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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Even though it didn't work out the way he'd hoped, it was still a good gesture. When those things beach themselves, you've got to get them back into the water however possible.
  2. Damn! What did Gary ever do to you?? That'd really eff up the property values...
  3. I'm going to have to try that one... whole lot more romantic than "hey, wanna' screw?"
  4. Always said Alito was a marthafucker
  5. Motherfucker needs to keep both Sam AND Dave away from his train wreck campaign
  6. NWBuck

    Worst covers

    And have the right artist...
  7. That's awesome... I don't let our dog sleep on the living room couch, let alone a spider.
  8. This is my situation, on two levels- the "we need a system" and the "let's buy lots of this bullshit cooking ingredient that we only need one tablespoon of because we may use it in the future" genes. For column A, my response is "The problem isn't the lack of a system, the problem is that none you believe it's not just easier to jam stuff back in the cabinet when you're done with it". Luckily, I have a box in my garage filled with remnants of three different "systems" that all ended up in the house under the guise of "But if I get this new thing, it'll motivate me to keep using it." Unfortunately, that same logic gets shot down when included in my casual appreciation for her very attractive co-worker (no pics). Column B is managed by my throwing away one box/container of the bullshit every two weeks. I'd like to report that no one notices, but I did have to deal with the "See! My new system works- look how much less crowded the cabinets are!" Which then led me again to retrieve the system in question from the box in the garage.
  9. Because your 'right' example was football related, I thought this said Ron Dayne (which would have made it technically correct)
  10. Really good thread on this from earlier this morning... Author wrote a new book about the topic. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1790332531872546844.html
  11. Any intercourse with Boebert is fucking an asshole
  12. Dana Gould covers Corman's career midway through his latest podcast https://www.danagould.com/hecks-angels/ (which is also worth the listen for the Phil Hendrie stuff)
  13. OK, @Dahobbs, new question... I've got a database where folks are filling in information, but there are a lot of categories that are blank. (Specifically, we're hiring, and my database shows all the positions- my staff updates demographic info when the positions are filled) I've got another table which pulls out limited info (name, position, pay rate), and I'd prefer that Finance wouldn't have to wade through all the blank rows (open positions). Is there a way to create a table that hides rows if one cell (last name, for instance) is empty/blank and then unhides the row if that cell gets updated? I'll hang up an listen.
  14. A few photos from Seattle in the pictures post, but here's another
  15. Borrowed from an online forum, adapted for my parameters: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' define Timestamp output column Const TimeStampColumn As String = "I" ' Observe C2:E1048576 for changes Dim RangeToObserve As Range Set RangeToObserve = Me.Range("A3:E" & Me.Rows.Count) ' Get all changed cells within the observed range Dim ChangedCells As Range Set ChangedCells = Application.Intersect(Target, RangeToObserve) If Not ChangedCells Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False On Error GoTo ENABLE_EVENTS ' make sure in case of errors events get enabled! Dim Row As Variant ' write timestamp for every changed row For Each Row In ChangedCells.Rows With Me.Cells(Row.Row, TimeStampColumn) .Value = Now() .NumberFormat = "dd\/mm\/yyyy hh:mm" End With Next Row On Error GoTo 0 End If ENABLE_EVENTS: Application.EnableEvents = True If Err Then ' make sure to raise the error otherwise it will be silent and you will never notice that anything went wrong. Err.Raise Err.Number End If End Sub
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