pull this out tonight, the first SEC tournament game is against Vanderbilt in Nashville. Basically a road game…
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