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Everything posted by BigTEAMLittleme

  1. They look better tonight. Competition?
  2. Texas player movement away from the ball is pathetic
  3. Same era as some of the great Houston Wheatley dynasty teams. They didn’t lose.
  4. Leave Weaver in. At least he hustles and busts his ass.
  5. Good grief. Play fucking zone. It can’t hurt.
  6. Texas has the money for a legit high-level coach. Yet we sit around and play make believe so that no one gets their feelings hurt. PR Image > Actual Merit
  7. Yeah he was just being politically correct, and his basis for judgement was Beard’s team.
  8. Jay Bilas apparently doesn’t understand that Texas doesn’t have an offense to run. This IS their offense and has been all year.
  9. “ not moving the ball that well either” — Understatement
  10. Honestly, I try to be optimistic, but I have a hard time seeing how we’re even gonna go .500 in the SEC
  11. I’m not sure which is more embarrassing
  12. Oh to have a coach like Hurley
  13. That was a freaking foul
  14. Welp, here we go
  15. Did what we had to do. Let’s go win this.
  16. Exactly. I see all these people saying well. Why did Georgia Tech move the ball, it’s because they had a mobile quarterback.
  17. They should’ve squib punted it
  18. Fix is in. Can’t let the interlopers win the league in their first year
  19. Let’s see how many plays we can run without a penalty
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