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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. It's not just religious zealotry that drives this, but a self centeredness that's at the heart of much of American life. Even if it's not a "I don't want other people to do things I don't like", we all have a little bit of "I don't want my money to be spent so that other people can do things that I don't like" in us. In this case, people with copious amounts of money feel even more territorial about it, and have the leverage to make everyone else's life miserable.
  2. That's the one I've been waiting for- I know him, and his family, from another life. Always angry, always looking for someone to blame and someone else to take advantage of
  3. So freaking cool- my understanding is that when you touch the nose/snout of a shark, you short circuit all of the bioelectrical sensors they use to hunt prey. That being said, I have no interest in testing "things I learned on the Discovery Channel" anytime soon
  4. Wait... So when we comment 'thigh' on a photo hereabouts, we're really saying "fetus"? That certainly changes some of my... Uh... Viewing habits.
  5. That's one of the places I agree with you. These passages aren't 'law', but seem to be taken as such by modern folks with a need for selective inerrancy.
  6. While I agree with you in a number of ways, many pro-life persons from Judeo-Christian frameworks will point to texts in the Psalms and Prophets (specifically Jeremiah) to support their "from conception" perspective. (I'd also note that, for Christians, this might be extended to include a passage from the Gospel of Luke)
  7. Water polio, then?
  8. Same for beets.... There was a comedian/podcaster (Carolla?) that said restaurants needed to give a red wristband to people who ordered beets, so they'd remember and not freak out the next day.
  9. Well, Gary Indiana has always been a bit freaky...
  10. The heat dome that might be coming next week is projecting temps into the 80s and perhaps low 90s... so even our "heat" is often cooler. (I'll be in Maui, so it won't make a shit to me)
  11. There's actually another bill that's a counter to the Equality Act and has full support of the Mormon church. It's modeled on a bill that passed in Utah, and works to balance LGBTQAI rights and protections with respect for religious beliefs as well. It ain't perfect, but at least it shows effort
  12. And suddenly, the average IQ went up in that room, while the BMI average strikingly went down
  13. If it helps, she's got Instagram and her own TikTok
  14. Just down the shore from our place... Golden Gardens is appropriately named.
  15. Shhhhh... Stop it. It's terrible here. Unbearable homelessness, de-funded police, women who don't shave (although those might be sasquatches), rampant communism, critical race theory all over the sidewalks. No one should move here. Not at all. It's better wherever you are... trust me. 😏
  16. Put them in the driver's seat of her car
  17. Maybe he's Charles Barkley?
  18. Every time you come down the stairs, move them one step down. When they're at the landing, start moving them towards the door. I did this with a pair of shoes and a bag of knitting supplies. Once they were on the porch and headed down the stairs towards the sidewalk, somebody got the hint and put them where they should have been to begin with.
  19. Still disappointed that Warren is not an option or more involved in this administration
  20. I often drunkenly argue that journeyman Art Howe was the glue that kept that team together...
  21. And wasn't there a ton of phone call transcripts that were stored on a top-secret server and couldn't be accessed for the Mueller investigation? Wouldn't the current staff have those passwords and such?
  22. But then Congress would cease to be representative of our citizenry.
  23. Well, we were young and strong and were runnin' against it. Might as well look fashionable while doing so.
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