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Everything posted by BigTEAMLittleme

  1. How many bank-in 3’s can a team get in one game? 😑
  2. That ball was NOT out of bounds on Rice.
  3. Death, taxes, and KU getting every call in the Phog.
  4. Brock sits… and it falls apart. Why the F do you take out the glue just as he sparks a comeback? You rarely if ever see him make bad decisions. But I’ve seen a lot of bad decisions since he’s been sitting.
  5. And… KSU knocks off Kansas.
  6. Cunningham is in their heads. SO valuable when he is in.
  7. I love this team. But have really had it with ESPN anti-Texas bias.
  8. This is one reason I would never want Dixon as coach (other thread); all the man does is bitch and whine.
  9. I still think Tang would be a brilliant hire. CDC probably won’t do it, though.
  10. How big is Tang’s buyout? Just asking while watching KSU at Baylor… I get it about the short resume, but right now they look like they looked the other night and Tang has a badass recruiting resume while at Baylor.
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