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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Posted hereabouts before...
  2. Once the cold water hits, that's all that's left showing
  3. We can see them here in Seattle on occasion:
  4. Dropped in-laws off at airport, and drove away. Got about four miles before I realized that he still had the keyfob (I dropped them off and then kept their car). Was able to connect with him and get it back before they took off. He'd made it through security though... didn't think anything of it when he put the fob in the bowl at the screening area.
  5. Long as she don't check the mailman, we're good.
  6. NWBuck


    I think that depends on if it's an African or a European crow...
  7. I'd also add Fury Road as a worthy contender in its own right- and it's a sequel to a sequel to a sequel. Another answer: (sequel to Red Dragon from '81)
  8. I sure Hope that I could eat that Solo
  9. That look makes more sense given that you ran the baked chicken under the chocolate fountain four times
  10. "You want signs? Well... Here's the proof Jesus gave us!" Obligatory:
  11. True- But those "works" also inspired the Civil Right movement... so, fingers crossed??
  12. My pastor commented this afternoon: "There's a lot more to revival than a bunch of white kids singing songs and skipping classes..." (She was kidding) Here's a perspective from Christianity Today: Something I wrote in an email to friends earlier this week (which makes more sense given that today was Transfiguration Sunday in the Common Lectionary) And, of course, the Occam's Razor explanation: Report: Asbury University Revival Started Night Before Huge Group Project Was Due
  13. Well, at least just like the dudes who showed up and brought weird gifts for Jesus' birthday
  14. Six venereal diseases and one hundred and five IQ points combined.
  15. There's a "but she don't mind sucking" joke here, but I'm not going to make it.
  16. As if the 'Christians' in question actually read the Bible...
  17. Thanks for the updates and insights, all... The gig would be downtown, pretty close to the Iolani Palace and right on the Honolulu harbor. 'Preciate the recommendations about Hawaii on its own terms... I think that's a bit of a selling point, to be honest, since I tend to do pretty well finding a place and looking to connect/fit in without all the "what this needs is...." How I would manage that longer term, though, is up for debate. Another curveball is the possibility that the Mrs. would stay in the Northwest so the kiddo can graduate (doesn't do well with transitions). So, it could be an interesting two years- which makes the comments about making social connections a bit concerning. However, if I follow the sage advice given by other fine members of this esteemed community... I might be OK.
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