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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Like he could button those with his wee tiny hands... These do make sense, given his interest in showers of gold
  2. Sorry for the dumb question... There are regulations for donations to political campaigns (including disclosure guidelines). Would legal funds also follow these same rules? Or has he figured out another way to launder donations from Saudi and Russian investors?
  3. Similar to the Wicked Witch of the East, we'd like to drop a whole ass house on him.
  4. You can see the hints of this at the 1:54 mark of that trailer...
  5. In the Albuquerque airport? Absolutely.
  6. Speak for yourself. I was raised by the television, like any good American
  7. How fun would a Warren/Porter ticket be? Just calling out people's bullshit on the regular
  8. Y'all have also neglected to post the greatest "musical ensembles for Africa" offering....
  9. Right, but Christmas (Genna) is on January 7, so the topic is up for discussion. Totally agree, other than the "Tonight thank God it's them instead of you...." scream from Bono. Don't need more guilt in my holidays, thankyouverymuch.
  10. Heading to Purgatory at the end of the month... Anyone been out there this year? Durango recommendations appreciated
  11. Much better QB than that poser Shane Falco
  12. Repeating myself, but This "Want to leave a tip?" stuff has gone too far
  13. Full clip because reasons
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