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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. At this moment, she means everything.
  2. Most of mine are already listed, but let me add my #1:
  3. NWBuck

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    Found this interesting:
  4. Same here. I thought it might be the vaccine, but it could also be the fresh plums and apricots cleaning out my digestive tract and keeping people from wanting to be anywhere near me due to the ongoing flatulence. The way I figure it, if they can smell it, they ain't got Covid... so I'm doing a public service of sorts.
  5. True. Tribalism is definitely a factor, although I think that tribalism is more of a choice than an overarching cultural norm.
  6. And (at the risk of characterizing too broadly), being culturally collectivistic (vs. individualistic) certainly has to help in situations like this.
  7. The Pope/Lama/Prophet recommending the vaccine is all the proof some people need of the Clown's conclusion.
  8. NWBuck

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    Your point about the prison as a substitute for slavery also reflects the amount of merchandise made for places like Wal-Mart (to keep the 'low, low prices' and 'made in America' gravy train going for America's richest family). But your critique doesn't factor in the for-profit prisons (here's one case where a judge gave sentencing with capacity benchmarks in mind). Prisons seem to be designed to protect money, save money, and make money.
  9. NWBuck

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    Seems like a good thread for this to be posted again:
  10. Good enough for Wayne, good enough for me
  11. Caught Lake Street Dive at a winery near Seattle last night- outdoor show, rain beforehand, but a really great night. They played quite a bit from their new release, and said that this was the start of their autumn tour. They've mixed up their lineup (new keyboard and guitar), which really added quite a bit to their music.
  12. Same, although I was trying to take a dump such that it would coil around the toilet bowl
  13. The Dude abides (in the hospital). Great to hear he's better... If the unwashed vax-es cost us Bridges, there'd be heck to pay.
  14. Yup.... it led to some really shitty hair-metal as well.
  15. And you'd only see the back and top of her head in his lap
  16. Like none of us have had any recycled pussy...
  17. Maybe the wall that Texas wanted to build on the border had a different purpose altogether?
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