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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. How else do you hope to light it on fire, man?
  2. Well, if you count the moment loose consciousness from lack of oxygen as being 'knocked out', then sure
  3. "Dr. Question" was the worst off brand beverage my broke-ass family would have at picnics. "More like 'Dr. Questioning your life choices', amIrite?"- 16 year old me, immediately preceding a slap to the back of my head.
  4. This is a great bit of clarification/thing to remember... There are a lot of religious private schools in the country that do a great job teaching a well rounded and rigorous curriculum. Specifically, I'm thinking of the long legacy that Catholic high schools have had in our country, as well as the Jewish and Islamic schools that are foundational and well respected in their communities. But, as you said, those ain't the "Sacred Sons of Onan Academy" that just opened up in the abandoned Blockbuster.
  5. Isn't "sorry about the incontinence" Taco Bell's motto (and if not, shouldn't it be)?
  6. Along those lines, found this book both helpful and challenging: The Sin Of Certainty
  7. Perhaps it was a troll/ruse all along... ran it with the MAGA information for just long enough to then make the heel turn hilarious. (or "heel-larious", if you will)
  8. Relatedly, here's another fee that's becoming more common. NYT: Using a credit card? At these restaurants it’ll cost you.
  9. I can't speak for Texas, but I will say that the "administrative bloat" that many talk about is also a factor (and I'm speaking as an administrator). However, that 'bloat', in many situations, comes in response to new expectations and regulations from the state/federal level- all good programs/policies/practices, but additional responsibilities with the same or reduced funding leads to the budget issues highlighted here.
  10. Nope. They use something Gershwin-esque:
  11. Didn't know that Jan and Dean did a mashup with Sam and Dave?
  12. Yeah, that's some real Chuck Jones/Wile E. Coyote shit.
  13. "A rising tide should only lift corporate boats". Duh.
  14. They do this at the Climate Pledge Arena (used to be Key Arena) here, and I've used it for a few Kraken games. The first time or so it's cool, then it becomes just another thing.... Well, another thing that then gives your biometric and financial data to the cloud in a new and unusual way.
  15. "That's not all I do with my palm...."- Most of Surly
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