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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. You'd get rid of both of your wife's favorites? That seems really shellfish. (I'm really sorry. I'm going to go sit down and think about how I let my life get to this point)
  2. Team A is cheating. Team B either reports it (individually or with others) or confirms what they've experienced when asked directly. Why is Team B the problem here? Also: Our coaches' sideline headsets were corded. We had a linebacker that used to stand on the cord so that when our (asshole) head coach took off running with a play, he got "yoink!'d"
  3. I've heard that's where they keep all the gold in California
  4. And the campaign of her opponent. "Stop. Hammer Toes."
  5. Return of the King
  6. That was the name of my emo-bluegrass band. Kinda a Chris Gaines with banjos thing.
  7. Leave the bucket outside, empty, with a "please only take one" note taped to it. (adolescent NWB would have taken the note)
  8. Yup. That thing was motion activated and broadcast movie lines... The wife was not appropriately impressed with my ability to quote along with him listing his credentials. If there hadn't been any kids around, I'm sure the owner would have appreciated my highest praise... "Nice fucking model!"
  9. Folks around the corner really trying to lure Lauren Bobert They'd even done some painted signs and stuff... Looked clearer in the day.
  10. NSIAP.
  11. Don't you mean Soul Finger?
  12. Nicely played
  13. Idea from elsewhere on the intertrons... Fine Michigan $10 million. Use the money to outfit all of the other FBS schools with helmet receivers. Require Michigan to huddle and use players to shuttle plays in and out.
  14. No where near as good as the dessicated zombies that were posted earlier, but I love these compilations of carving artistry.
  15. I thought this was interesting
  16. OR... Once AI interfaces with pornhub...
  17. And the ones that are there don't have any swerve marks or skid patterns near their bodies
  18. Well, now that it's been destigmatized, I am interested in taking a crack at this addiction thing
  19. Not anymore he don't...
  20. With all this discussion about crab dip, let's remember that Maryland is in the B1G now as well...
  21. It's my understanding that teams in the B1G are really looking to expand their repertoire of ways to signal in the play calls.
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