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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Little cloak room here, but just barely
  2. "Dear Penthouse... I never imagined that this would happen to me, but..."
  3. This is the only place I could think of to post this... if I've had to see it, you should too:
  4. Holy shit... That means Liz can celebrate the first Thanksgiving all by herself.
  5. I think you spelled "fat" incorrectly. Shit... Sumbitch probably drinks caffeine free Diet Dew on the regular
  6. Imagining is pretty much my only option
  7. But when I Google "Force masturbation", I get to spend the rest of the day with HR.
  8. He spent his day coming and going
  9. Feels like @Mitch Cumsteen 's wife might have a solution for some of your wife's problems
  10. "I need a vehicle and/or a location for my encounters... If only there was a sign that could help me..."
  11. And Carol Burnett (at least in terms of a golden age of television comedy)
  12. I hated this show. That being said, if they really are the embodiment of one person (split in two), then representing the duality of their opinion on this makes sense. It would also follow, though, that there's not going to be a time where they are both "good" or "bad", only that they can both be "neutral" (conflicted, torn, confused, whatevs) at the same time.
  13. I thought making tractors was the Lamborghini thing...
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