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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Well, we were young and strong and were runnin' against it. Might as well look fashionable while doing so.
  2. Wouldn't let him join in any Rangers games.
  3. In Soviet Russia, panties drop you.
  4. SIAP elsewhere- seemed to fit here as well:
  5. In the grad course that I teach where we talk about the Bremerton Coach and decision, we also (later) explore this story from Frisco TX in 2017: Texas Attorney General's Office Raises Concerns over Frisco School Prayer Room TLDR- Room set aside for student meditation and prayer to provide a space for Muslim students (who otherwise would leave campus for Salah). It's highlighted in a story written by a student for the school newspaper, and "online concern" leads to contacting the AG's office. AG Paxton begins investigation without even talking to anyone in the school or district (similar space is provided at another High School in the district, but I guess there weren't enough Karens to complain about that one). Takeaway line from the Superintendent- "(The letter) appears to be a publicity stunt by the OAG to politicize a non-issue."
  6. And the previous ones as "The Unprecedented Times"
  7. If Brisket won't do it, might I offer someone who would also relish the opportunity:
  8. True story- stopped off in a random bar and grill south of Addis Ababa, and they changed the jazz they were listening to and put on Don Williams. Not that I was complaining, but it was certainly a choice.
  9. More of a singer moving behind the kit, but nothing surprises me with Stevie. Dude is probably a master at the bagpipes too.
  10. Dear God... Please let her folks still be alive
  11. Yup. And most of them haven't been colored in yet!
  12. The "school choice" and "religious freedom" angle has been at the heart of the modern American Christian Conservative movement since the jump (especially post Brown). Interestingly enough- public education was a hallmark of the social gospel movement in the second half of the 19th century- Christians who saw their calling in educating kids who were otherwise working in factories or on farms, leading to public schooling (contemporary of Mann and Dewey) and child labor laws. Of course, American fundamentalism (and evangelicalism) were responses to the social gospel movement... so the Religious Right's pushback and the modern equivalent certainly make sense. Ironically, families who are likely to reject "gub'ment" being involved in education are often from economically depressed areas where other schooling may not be possible. Ah, well... better to be ignorant than "indoctrinated"
  13. No, I got that... I was making a reference to another debunked historical document that mouth breathers continue to venerate.
  14. Gorgeous photos! We're headed out in late July... how's your transition been?
  15. Well, it's probably the only way to keep the GOP from fucking this whole country (further) up the ass.
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