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Everything posted by BigTEAMLittleme

  1. Not only do you not take points off the board in general you NEVER take points off the board after a turnover.
  2. We just took points off the board 😬
  3. It’s running the bleachers stupid
  4. Got it back! Thank the Lord for our D! 🙏
  5. Two TD’s allowed in 4.5 games. That’s pretty good.
  6. It’s a teaching opportunity for Sark. But we need to take care of business.
  7. That was HUGE. But who just went in the tent?
  8. We seriously need more balance
  9. I don’t think you can emphasize this point enough.
  10. Right??? Gets you back in the damn game and then they sit him down.
  11. I’m just going to hold off on any judgments right now, but we were lucky to get back in this game. going to be an interesting off-season.
  12. Take. It. To. The. Hoop. Draw fouls.
  13. Honestly, we need to start driving the hoop and drawing fouls. And hope to win the game at the FT line.
  14. Make that 6 fouls. Bonus rest of the half.
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