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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Mother fucking Aggies (we can afford them, but no one wants to)
  2. Man, have some Rep... That's a great hike in 'regular' clothes. Feel free to share pics (of the ceremony or the post-pizza revelry, your choice)
  3. He would have given them the finger on the way out, but since he already did...
  4. Gym is from Champaign County Ohio. All math is a problem for him.
  5. Some people just cut a maze out in a field of corn, but brother... I like your style. Same. Well, it's what I do now, after 'the Nativity Scene incident'.
  6. Hey... has anyone considered the longstanding American tradition of thoughts AND prayers?
  7. Mother must have given him permission to use 'arouses'
  8. Maybe some of my God fearing GQP family members can help me with this Bible story... Matthew 18:23-35
  9. I have no doubt this is true, but I'll see your 'quality' and raise you 'quantity' (since our late fall and winter and spring and summer until mid July are barely distinguishable by temperature, and identical in terms of dreariness)
  10. Putting the "crotch" in "crochet"
  11. Nope. Sheets of plywood would taste better
  12. This seems like a good thing:
  13. That sounds like my ex girlfriend
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